View Full Version : I'm FAT .... are you?

06-17-2004, 03:26 PM
All of my life I was teeny tiny and generally underweight. Of course I am small-framed and only 5'1". Over the past few years, I guess about 5 or so now, I have increasingly gained and gained and gained!!! :rolleyes: I am pretty positive it started the most when I had to start on anti-depressants ... which I will most likely be on for life. :( Anyway .... I am now diabetic thanks to my ballooned weight and lousy eating habits.

Now ... to my purpose of this poll (do I have one...lol)


Basically I have become "comfortable" so to speak with being "fat".... not comfortable in a healthy sense, my blood sugar is very hard to control and I feel lousy most of the time. :( By comfortable I mean .... content, accustomed, settled, non-motivated to change. Hmmm.... could it be that I actually enjoy being fat!!!??? I don't know ... but I know that people (women in particular) tend to accept me better and treat me nicer. I was fairly attractive when I was thin, and had very few female friends ..... which I think is the case for most girls ... and it is a SAD testament to how insecure we women are!!!! :( Also, I have been amazingly surprised at how "accepting" my hubby is of my fuller figure! Could it also be that he feels more secure at this point in our lives with having a wife that doesn't get "the looks" anymore????

What do you all think? I am posting this poll with many choices ...

06-17-2004, 03:34 PM
I'm happy with myself:)

06-17-2004, 03:36 PM
Im happy with the way I am!! Im nither thin nor fat...kind of in the middle. I could stand to loose about 10 lbs or so but hey, I eat healthy *have to, I have the oposite problem of you Kim* and my hubby thinks Im attractive *and his friends do too...ick*.

06-17-2004, 03:50 PM
I graduated high school as a very in-shape, thin girl. Started college about 5 years ago and got diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Then the pounds started piling on :( It has been very hard for me and I hate my body now. I'm really making an effort to get myself back in shape, but diabetes really complicates things.

Off the topic, but if you ever need moral support or have questions about diabetes, please don't hesitate to email me. It is a constant battle of emotions and not easy, but I feel like I'm finally coming to terms with it. Naomi is also diabetic and she has helped me out emotionally so much. Sometimes it just helps to have another diabetic to talk to. I assume you have type 2, are you on pills or insulin? I'm insulin dependant and give myself 4 shots a day .. very used to it though!

06-17-2004, 04:00 PM
I didn't vote as nothing really matched the way I feel about myself.
I'm not fat, but definately not thin!
I've never been a thin person but a couple of years ago when I was having my thyroid problem I lost alot (about 50 lbs) of weight. Of course then I could eat what I want and didn't gain weight (but I felt terrible all the time:( ). I loved being thin since I had never been before. I could wear a size 3/4 and was extatic about it.
But now that I have things under control I've gained about 30 of those lbs back:rolleyes: and am wearing a size 9. Which is smaller than I was before.
I think if I could just exercise (which I hate:o ) I would look just fine.
So I guess I'm happy with my weight just not my flab:p

06-17-2004, 04:08 PM
I've never been thin, even in high school when I was in sports year round. It has never bothered me. Ideally, I should loose weight, but realistically, I stilll play softball and take jazz lessons, and for the most part can keep up ith the high school girls I take a classes with. If I was uncomfortable or unable to do those things, I would be concerned, but for now I am happy with my fat, food loving self!!!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-17-2004, 04:13 PM
I'm the opposite of you Kim, tall - 5'10" to be exact, so it's a little easier for me to "hide" a lot of extra weight. Most people are amazed when I tell them what I weigh because I don't look it becuase it's spread out so much. ;)

I've struggled with my weight ever since I was a teenager, but now that I've gotten older I feel comfortable even when I've gained a few pounds. I find that it's not necessarily how much one weighs, but the attitude and self-confidence they portray that makes the difference in how people react to them.

In our society so much emphasis is put on being thin and having the "perfect" body. Most women think if they gain a few pounds men will think they're "fat" and unattractive. Again, that's not the case - it's the attitude and self-confidence that men find attractive and the poor self-confidence they find a turn off. I just wish more young girls would realize this sooner.....

ALTHOUGH it does appear that being overweight is becoming more and more acceptable in our society and that is not a good thing just because of the health implications of it. But I know losing and maintaining a healthy weight is a very difficult thing, and sometimes you just feel like saying to hell with it all and not have food run your life all the time - at least that's the way I feel sometimes. ;) :)

06-17-2004, 04:51 PM
i did't choose any of them, because none really apply to me. i know i'm not "fat" but i feel like i'm fatter than i should be, so i'm constantly trying to loose weight (which, due to my extreme love of chocolate, cake and sweets in general, doesn't really work) i'm 5'6'' and i wiegh 139 puonds. it makes me feel really fat even though i know it's alot of muscle wieght...but still. anyway, i feel fat, but i don't think i really am compared to other people my age. that's actually one of my biggest fears of getting older (even though i'm only 14) , is getting fat...i love being in shape and i would hate it if i were one of those people who doesn't have enough time to work out, and when they do they're stuck on a treadmill in a gym somewhere. anyway, end of post now ;)

06-17-2004, 05:17 PM
I'm not really thin, but not fat. I'm happy the way I am.:)

06-17-2004, 05:24 PM
I am 5'3" and weigh 143 lbs. My highest weight ever was 150 just about a month ago before my wisdom tooth surgery. When I got married in April of 2003 I weighed somewhere between 120-125. I hear that marriage makes a lot of people gain weight:rolleyes: Mostly because people are a) under a lot of stress, or b) finally content and not worried about what everyone else thinks. I fall under B. I have the greatest husband who loves me so much and just tells me that any weight I put on is "More to love". That statement is sooooo cheesy, but I know he means it.
On the other hand, I know that I need to lose some weight because I am above my healthy weight range. I'm trying, but my thyroid is all messed up and (I think) slightly overmedicated so it is quite difficult to shed the flab. So anywho, I wear a size 13 in Juniors (though I *DO* have one size 8 skirt that fits nicely) and I wouldn't mind being back in single digits, but as long as my heart and all that is healthy, I'm happy:)

06-17-2004, 05:45 PM
yea, I'm pleasantly plump. But I thank God that I'm ugly, 'cause I don't want dirty old men staring anyway. :p

I'm trying to lose some weight right now, watching what I eat, and filling up on fresh fruit & veggies. It's a tad bit discouraging 'cause our scale at work reads 16 pounds heavier than here at home. And I have a feeling it's more accurate. :mad: :(

My main goal is to be comfortable and lose a dress size. I'm currently a 16, but I want to get down to a 14.

06-17-2004, 05:50 PM
I have always been prone to overweight but nothing like now:rolleyes: My usual adult weight at 5"5" was 140-150 pounds and size 10/12. Bad stress events and health troubles over the past 4 years and I am carrying 60 extra pounds and my clothes have X's instead of numbers. I feel miserable this way. I have moderate kidney failure and also have thyroid disease which complicates everything (shared it with Missy!!) I look at pictures of the way I used to look and thought I was fat then! Now I see that I looked GREAT! Sheesh! I was actually rather normal and nice looking. I just did not know it. Thankfully, hubby still thinks I look like a Rueben painting and I figure God times loss of eyesight at just the correct age:D
Anyway, I am going to Curves (a woman only workout place three times a week), but BAD about eating too many sweets:rolleyes:
Yes, I used to get hit on before and that doesn't happen anymore and there is a chance I have uglied myself up in an attempt to keep such unwanted advances away. I was also accused of being flirty - which I never was.
I recently bought some new clothes to replace to ever present baggy sweats and scrubs, but I sure would like to grab things off the racks again or just slip into anything out of my closet!!

06-17-2004, 05:52 PM
Yep, I'm fat. It's not so much the looks that bother me but it's the health issues. I know I'm not even close to being in shape so I'm planning on working really hard to get back into shape this summer. If I was still fat but pretty much in shape, I'd be content with myself.

06-17-2004, 05:56 PM
I'm not heavily overweight, nor skinny, but I think I could lose a few more pounds.

I try to go jogging with Daisy every other day, and since summer is here I'll be able to do that more often. Maybe I'll even try the treadmill, or start lifting weights. My diet is pretty good, since I'm not really into a whole lot of "junk food".

06-17-2004, 06:27 PM
Yep, I'm fat and not happy about it, yet not motvated to do much about it. In high school I was between 111 and 125 and thought I was so fat. I look at those pictures now and would give a finger to be that skinny. I'm not going to say how much I weigh. Too much :). I wear a 16, too. I would be happy in a 8 or ten, cause I like a not TOO skinny figure. Plus I'm short, 5'3,, so my 16 is probably someone else's 18-20 :( I too have a BF that says he loves me no matter what, but if you're not happy with yourself that's hard to accept.

06-17-2004, 06:37 PM
Yes, I am.

I've been made fun of because of my weight since before I can remember, even by a few PT'ers. But you know what? I could careless about people's rude comments... it just shows how shallow and low they are.

I have many friends, which all of them I love to pieces. Some are large, some are small, some are in between. Each and everyone of them respect me for me, no matter my weight, and I'm the same towards them. To me, being able to accept someone no matter what size they are, shows a real truely wonderful person.

But, it'd be nice if every person could be more like our animals, and accept us like they do.

06-17-2004, 06:39 PM
Well said, Kay .... I was just curious if it was really "ok" for me to be comfortable where I am ... you know? Gosh, I guess I need some sort of justification whether I'm thin or fat .... pretty sad huh? :rolleyes:

06-17-2004, 07:38 PM
Ah, the weight subject. I have been the same size now to for three years. Of course this is the highest I've ever weighed :rolleyes: I was always a yo-yo dieter. Now that I'm home all the time, I've been gaining a few pounds, and thats not making me happy, but all in all I'm happier now than ever, regardless my weight.

I pulled out the treadmill and cleaned it off today so I have all intentions in the world of using it starting..... Monday!! LOL

When I was thin - I ate very little and was always lightheaded. Always. And I got migraines very easily. It turned out that everything I was eating to keep my weight down were migraine triggers - yogurt, pickles, raisins, various nuts and cheeses. I ate a high protein diet and was doing very well on it maintaining a low weight. However I was always in agony with migraines. When I cut out the triggers, I started piling on pounds FAST. At least 20 pounds in 3 months :eek: Then another 30 within another 6 months. I am heavy, but now I don't have food triggered migraines and am never lightheaded. I soooo rather being heavy that feeling like I'm going to pass out at any minute, or feeling like my head was being bashed in with a hammer.

Also, when I was thin, I dated this man. He was so frantic about food. He used to be very fat and because annoying like Richard Simmons about weight and calories and fat counts, and UGH! He refused to chew gum, and wouldn't ever consider cake or cookies! He watched everything I ate and commented on it. I was the thinnest I ever was with him... but then I'd leave his house after a date. Then I'd stop at Dunkin Donuts, buy SIX donuts and eat them while I cried my whole way home! I dont; have to do that anymore either. I have no interest in donuts - let alone SIX!!!

Whew... I talked a lot. Would you ever know this is a big subject for me? :D

06-17-2004, 08:00 PM
Well, to me, I'm fat. I've never been"thin" nor will I ever be. I am big boned...large rib cage, broad shoulders..almost 5'10". When I graduated high school in 2001 I was a size 8. Now 3 years later I am 35 lbs-40lbs heavier. I go through spurts of losing 15 lbs but then gain probably 12 of it back. I know I am only going to go down though. I haven't gone past a certain weight the whole time. I am determined to atleast get to a size 10. I think I will be there by the end of this year. I am losing bit by bit since I am constantly active this summer with running a camp. Once that it done, I will be going to my gym a lot more often. I know how to eat properly and what kind of exercise to do, I just have to commit myself and curve my cravings and late night meals. :)

Nice thread...I think quite a few of us can relate and it's a nice way to release some feelings each of us may have. :)

06-17-2004, 08:21 PM
I've never really thought much about weight until the last few
years. My waistline is expanding in my "senior" years.:rolleyes:

Oh, well. I am who I am. As long as you are healthy & happy
within yourself it shouldn't matter. :)

06-17-2004, 08:22 PM
Hi Kim,

When I was in high school oh so many years ago I was thin. At 5'2" I weighed 110 soaking wet. I ran 6 miles on the beach every other day and the days I didn't run I played 2 hours of racquetball. I also rode my 10 speed 5 miles a day to take care of my horse and raced motorcycles in the desert. I was so fit. But I have ALWAYS been a sugar addict. I could sit down with a can of vanilla frosting and a spoon and be in seventh heaven. My BF at the time used to call me blumpy. I am not sure why. My stomach was so flat that when I layed down on the floor on my tummy I would get bruises on my hips. I felt fat all the time.

I moved out of my parents house and for several years my weight didn't get too bad. A few pounds gained but I kept them off by dancing in the clubs in El Paso almost every night while training horses during the day. But in 1984 I decided to go to college. The weight started piling on. Too many bad relationships with men and depression. My step-father trying to get me to have sex with him while he was still married to my mother and having to keep that a secret for over a year. He finally found another sucker to sleep with him and left my mom. I started to work through my anger and when not expecting to ever meet someone I met my hubby online in a chat room.

When I met my husband I weighed in at 285. :eek: :eek:

He didn't care. He loved me for who I was inside. I now weigh in at 245. I too was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes about a year and a half ago. I struggle with it every day. I am still a sugar addict. I am on 1000 mg of glucophage twice a day and still my sugars are around 150 to 200 every day. My doctor is going to want to change meds and I really don't want to. I feel fine I just can't seem to get either my weight or my blood sugar levels down where he wants them.

But my husband makes me feel more beautiful and thinner and sexier at this weight than any of the other twits I dated when I was thin ever did. After three years of marriage he still wants me all the time. He is still my best friend and we would still rather do things together than apart. I still get butterflies in my tummy and happy anxious feelings when we are apart and work thinking about how much fun we are going to have when we get home. Playing X-box...watching TV...reading together or playing with the cats.

I also have closer and better female friends at this weight than I ever did thin.


06-17-2004, 08:23 PM
I am very happy with myself being thin.. I wouldn't be able to stand being fat, not with all that I do.. Or just period.

06-17-2004, 08:30 PM

I am very sorry someone has every made fun of you because of your weight. It is a horribly cruel thing for anyone to ever do. I once had a jerk at a bar try and shove me off a bar stool as if I didn't exist. He called me a fat pig and basically said I had no business being there as no one would ever want to be around me anyway and I was taking up valuable space.

I stood my ground and said to him in the most condescending voice I could drum up...."Well I may be fat but I can always lost my weight...you are stuck with who you are for life you spineless excuse for a man. And just so you know this "fat chick" wouldn't lower herself to sleep with you ever! You are not even worth the amount of time and energy I have already spent upon your sorry self". I got cheers from the other people around us. He left with a very red face.

And to all you young and thin teenagers out there who think you are NEVER going to be fat....well....life has a way of catching up to you. Babies, changes in metabolism, depression, abusive relationships and illness are all things that can and do happen to women every day that change their bodies in ways the arrogance of youth NEVER thought would happen.


06-17-2004, 08:36 PM
I have always been heavy and caught the same crap in school. I was doing really well in my early 20's until my man troubles started. From then on, it's been pretty much downhill. And a lot of it is the movies/magazines, etc fault. The women that are stars to me are way too skinny and I wouldn't want to be like that. However, it would be nice to be quite a bit smaller. And, at least when you are big, and people like you, you know they like you for who you are instead of the way you look. Most men never change, I've discovered. A sad but true fact. And Denyce, good for you for telling off that man! I would have loved to have been there.

06-17-2004, 08:45 PM
I am overweight. I like myself, and am not as concerned as I should be about being overweight. I do want to exercise, theoretically, but other things just seem more important until another day has gone by without exercising.

My weight, whatever it has been, has never really affected my self-esteem. Maybe it should - I'd exercise more?

Losing weight is the right thing for me for so many reasons - long-term health, avoiding knee and joint problems, extra wear and tear on various systems ... I have seen older people who were overweight at my age, and it ain't pretty. I just need to do it.

06-17-2004, 08:52 PM
I am one of those people who has different sizes in my wardrobe, until I had children (my excuse) I was reasonably petite, I am not tall, and not big-boned, but like a lot of you have gradually gained weight over the years, I have been thin, middle of the range and what I consider large for me, I am in the middle right now, but by doctors standards I am overweight, I hide it well, and am always being told you are not fat, hmm, well they don't see underneath what I see.

As you age it gets harder and harder to loose the weight, and the body fat becomes more, unless you are an active exerciser, which is hard for me because of my muscle aches and pains, a catch 22, but i do walk when I can.

My weight has yoe-yoed up and down since the birth of my first child, and I am very unhappy with my weight, I long to be slim , I love fashion, and long to wear some of the beautiful clothes that are out there, for now I Settle for 2nd best I think, for me not being thin is a major issue in my life, and unlike some I cannot accept myself not being small as I used to be, and I WON'T either, I am always continually dieting, weightwatchers, I do it the healthy way, and am presently doing just that again, having had a bit of a gain over these winter months, my usual pattern, put on over winter, start loosing for summer, reach so far and never get any further.

I am a different person when I am at goal, I have much more confidence, more outgoing, and just plain happier within myself, and I keep telling myself well if that is what is so important to you, why can you not get it off and keep it off, for me that is the hardest part actually staying at goal.

I weighed in at 55 kilos on my wedding day 13 yrs ago, and I had lost over 21 kilos, I don't have unrealistic expectations to reach that again, I would look haggard at that weight now I am older, but my pre-pregnancy weight before daughter was born is perfect and that is my goal again.

Kim I am glad you brought this subject up as it is a very big part of my life, I know loosing weight does not suddenly make everything perfect, but to me it sure goes a long way to achieving it. Just my thoughts.:)

PS I should mention it is not only a looks issue for me, I want to avoid all the problems associated with being overweight, I am putting myself at risk for the high blood pressure, diabetes, breast cancer that all runs in my family,so staying at goal is vital to my well-being, as well as my self esteem.

The comment you made Cookiebaker, about not wanting dirty old men looking at you, made me want to fess up to something , when I was young and slim, I hated the attention I received from guys woof whistling etc etc, I was painfully shy, and some part of me says well whilst I am overweight , no chance of that happening, and it makes me feel safe, of course now I am older not much chance of that happening again anyhow lol(now i wish for the attention lol),but it was something I had difficulty with, although I always tryed to look attractive, I still hated the attention . I know strange. Keep in mind i used to work in a Naval base, lots of sailors and an engineering firm, lots of young engineers who knew I was painfully shy and loved to tease the hell out of me and see my face go beet red.

06-17-2004, 09:07 PM
Yeah, I am.

But I don't care too much. Never been good in gym class, never will be. I am what I am, it doesn't matter if I can run the mile in 6 minutes or 12.

I am tall (5'9") so I can hid most of it easily. I am less wide than people that weigh as much as I do that are 6" shorter than me.

PILATES! I did Pilates for a week then stopped... :o But it really worked wonders... 9 pounds lost in that one week... but when I stopped, it came back, so I need to start again.

I look a little chunky in this one...

This is me 2 or 3 years ago...

06-17-2004, 11:02 PM
Originally posted by petlover
I am very happy with myself being thin.. I wouldn't be able to stand being fat, not with all that I do.. Or just period.
Hmmm... I seem to remember my daughter saying those same exact words just two years ago when she was 14 too. An amazing thing happens when those hormones start revving up! :D Ash swims at least a mile a day and eats properly, but she's still 5'1" tall and weighing in at well... the shorts she bought the other day are size 9/11. She's got rather ample bottom and thighs.

My other daughter is 14 now and she swims, runs and plays soccer for three different teams (soon to be 4) Needless to say, the girl is active. Yet, she knows that within the next few years her sister's bottom will have been cloned on her. Its simple genetics. She sees it starting already.

As Denyce said, don't think you're above gaining weight. My girls' birth mother was always pettie and perfectly flat tummy (with ample bottom) and is now sporting clothing from the "Women's Section" of the mall. I don't want to make you think its hopeless. Just understand that you aren't the number on the scale or the size on the label. and if you think you are, then your self esteem is tied up in the wrong part of you. Focus on your intelligence, humor, creativity, intensity, but not on your waist size.

06-17-2004, 11:09 PM
All of your posts have really gotten me thinking even more! I appreciate your openness and willingness to share your feelings on this delicate subject! I think for me, being overweight gives me a sense of freedom from worry. As a thin young woman, I always felt pressured to dress a certain way, and everything had to fit every curve just right ... and I was NEVER totally satisfied! :rolleyes: Now that I am overweight, it just doesn't matter to me anymore, I can buy something simply because I like the fabric or the color or print and it is comfortable to wear .... and don't have to worry about it being form-fitting to perfection!!! Now, I would like to believe, that when people look at me, they can truly like ME for whom I am ... and if they compliment my outfit, then they truly like my outfit, and my taste in color ... and not just whether it is the latest trend, or if it fits my body accordingly! I am much happier and accepting of myself as well. I see my spirit, my heart, my willingness to help others, and my compassion for those who are hurting .... I don't see me on the surface anymore, I see me INSIDE. Am I just finally growning up? Maybe! But I also truly believe that by giving up my superficial perceptions of myself, I have found my TRUE self!
Thanks for listening!

06-17-2004, 11:24 PM
I am not in shape, but I am not fat... nor am I skinny like a tooth pick...
I dont eat when i am bored... and I jogg everyday.
umm, I have felt insecure of course like most ladies my age..
but umm.. yeah this post is weird...
I dont know what to write... I didnt choose an option.

06-17-2004, 11:26 PM
Gee Kim, I wish some of your esteem would rub off on me! Maybe you are not as overweight as I am - that and the fact that my current gain is rapid and recent? I have always been *round* and though I felt fat - I was OK with it - dressed nicely, etc. Size 10 or 12 is no big deal - it is average and acceptable to me. But X's - I hate it. I also feel like a slug. I just want to fit in regular clothes again. I really think I have done this to sabotage myself after all the stress of the past years - ugly up so I am unattractive. hmmm....I don't ever aim to be thin - it isn't in my genes:D But pushing 200 pounds at 5'5" is too large for me:( I am happiest at a plump 150-160.

guster girl
06-17-2004, 11:32 PM
I've always been small. The most I've ever weighed was 125, I think. I hated it, and, have since lost most of the weight I want to lose. I just started feeling lethargic all the time, and, unable to focus. Just always felt tired, that's what really made me realize I wasn't healthy. So, I started eating better. I'm at 116 now, and, am working out again. I finally feel better. But, as far as my friends go, I don't think I've ever intimidated anyone in my life. I was voted "most compatible" my senior year in high school, and, I'm not the hottest chick around but, I get approached all the time by men (from unattractive to super hot, all ages) and, they tell me it's because I look "approachable". Not sure if that's always a good thing or not. Ha. But, whatever, I am happy with the way I feel again, and, that's all that matters. I have friends of all shapes and sizes, all races and ages. Doesn't matter, just have a good heart and an even better sense of humor. :) I just say take care of yourself. If you're healthy and you feel good, it doesn't matter what you weigh.

06-17-2004, 11:40 PM
Deb .... when I was firsted diagnosed with diabetes I was at 187lbs.... by my home scale (no telling at the Dr.'s office) :rolleyes: Keep in mind, I am barely 5'1" if I am standing straight as an arrow!!! I was wearing 18's and even knocking on the door of 20's .... I was so uncomfortable, my arms were way too short to fit my size ... I was miserable and sad. :( Once I was diagnosed, I was all ready to watch my sugars and I did great the first few months .... I dropped about 18 lbs, and my diabetes counsellor called me his "poster child" ! :rolleyes: Well, needless to say the next 3 month visit and I was back up around 170 or so and I am maintaining around 172 now. I am at least "down to" a size 16 and can even SQUEEZE into really stretchy 14's ... you know the spandex jeans with elastic waists!!! LOL!!! Of course, I have to wear long tops over them to hide the fact that I poured myself into them!!!! ;) So I guess in all honesty and reality, I am a size 16. But I am so dog gones short and have really tiny lower legs, that large sized pants look terrible past my belly! Oh well, I wear lots of loose dresses and stretch pants.

Don't get me wrong, Debbie ... I have my moments when I am utterly disgusted with myself ... but for the most part, I have just gotten settled into my new self, and as long as I can get my diabetes under control ... I will be fine!

;) My main problem is my family ...... I'm so sick of the disappointment and disgust I see in theirs eyes when they remember their long lost "little Kim"! :mad:

06-18-2004, 12:08 AM
I am fat and actually considered obese.

I wasn't going to answer this question because I honestly don't know how to answer it. I have tons of mixed emotions about all of this. I hate being fat! I feel uncomfortable, there are tons of things that are hard for me to do because of my weight, things that I would love to do. I feel like people are looking at me all the time and judging me. I have been mooed at and ridiculed. It is not fun. I even use to weigh 50+ more pounds than I do now! I hated it when people found out that I had cancer and they would look at me from head to foot and say "Well, you don't look sick." I know what they were really saying, Geesh, cancer didn't help you to lose weight. No, it didn't I guess that way I was unfortunate. I didn't get to lose a ton of weight and look like a real sicky. I had to take pills that made me blow up even more! I use to hide in the house and not go anywhere except for my son's activities. If it wasn't for having a child I probably would have never went anywhere. I can remember clear back to the age of 12 of being ridiculed by my family and not feeling accepted. I have tried very hard now to overcome these feelings and accept myself for who I am. I am a good person and I can also can be fun to hang out with....lol..I think so anyway. Yes, I would still like to lose weight but I don't know if that will ever happen. The one way it has made me a better person is that I am not judgmental about people. I am always able to find someting beautiful about someone. To me everyone has something special about their looks. One of my biggest problems is that I always seem to feel most uncomfortable around my family. I don't know why that is. my dad always has to make cracks about our weight, he is overweight also and sometimes I just get tired of hearing the same ol thing. My sister who is a size six and sometimes even smaller is constantly talking about her body and how bad she looks and how she has cellulite and blah blah blah. I'm sorry but I just can't stand to listen to it. Iknow that everyone has issues with their bodies but when you are a size six and talking to someone who wears a size 22 on good day I just don't want to hear it. Of course I was bold enough to bring that up but then I was accused of being selfish and not listening to her problems and I was just turning the whole thing into something about me. *sigh* My parents and my sister and her husband have boats and are going boating saturday afternoon and I am suppose to go. I can't stand the thought of going. I just don't understand why I fee that way. Alden and I have been lucky enough to take several beach vacations and I never felt bad about how I looked. Alden always makes me feel good and maybe it is because I don't know anyone there but I feel completely relaxed if it is just me and him hanging out. See, I should have never replied to this. I don't even know what I'm trying to say.

I think I will give this subject up.

Robin :rolleyes:

06-18-2004, 12:50 AM
I've been thin all of my life so I guess I've been very lucky. I'm also almost 5'10" so if I do gain an extra 5 lbs I can hide it well.:) Since I'm now in my 40's though I've gained a little extra weight. I used to exercise regularly and I haven't now for well over a year. It's so hard to get back into it once you've stopped.

I'm not one to worry about my weight too much and I rarely weigh myself. I'm small boned so too much weight doesn't look good on me. I think my heaviest has been between 145-150lbs. I feel my best at 135lbs though. Some people think I look too thin but I never starve myself and I try to eat healthy foods. My dad was quite thin until he reached his 50's because he had a high metabolism. I'm hoping that I've taken after him.

I have friends in all shapes and sizes and I've never been a threat to women. I'd like to be able to live a long healthy life so I'm going to start an exercise program some time soon. I'm doing this for me and not anyone else. Now I just need to get motivated.:)

06-18-2004, 12:57 AM
Originally posted by kimlovescats
All of my life I was teeny tiny and generally underweight. Of course I am small-framed and only 5'1". Over the past few years, I guess about 5 or so now, I have increasingly gained and gained and gained!!! :rolleyes: I am pretty positive it started the most when I had to start on anti-depressants ... which I will most likely be on for life. :( Anyway .... I am now diabetic thanks to my ballooned weight and lousy eating habits.

Now ... to my purpose of this poll (do I have one...lol)


Basically I have become "comfortable" so to speak with being "fat".... not comfortable in a healthy sense, my blood sugar is very hard to control and I feel lousy most of the time. :( By comfortable I mean .... content, accustomed, settled, non-motivated to change. Hmmm.... could it be that I actually enjoy being fat!!!??? I don't know ... but I know that people (women in particular) tend to accept me better and treat me nicer. I was fairly attractive when I was thin, and had very few female friends ..... which I think is the case for most girls ... and it is a SAD testament to how insecure we women are!!!! :( Also, I have been amazingly surprised at how "accepting" my hubby is of my fuller figure! Could it also be that he feels more secure at this point in our lives with having a wife that doesn't get "the looks" anymore????

What do you all think? I am posting this poll with many choices ... Guess what? due to MY poor eating habits,(I'm on a see food diet. I see food I eat it!) the doctor said monday that I was borderline diabetic!!

06-18-2004, 01:31 AM
WOW....a thread on being over-weight, I didn't think that was allowed!;)
I'm not sure how to put it into words.....I was thin as a kid, active, etc. Then in my teen years, I was still ok up until I'd say about 18-19 yrs. I had a very BAD relationship with a bf & I ate for comfort literally. I have to admit at this point I wasn't as active either.
I'm now 28, 5'10 & I'd like to loose about 80 pounds.
I have 2 friends with very different outlooks on this subject:
My 1st friend (Tara) who I talk about a lot says she has the "pear" shape (the one J Lo has with the bigger bottom) & thinks that is the most difficult to loose. She has literally tried every diet, exercise equipment, videos, pills, etc., known to man / women. She's the 1 up late at night watching all of the infommercials!
In fact, there was a time last year that we signed a waiver to each other to loose the weight....still hasn't happened!
I think she wants to loose about 20 pounds or so. Of course, in her situation it doesn't help much to have a mother that tells her she has a big butt. (her mom is skinny)
We've tried exercising together, pills, videos, nothing has worked yet. I'm just NOT the exercising type. In fact, I HATE IT!!!
I've tried Hydroxycut, Dexatrim, Hot Rox. The side effects were BAD for me....heart racing, suicidal, nausea, insomnia, dry mouth.
I just figured the pills weren't going to be worth it for me.
We're still trying to loose the weight though.
My 2nd friend (Marci) she must weigh....oh, I'd say 100 pounds. She wears a size 0-4. When we went shopping the last time, she found a cute shirt in the "GIRLS section".
Her motto is: Everyone is beautiful in their own ways, NO MATTER WHAT SIZE THEY ARE!!!!
AHHH....words to live by or should I say she doesn't have to worry about size.
Oh well, no matter what size we all are I think it'd be something we didn't like: our hair, body type, eyes, whatever.
I just wish this society was a little kinder to overweight individuals. Although, doesn't it seem like people don't concentrate on the overweight men as much as the women?
What's up with that???
I see it in commercials a lot. A heavier set guy with the thin woman.
I have my own worries....I'm not going to pick on someone else for their weight that's for sure!
It's definitely the personality that counts all the way isn't it?
You know the story....good looking guy / girl with a terrible attitude, not so good looking but, great attitude.

06-18-2004, 01:51 AM
Yes, I am. I've never ever been what you'd call "thin." Nobody in my family is thin. I'm extremely self-conscience of it. I either feel like people are staring at me because I'm overweight or that I'm invisible because I'm overweight and average-looking. I don't think I've ever had a normal guy (when I say normal that excludes men waaay too old for me and drunk people lol) even give me a second glance. It's rather annoying that my best friend (Melissa) can eat whatever she wants and doesn't gain an ounce. We eat too much junk food, but it certainly doesn't harm her figure. :o

I've actually lost about 25 lbs or so since last summer, but I don't notice a difference. I'd like to lose at least another 30 lbs.

As far as social-wise like I said, I've never been thin so I really don't know how that feels. I do usually feel more comfortable around other overweight people though.

06-18-2004, 02:05 AM
Amy, I certainly do not think you're fat.

06-18-2004, 02:11 AM
Originally posted by wolf_Q

I've actually lost about 25 lbs or so since last summer, but I don't notice a difference. I'd like to lose at least another 30 lbs.

I *knew* you lost weight. I can totally tell from the pics you've posted of yourself a while ago, and recent ones. Big difference. :p You are definitely *not* fat though.......I don't even think you were before, but I can certainly tell you lost a lot of weight.

I'm overweight too. I have never been a *thin* person. Even in my toddler pics, I was chubby. I believe I've had pretty much the same figure throughout my life........never *too* fat, but definitely overweight. I lost a lot of weight suddenly during my growth spurt, when I was around 12, but that *thin phase* only lasted for about 6 months and then I gained it all back. I don't even know how I lost it.........probably hormones, because I wasn't trying to lose weight at all back then.

Anyway, last summer, I decided to commit myself to lose weight. While there were times when I felt uncomfortable for being heavier than most of my very thin friends, I really didn't want to lose weight because of looks. I wanted to lose weight because I want to lead a healthy life, and I thought it would be better to lose weight while I'm still young, before it gets too difficult. I have lost 23 pounds since last August, and I feel so much better about myself. I don't get self-conscious when anyone looks at me anymore, and I feel a lot more energetic and active. I basically cut down on my calories, carbs, and sugar intake, and started working out a lot. I've been committed this time and haven't gained a single pound I lost back. I'm still working on losing weight.........I want to lose another 15-20 pounds. If I can lose that much more, I would be at a perfect weight for the first time in my life. I'm trying, and I hope to reach my goal soon. I know that the main reason I've been overweight my whole life is because I ***love*** sweets, and cannot control myself if there are delicious pies, cakes, chocolates, ice cream, etc. in front of me. Its too yummy to pass by without eating! :p I have never eaten too much.........I actually eat very little compared to most of my friends, but its the sweets that I can't resist. I've been forcing myself to stay away from sugar since August, and its working. I now have such a fondness of working out, exercising, and lifting weights. If I miss a day of exercise, I don't feel right about myself.......like something's missing. I can't understand how I spent all those years without getting enough exercise. I just can't live without it now that I'm used to working out. I don't feel/look *fat* anymore. Just 15-20 pounds more to lose, and hopefully I'll finally be at a good weight.

Ally Cat's Mommy
06-18-2004, 06:42 AM
I have recently been diagnosed with an underactive Thyroid. Over the past 3 years I have gone up two sizes:(

Despite calorie counting and daily exercise I find it impossible to keep my weight down. I am trying to accept that, with medication, it will take 6 months for my Thyroid to get sorted out, and hopefully after that I will be able to get back down to my normal weight.

Right now I hate getting dressed every morning, and hate going out anywhere as I always feel fat :(

06-18-2004, 08:37 AM
Everyone's input and opinions were so interesting. It's comforting in a way to know you are not alone in how you feel, whether you are thin or heavier :)

As I mentioned, I'm overweight by about 50-60 pounds, last time I checked at least. And it's a real sore spot for me.

I wanted to comment on the being thin and pretty and finding it hard to have female friends. When I was thin, I never felt that way. In fact I feel I had more friends. Not to sound vain or anything, but I think I'm quite pretty 'in the face', so when I'm thin I'm what you could consider, very cute and got a lot of attention. But even so, I've always been able to get along well with females. I loved having women friends, because I think we all go through the same struggles that men cannot relate to. And Let's face it, women are a heck of a lot more interesting, 70% of the time. Not that there are not great men out there, but to me 60% of the guys out there have no depth or at least they lack the ability to show it. Not to insult the men on PT cause you guys are the greatest here :) Anyways, I ramble. Now that I'm not thin, I feel I've lost all my friends, mainly cause I've pushed them away. I also find it hard to make new female friends, because I hate social situations and because it's hard to be myself anymore as I feel like I'm being judged for being chunky.

06-18-2004, 08:45 AM
I actually couldn't vote. I don't think I'm fat or thin...just normal.

I was getting a bit on the heavy side for my tastes.. 150 lbs. and I was starting to not fit into any of the clothes I had just bought. It was a little depressing but I was more fed up than anything. So I started on the Slim Fast diet and have already lost over 10 lbs. in about a month. :)

I'm currently at 135 lbs. My goal is 130, but if I stick at 135, I'll be happy. :)

My jeans and work pants are no longer tight and that's what I was hoping for. :)

I've always ate right and exercised, my problem was that I would eat too much. Now I really watch my portions. :)

06-18-2004, 08:56 AM
I was a VERY thin child, teenager, and through at least the first half of my 20s. In high school and college, I suffered a couple major depressive episodes, which had the effect for me to lose interest in food and eating quite a bit. I am around 5'5 and at one point dropped to around 100 pounds my freshman year in college.

After I got through that time, I eventually got to around 115-120 and stayed that way for a few years. I am 29 now, and I suppose starting a couple years ago, I started having weight creep up gradually. I began to get alarmed when I crept through the 140s and finally hit 152 or so. At that point my husband, who was overweight as well and suffering back problems (spinal stenosis), got determined to lose weight and we talked about changing our eating habits. We ultimately began to go on a lower carbohydrate lifestyle and he has lost at least 80 pounds and looks great. I am down to 135 and am satisfied, but I still worry like I never used to before, checking the scale to make sure I'm maintaining it. It is a bit depressing when I see a dress or pants a couple years ago that I can't fit into now.

I think my feelings are aimed purely towards myself though. Weight of others has never bothered me or ever been a point of judgement, but for some reason I am still hard on myself about it. I am guessing that is the way of a lot of people, and that it is natural to want to be "what I used to be."

I am mostly very happy for my husband. He has a strong family history of diabetes and I am hoping that he can hold it off for himself by having changed his lifestyle now. Not to mention his back bothers him far less now too. I know he worried a lot about what I thought of his being "fat" though that is something that just never bothered me, and I would look at him and still see the man I married and never thought him less handsome.

06-18-2004, 09:22 AM
Just wanted to post again. I'm 5'6". Growing up I was real thin. To the point that most kids would tease me and call me anorexic or a boy. (thin = flat chested for the loooonnnggest time)

I was between 125 and 130 thru jr. high and high school. Wore a size 9 and was happy. In college I put on a little more weight and after my surgery and Endometriosis diagnosis, I became more lethargic and really packed on the pounds.

I know the meds I've been put on don't help either.

But I'm finally at a point where I'm happy with my size.

06-18-2004, 10:52 AM
I've never really been that small but I believe I was always a good size. When I was in highschool I was a fairly good size. Of course I didn't think it then. But I do now.

No, I am not going to blame it on having two kids. It is my fault I could loose the weight, I could exercise if I wanted to, no I am just plain lazy! I know I need to start eating healthier but I don't always. I don't eat alot of junk food like chips, cookies, cakes and such. Burgers,Pizza, Tacos, and stuff like that is what puts the weight on me. I don't hardly exercise at all unless I take the dogs for a walk or something.

I am 50 pounds over weight maybe more. Oh, how I wish I could get back to the size I was before I got married. I could kick myself in the butt now, thinking I was fat back then.

Heck I lost a bunch of weight after having both of my kids but I put it back on because I didn't want to do anything.

I guess I am comfortable with my weight but not a whole lot. That is why I need to get my butt in gear and start working on loosing some pounds.

06-18-2004, 10:55 AM
im thin and dont care about the size of my friends. thats not why i am friends with them :rolleyes: , also with boyfriends; their weight doesnt bother me. :D

06-18-2004, 02:43 PM
I have been FAT! and I have been average. (I have NEVER been thin!) :eek: But I am TALL and I too get amazed looks when I tell them my weight.

When I was fat (size 24 to be exact) It did not really bother me socially. Love me or leave me, it never mattered. But my biggest fear was a diagnosis of diabetes(sp?)

Now I am a size 12 to 14 ( you know womens' clothes, nothing is ever cut the same way). I have a pot belly and huge thighs, but I am ok with that.

I have never liked the way I look whether fat or thin. :eek:

06-18-2004, 04:04 PM
This thread has been so good to read, and infact inspiring to me, i have never been comfortable being overweight, because I don't look large and hide my weight as best I can, I always get the comments, your'e not fat, and that really bothers me, because damn it I am overweight, by about 20 pounds, and that is a lot of butter to be carrying around.

06-18-2004, 04:24 PM
I prefer density challenged.;) I've got a job that goes through periods of high stress. During those times I more or less live off of vending machine food. I was really starting to feel bad, so the last 3 mos I've really committed myself to eating healthier and exercising. I've made a dent, but still have a ways to go, but I feel so much better now. No more headaches, indigestion, back aches or joint pain. When I go out to agility with Oz now, I feel faster and less winded. My ultimate goal is to be a blur of speed out there with him. Oh and of course being a healthier me too. Have I mentioned what a competitive person I can be? :)


06-18-2004, 05:58 PM
I think I could loose a few pounds! If you don't eat junk food, and exercise regualy (sp?) then you will loose weight.:)

06-19-2004, 01:01 AM
Originally posted by ParNone
I prefer density challenged.;) I've got a job that goes through periods of high stress. During those times I more or less live off of vending machine food. I was really starting to feel bad, so the last 3 mos I've really committed myself to eating healthier and exercising. I've made a dent, but still have a ways to go, but I feel so much better now. No more headaches, indigestion, back aches or joint pain. When I go out to agility with Oz now, I feel faster and less winded. My ultimate goal is to be a blur of speed out there with him. Oh and of course being a healthier me too. Have I mentioned what a competitive person I can be? :)

Par... I am too!(love the term) But I'm starting to pay for it. The doc says that I'm borderline diabetic. No more see food diets(see food and eat it) and wednesday I get to find out what foods I have to cut out!!(GROAN :confused:)