View Full Version : A handsome Maine Coon Boy and a really big kitty!!

06-17-2004, 09:58 AM
I was browsing around kitty websites and found this beautiful picture of the most handsome maine coon boy!

The website is here! (http://www.verismocat.com/htmscripts/maine-coon-cat-pictures.htm)

Check it out, tell me what you think of this handsome boy and the other kitties there!

Also check out This part (http://www.verismocat.com/htmscripts/leo-guinness.htm) of the site to see the worlds biggest kitty!

Here is the Guiness World records article about him:

If Frieda Ireland’s pet cat Leo were a human being he would weigh about 100 kg (220 lb) and stretch over 2.5 m (8 feet) tall. As it is, the mammoth moggie is as long as an 8-year-old child and has paws so big they can fit into a size 2 child’s shoe!

Verismo’s Leonetti Reserve Red – otherwise known as Leo – is a Maine Coon cat owned by Frieda Ireland and Carroll Damron of Chicago. Normally a large breed, Maine Coons often weigh as much as 10 kg (22 lb), but Leo weighs in at a mog-nificent 15.8 kg (35 lb) and measures a record-breaking 121.9 cm (48 in) from nose to tail.

“We have to keep our eye on him when we’re cooking,” says owner Frieda, “because he can stand up and put his paws on the kitchen counter.” But Leo’s not trying to steal food. “He enjoys sweeping things off the counter, not eating them! He’s not a fan of home-cooked food – he prefers dry cat food, green vegetables, basil, parsley and, of all things, blue cheese!”

“He’s not overweight,” stresses Leo’s veterinarian Scott Rovner, DVM. And Kim Lacey, who adjudicates all Guinness World Records animal claims, is quick to point out that it’s Leo’s length – and not weight – that makes him a record breaker. “We don’t want to be encouraging people to fatten up their pets just to become record breakers,” she said.

06-17-2004, 10:11 AM
Ah! Very pretty cat! I have seen this site and handsome boy before but it was worth another look. That one HUGE kitty is amazing and NOT overweight!:D

06-17-2004, 10:27 AM
Oh and here is a really cute pic off of the site of one of thier kittens...such a cutie!

06-17-2004, 12:01 PM

06-17-2004, 12:31 PM
Oh goodnes. He has to be that big to contain all that handsomeness.

06-17-2004, 03:31 PM
:D Wait that's MISHI! LOL My big boy seems to be getting very big. My new large Sherpa carrier on wheels was delivered yesterday. My boss commented that my cat must be overweight to be that big, but he's not; in fact Mishi is quite lean, just VERY large.

06-17-2004, 03:44 PM
They say Maine coons and maine coon mixes are really BIG cats. Mishi looks like he is a 'coon. I've very very rarely seen an overwieght 'coon kitty. They are just HUGE, even the females!

06-17-2004, 03:55 PM
Originally posted by DJFyrewolf36
They say Maine coons and maine coon mixes are really BIG cats. Mishi looks like he is a 'coon. I've very very rarely seen an overwieght 'coon kitty. They are just HUGE, even the females! Ah yes, My Mishi is most definitely a Maine Coon. I had always wanted a red Maine Coon and after my RB Goldie died I went lookin' for one and found Mishi through Petfinder.com. I LOVE my big boybee! :D