View Full Version : Should I worry?

06-17-2004, 07:21 AM
Two days ago, I saw that Pouncer had a loose poop that didn't quite make it into the catbox. It was close, but slipping off the top and down the side. I figured it wasa kitty emergency and was happy he made it to the box. Yes, I know its Pouncer by the, um, size. Let's just leave it there :D

Then last night I find another poopy done outside the box. This one is normal - not soft at all. This was also somewhat on the side of the box. The the sand was scratched all over the place and a big mound was shifted and a bald spot to the floor of the box was made. Gosh, he made a mess! Sand was everywhere on the floor!

Now, two things: he's been having problems with making poopy, and we saw the vet about it. She didn't feel any obstructions and she said that as long as he's actually making daily poops then to just keep an eye on him to make sure he's still going poop. Second: the litter box was completely cleaned and new sand poured in just on Sunday. I used the same sand as normal, but used a slightly different cleaner (hubby used all the bleach on regrouting the bathtub and didn't tell me! :D ) Could the new cleaner (nothing with amonia) have something to do with it? He used it just fine Sunday and Monday nights. He's also peed just fine in it since then too.

Should I worry? Reclean the box? I'm doing the second box today (I stagger them so that I don't have two boxes out of commission at the same time.) Pouncer has never missed the box before, but he's also been struggling for a month or so with constipation.

06-17-2004, 08:20 AM
Hey Kim - just to be safe _ I think I would pour the new litter into something else and just give the box an extra good rinse and wipe out and then refill with the litter - maybe some scent in the cleaner is bothering him. Can't hurt! Pee doesn't take as long as pooping (requires more serious concentration ya know!) and maybe the scent is annoying him?? Does not really sound worrisome though - sense he IS getting in the box, clawing the litter, etc. Maybe he just over reached his mark a bit.:D

06-17-2004, 09:01 AM
Sometimes JJJ3, and Moose The Magnificent will throw the sand out , on the floor , and someone will go , there! Maybe you should try another Food , my Cats LOVETHe Nutro Complete Care Indoor Senoir!

06-17-2004, 09:14 AM
My boys love Nutro too. Thats all I feed them ... even their wet food treats are Nutro. Well... Temptations ar the only exception :D Gary, have you checked out Nutro's website? They have all sorts of coupons and contests to register for.

I have a spare box, I'll put that down and clean out his other box in the normal way. Silly boy!

06-17-2004, 03:16 PM
Don't really have any additional advice with Pouncer's "little" problem ... :eek: but I am curious as to the Nutro Cat food. Is it Nutro Max? I have seen that ... or is it simply Nutro! There are so many foods that are named so closely and try to look all good quality etc.... :rolleyes:

How is it priced, etc?



06-17-2004, 04:11 PM
I'm very curious about Nutro too. I looked it up online and it compared it to other premium foods and seemed to be better, more pure ingredients. So do a lot of PT'ers use this? Would the people who do agree it's a better cat food? You guys know best. I feed mine Science Diet, but if there's something more nutritious out there, I'll switch!

06-17-2004, 04:39 PM
Nutro is a fantastic food! Both my dogs and cats get Nutro. Nutro Max when money is tight, Nutro Natural when we're having a good month. :) If you look at the ingredients, usually lamb meal is the first ingredient which is basically a more concentrated form of meat. it takes 7 lbs of lamb to make 1 lb of meal. :) Nutro also has less of the filler stuff like corn, things that don't get digested and just get passed on thru.

I found that will all my animals, their poop is smaller, less messy, harder, hardly ever soft. All their coats look great (Chloe needs to be groomed, but that's besides the point hehe) and I know they're all very healthy.

I'd recommend Nutro to any pet owner. :)

06-17-2004, 06:22 PM
I use Nutro Natural. Miss Nicki is Allergic to most dog foods and even if I switch from the Lamb and Rice to another flavor (such a weight management or senior) she starts with the allergic itching. Sigh.

Allen started on Nutro based upon the vet's recommendation because his poops were... ummmm... incredibly stinky. As soon as he started on Nutro, the odor went down 100%!!! Now Mr. Picky himself refuses to eat anything else. Once I ran out and only had a sample bag of Science Diet that I had picked up somewhere and he wouldn't eat it... so he ate Nicki's food :rolleyes:

My SIL was having huge problems with hairballs and I reccommeded the Nutro Natural. Nearly a year later, she's still thanking me for "the amazing food" :D She said its made a huge differen in her Sophie. apparently Sophie had hairballs every day and now its much more infrequent.

In short, I love Nutro. The food is great, and the price is in line with others. PLUS, if you sign up for the frequent buyer program, they give you a booklet with $2 off coupons! Petco lets you buy 10 bags and they'll give you the 11th free (or is it 12, 13th free?)

06-17-2004, 06:36 PM
Thanks guys! I have to make a trip to PetsMart this weekend cause it's litter changing week, and you know I love looking a tthe toys and cat trees, so I'll pick up a bag of Nutro. To think I wasn't feeding them the best, lol. They are going to get me! J/K.

06-17-2004, 07:10 PM
I love Nutro - we use the weight maintance food from Nutro. Their coats shine across the room. :) The potty stinks only if someone forgets to bury. Gotta love potty and dash :D Eleanor had dandruff in her backside area when we adopted her two weeks ago tomorrow. Putting her on the Nutro food (they had her eating Friskies at PetSmart) in 2 weeks her coat is shining and no dandruff. All three rarely have hairball problems.
This food cleared up Skinny's potty problems (diarrahea) when we took him in last fall. The Nutro food was the first choice for Skinny to try before having to go to special venison diet. Luckly everyone loves the food and it's cheaper than having to have one on vension from the vets.

I swear by Nutro and all their products. :)