View Full Version : New babies

08-01-2001, 01:40 PM
Hi everyone. I have some good news. Yesterday I adopted TWO new kitties. (I still can't believe I got two in one shot!)
They are two lovely orange boys and I am madly in love with them.
I have been looking for shelters on the Internet for the past few days and I have seen LOTS of gorgeous cats, but there was just something about this one orange and white tabby that made me just HAVE to see him in person. I just kept going back to his picture-I couldn't get enough of him.(Love at first sight?) I called the shelter and the lady said that they would be showing the cats up on 86th Street, so I FLEW there after work, all the while wondering if that precious little orange boy would still be there. He was. After petting him for a while, I reached over to pet the other little orange baby in the cage with him, and he put his paw on my arm as if to say, "Where are you going? Come back here and keep petting ME." So I was in love. He liked me too! Anyway, the lady from the shelter said that it would be a good idea to get a playmate for him, I didn't have to do it right away, but she recommended I do it soon. The other little one in the cage was the only one who hadn't been adopted yet, and I just couldn't leave him there by himself. So I ended up with two.

Elvis is the one I fell in love with over the Internet and he's a beautiful 2 year old guy. I think he may have been abused or badly hurt himself when he was on the street because his front left leg is crooked and the paw kind of points outward. He looks like he's about to do a pirouette. He walks and jumps fine, though. The thought that he may have been abused brings tears to my eyes. He's such a lovely boy. He has been kind of shy, but he does come up to me occasionally for a little scratch. He jumped into my bed last night and slept between my feet for several hours, then got up and went back into the living room. He hasn't had a lot of patience with his "brother", I guess because he's a hyper kitten and Elvis really just needs some peace and quiet in his life right now.

I named the kitten Jack Daniels. I call him Danny for short. He's 6 months old and a little fireball. He's a ginger tabby with eyes the same color as his fur and he looks like a baby tiger. He's EXTREMELY affectionate and outgoing. Not at all shy. He let me pick him up right away and LOVES to be cuddled. He came out of his carrier and started marching around like he was ready to take over. He's very talkative and he even "talked" to Grandma on the phone last night. He slept cuddled next to me last night with his head on my pillow.

I still miss my Charlie more than I can say, but these two little guys have given me so much happiness after these last two weeks of grief.

Their pictures are still on the Internet, if anyone would like to see them. (but let me warn you: the pictures don't do them justice!) I wanted to put the links here, but something went wrong. Here's what you do:

Go to petfinder.org
For the city, type in New York, NY
click on Contact Shelters and Rescue Groups
Scroll down the list until you find a shelter called New Yorkers for Companion Pets
Elvis' shelter name was Tigger and Danny's shelter name was Ginger.

[ August 01, 2001: Message edited by: thelmalu99 ]

08-01-2001, 01:45 PM
All I can say is that Elvis and Danny have found the PURRFECT home for them!!! I am sitting here crying tears of joy for you, Thelma. I know Charlie is sitting in Heaven nodding his head in appreciation.

You will have many busy days ahead and we can't wait to see pictures!! If you don't know a way to post pictures, believe me, I can help!

I am thrilled for you!


[ August 02, 2001: Message edited by: Logan ]

08-01-2001, 01:52 PM
Wow!! Congrats on the adoptions of Elvis and Danny! I am so overcome with joy for you. What a special feeling to have rescued 2 babies! Twice as much joy!! I agree with Logan, I'm sure Charlie is nodding his furry face in appreciation of his new "brother"! Enjoy your new babies and yes...post pics!!! Congrats again. Lots of purrs from Marius, Scooter & Crookshanks=^..^=

08-01-2001, 02:02 PM

I'm so pleased for you, Elvis and Danny. They are both so handsome! I'm glad "the boys" are giving you joy and comfort. Please give them a few "scritchens" for me!


08-01-2001, 02:10 PM
There they are!! :D :D
Thanks, Chuck!

Mila's Mommy
08-01-2001, 02:20 PM

Have you smelled their feet yet?? :D

08-01-2001, 06:25 PM
Thelmalu I am so happy for you. The kitties are absolutely gorgeous!! Tigger has a bib like my Trevor! I know you will be so happy with these two little guys. Orange cats are lovebugs. :) I am so happy you were able to take this step after Charlie's passing. Hopefully this will help lessen some of your pain. Give those orange sweeties lots of kisses from me. Trevor says a big MEOW!!! Purrs from Andy too. :)

08-01-2001, 10:23 PM
Oh congrats...I knew the time would come for you to rejoice with new kitties. I am so happy for you, and your choice is incredible! What adorable and beautiful kitties you have adopted :)

yeah :) I am sure Charlie is looking down from his soft, puffy cloud and smiling lovingly from ear to ear at these new friends you have rescued.

4 feline house
08-01-2001, 10:29 PM
What beautiful boys! I know Charlie is just beaming with pride, that his mommy has two, count 'em, two! new babies to love and pamper. And he knows just how lucky Danny and Elvis are to be picked for such a loving home! I'm so happy for you, Thelma, and Danny and Elvis, too!

PS I kinda had a feeling you might get two!

08-02-2001, 03:15 AM
Welcome Elvis and Danny!!!

oh I'm so pleased for you, Elivs looked so sad in that cage and I can see why you fell in love with him. I'm sure they will be helping you with the healing process, that's what Maya did for me when my Titti left me.

[ August 02, 2001: Message edited by: Gio ]

08-02-2001, 11:11 AM
Thanks everyone! Thanks for welcoming my two new boys. I'm very happy with them and a bit overwhelmed at my new litterbox responsibilities! With Charlie I only had to scoop once a day, but with TWO, I have been scooping in the morning before work AND in the evening when I get home. LOL, I feel like the Scooping Queen! I live to scoop the poop! I'm not complaining, though, I'm very happy! :D
Danny has adjusted beautifully, as kittens do. He's just a little orange ball of love.
Elvis will need some time. I don't know what he has been through, but I think he has a little trouble in the trust department. Last night, he jumped on the bed with Danny and me and let me pet him for a long time. At one point, though, he kind of swatted me. He didn't have his claws out or anything, but he startled me. At the same time, it seems like he really needs affection because he will follow me around and "ask" me to pet him. He doesn't seem to be anti-social, just not very trusting.
Like I said before, I think he may have been abused because of that crooked front leg of his, and if that's the case I don't blame him for having trust issues. He needs time, and I want him to know that he's home and nobody is going to hurt him here. He can take all the time he needs. This is my first time adopting an adult cat (he's 2 years old) so I guess I'm feeling this one out as I go along. This kind of reminds me of what Logan was going through with Butter, and having read about her experience is helping me. I have hope that he will loosen up in time.
The true test will be when I finally introduce them to Yertle the Turtle. He's in the guest room right now (probably very upset at me!) but I want to do this the same way I did with Charlie, because it worked so beautifully. I'm not worried about Danny because he doesn't seem to have an aggressive bone in his body, plus he's a kitten so he will easily adjust. My little Elvis will need more time, but hopefully I'll be able to bring out the sweet, non-aggressive kitty that I know is in there somewhere. If anybody has any suggestions, I would really appreciate hearing them. Thanks and keep those fingers n paws crossed for me! :D

08-02-2001, 01:00 PM
Congrats to ThelmaLu and Elvis and Danny! Remember, pets are the original input/output devices. You might need a brace to prevent scooper's wrist! :D

My first cat was a 3 yr old big orange boy from a shelter. Beginners luck really must have helped me, because he just walked in to my place and was HOME!

Best wishes for all the adjusting and learning and loving going on!

4 feline house
08-02-2001, 01:49 PM
Thelma, sometimes I wonder if this isn't something that stray/abandoned cats do - maybe because they weren't properly socialized and disciplined, or maybe a defense mechanism learned on the streets/in the shelters. Peaches has always had a swatting problem, but that's also how she plays. I think she was never socialized properly and taught that kitty playing is not the same as people playing. She even attacked her kids, even when they were tiny newborns. She actually hurt Cookie at one point. She still makes a habit of swatting each of them at least once a day, even though they are now all bigger than her. But sometimes it's for real, and sometimes it's for play. I guess this is how she stays Top Dog, and that's probably what Elvis is doing - testing you for dominance. Butter finally settled down, and I'm sure Elvis will once he learns to trust you. Some cats, also, may love lovins but can still only tolerate so much (pleasure overload, my son calls it) so they swat to get you to stop when they've had enough. Elvis may be doing that, too. If so, you'll eventually learn his signals - a slight tail twitch, ears raring back, etc.

08-02-2001, 02:30 PM
AntiPam, LOL!! Scooper's wrist!! LOL!!!!

Leah, Yeah I feel so bad for the little guy. I know that he has been on the streets and in the shelters and I think he will just need time to adjust to his new surroundings. Then maybe he will calm down. Poor baby!

08-02-2001, 04:55 PM
{{{Thelma, Elvis, Danny}}}

Cyber hugs to you three as you form your new family. I _just_ saw your message. I'm so pleased for you that I'm tearing up right now. How wonderful. Hang in there! So exciting -- AND I'm chuckling picturing you with a little wrist belt to prevent the dread scooper wrist. Heh, heh, heh. :D ;) :D

Cougie Wechsler
08-02-2001, 05:26 PM
To Thelma and the Boys!
I am sooooo happy for you!!! I know that Charlie will always be in your heart but something tells me he had a paw in sending Elvis and Danny to you! They are beautiful and I wish you all well! Tears of joy are so wonderful, are they not :D :D :D

08-02-2001, 07:12 PM
Dear Thelma, Elivs and Danny...Congratulations on your beautiful new family! As with all new "members" it takes a little time for everyone to find their niche and get comfy! I'm so happy for you! And tearfully grateful that you have given these special boys a warm spot in your heart and your home. Lots of love to you all! Elvis, Danny you are both so beautiful! I know their antics and love will help you through this difficult time. Love, Sandra, Mr. B and Oliver

[ August 02, 2001: Message edited by: tatsxxx11 ]

08-08-2001, 03:34 PM
Thanks Thelmalu for directing me to the
earlier posts.Finding these little guys was
such a blessing for them and for you!!!
i think maybe a little kitty angel pulled a
few strings so that you all came together
at the right time and place..
i can't seem to pull up their pics just
now; but i'll try again later.Give Danny a
smooch and Elvis a pat(if he's in the mood).
i just known they will both adjust and
be just fine together...i'm just so, so
happy for you & your new little family.