View Full Version : Promise... new home, new name? =)

06-16-2004, 07:50 PM
Ok all... We're all tickled pink on this end! It's like waiting for a baby! hehe If all continues to go as planned, on July 7th we'll have a new addition arriving on a Delta flight from NC. :) The little girl pup that Rescue4puppies rescued is gonna come to her forever home!

I'm excited as all heck, and Bella (my gf) is excited too! It'll be nice to have another female around... waaaaay too much testosterone some days! Arthur will have someone about his age to play with, and we'll be helping a gorgeous little girl who deserves the best. I only wish we could take all of them! :D

We were thinking whether or not to change her name when she gets here... Right now, Tracy (R4P) and her family has been calling her Promise. Opinions? Ideas? Should we give her a new name to start off her new life? :)

Btw, R4P deserves a HUGE 3 cheers for taking these pups in and taking care of them! :D

guster girl
06-16-2004, 07:52 PM
I think you should rename her. :) And, congratulations! I'm excited for you!

06-16-2004, 07:54 PM
I think Promise is a great name! I would be very excited, too. We'll need lots of pics, of course :D

06-16-2004, 07:56 PM
Thanks, guster! :) Any ideas on what we should rename her?

06-16-2004, 07:58 PM
how about Lucky, hope, or Cyma(pronounced Seemah)
it means special gift :)

06-16-2004, 08:08 PM
Ooh... ideas for names! Woo hoo! I'm gonna gather the more popular ones, and eventually I'll have a poll going.

So far we've got:
Promise (don't change it)
Cyma (see-mah)

guster girl
06-16-2004, 08:11 PM
this is one of my favorite things to do! I love names! :) Give me an idea on what kind of names you like. People names, names that represent the origin of the breed, the color of the dog, the size of the dog, the circumstances surrounding the dog, long names, short names, people names, etc......

06-16-2004, 08:16 PM
Nothing too long I think. 2 syllables at the most, unless there's a really really good one that's longer. ;) People names are fine (i think all our animals except the ferrets have people names!), interesting names that mean something, something that has to do with her situation, something that suits the way she looks (she's a rotti/shep. mix we think, no pics yet except for the one on r4p's thread)... I'm up for any suggestions! Knock yourself out! hehehe :D

06-16-2004, 08:23 PM
I was thinking about maybe something Hawaiian like Hoku.. it means star.

06-16-2004, 08:23 PM
Congratulations on your soon to be new pup! I like the name Promise considering the way she started out!

guster girl
06-16-2004, 08:24 PM
Cool...I didn't see the pics, what are her colors? Black and tan?

06-16-2004, 08:33 PM
She's flying? :(

06-16-2004, 08:37 PM
Black and tan... think a rottie with longer hair.. if you look at the dog of the day, she'll probably look a bit like her when she grows up. :)

Here's a few more names to throw out there:
Kanoa (Hawaiian, free one)
Ekiya (hawaiian, rich gift)
Ke'ala (Hawaiian, rich fragrance)
Kona (Hawaiian, lady)
Pele (Hawaiian, godess of fire/volcano)
Carys (Welsh, to love)
Glain (Welsh, jewel)
Brites (bri-tis, Celtic, strength)
Aiden (Gaelic, little fiery one)

06-16-2004, 08:45 PM
Oh gosh.. it seems like it takes me years before I decide on a name. Hmm.. here are some names I've found:

Keona [God's Gracious Gift/Hawaiian]
Keiko [Blessing/Japanese]
Kali [Dark Goddess/Hindi]
Nakia [Pure, Faithful/Egyptian]
Zara [Princess/Hebrew]
Kamea [Precious One/Hawaiian]

guster girl
06-16-2004, 08:47 PM
Akela - noble
Alana - fair, beautiful, offering
Anani - orange tree
Haimi - the seeker
Haleigha - house of the rising sun
Iolana - to soar like an eagle
Kai - sea, willow tree
Kaili - a deity
Kalama - flaming torch
Kalea - bright
Kalia - Beauty
Kane - tribute, warrior; the doubly-accomplished, golden; man, the eastern sky; beautiful
Keilana - adored one
Kekona - second-born
Kiana - moon Goddess
Kiele - gardenia, fragrant blossom
Lani - sky, heaven
Lanikai - heavenly sea
Lokelani - small red rose
Malu - peacefulness
Mily - beautiful
Nalani - clamness of the skies
Noelani - beautiful girl from heaven
Okelani - from heaven
Oliana - oleander
Peni - weaver
Roselani - heavenly rose
Ululani - Heavenly Inspiration

06-16-2004, 08:48 PM
Originally posted by guster girl
Kai - sea, willow tree

:eek: I never knew that. Interesting..

06-16-2004, 08:53 PM
It may mean something somewhere else... but Kai is actually a pretty popular name in Hawaiian, because it means ocean. :)

guster girl
06-16-2004, 09:07 PM
these names mean promise.....

amaris - promised by god (hebrew)....i really like that name!

giselle - a promise (french)

and, I'm sorry if I offend you by saying this, but, I don't like promise for the name, that's why I looked up names that meant promise. :)

06-16-2004, 09:19 PM
Promise in Swedish is Lova or Löfte or she could be Lottie - lotta luck and lotta love got her her new home ...

Phoenix rises from the ashes, but as you are in Arizona, people'll think you're naming her after the city.

My first-best-smartest-dog-ever-in-the-whole-world was a black and tan, possibly Shepherd/Rottie mix named Sheba ....

Brunhilde - Bruni - is a good strong female name (Swedish for "fighting woman")

And there are lotsa really cool names here (http://www.20000-names.com/female_nahuatl_names.htm) from Aztec culture - closer to your region, of course, than Sweden!

guster girl
06-16-2004, 09:24 PM
Originally posted by Karen
Promise in Swedish is Lova or Löfte or she could be Lottie

Lottie is one of my favorite names! From Phantom of the Opera! :)

06-16-2004, 09:53 PM
i like the name amaris that guster girl suggested.

And here's a few other names that I like.

Addison (could call her Addie for short)


06-17-2004, 08:21 AM
I have read that dogs respond best to names that end in the long-e sound, such as Blackie, Lady, Lottie, etc. Lottie is nice; unusual, too!


Rio and Me
06-17-2004, 08:53 AM
I like Precious its similar to promise and its cute

06-17-2004, 09:06 AM
How wonderful, I'm so happy for you and I bet Arthur will be too:D
Is there a link that we could go and see the new girl?!