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View Full Version : My mom and I are taking a "holiday"...

06-16-2004, 04:34 PM
My mom and I are going to rent a cabin soon, it'll be just me and her....and the 3 dogs, of course! My grandmother is going to pay for it, as Jasper has us broke :p

My dad was kind of jealous :p we're not even letting him come hehe

Well, my mom and I have NEVER done anything like this, never do much together besides go shopping or something, which is like once a year lol

We are leaving on Monday morning(the 21st) but we'll be back again on Thursday.

This is a VERY pointless thread lol...just letting you all know that I won't be around for that time.

I am very excited, I think my mom is more excited :)

06-16-2004, 04:35 PM
Have a great time at the cabin, where is it that you are going? what a great way to spend quality time with your mother, I wish you a very happy holiday, ENJOY.!!!:)

06-16-2004, 04:37 PM
Im not sure, I think it's called Brown Rabbits or something lol -Shrugs-

Thanks :)

Oh yeah, there will be LOTS and LOTS of pictures lol of our cabin, the place but mostly the dogs :D

06-16-2004, 04:41 PM
OH that sounds like fun! I'm jealous too. Its very important to have bonding time with your mom. my mom and Iused to go away for a day every summer and just do things together. Every year was a different thing and it became a ritual. Have fun and learn something special about your mom that you never knew!

06-16-2004, 04:52 PM
I think this sounds so nice and relaxing! Please take lots of pics of the surrounding area and the pups. Enjoy your time with mom and have lots of great talks and lots of giggles!

Robin :)

06-16-2004, 05:48 PM
I hope to have lots of fun, and of course I'll take lots of pics! I told my mom we need tons of batteries ;)

Also, I made a mistake, we'll be back on Friday, not Thursday!

06-16-2004, 05:50 PM
Also, does anyone know any good & easy recipes? I never get to cook at home because my grandma has her own diet type thing, and is usually cooking when I need the stove lol

So Im going to be doing the cooking while at the cabin ;)

I have one recipe right now, but maybe a few more, fun ones, more like sweets ;) :D

06-16-2004, 06:15 PM
This sounds like a wonderful idea!! I wish that my Missy and I had done something like this! My favorite times with her were trips to the mall and out for coffee - but actually staying at a cabin, cooking, etc - sounds like a slumber party. I hope you have a wonderful time!
I have one recipe in mind right now and will try to think of more. This is for peanut butter cookies.
1 cup sugar
1 cup peanut butter
That's all!!! Mix the three things together and put big marble sized pieces on a greased cookie sheet and bake in a 350 degree oven for about 8-10 minutes. Let them cool as they will be soft when they first come out - they are really good!! You can also put a hershey hug or kiss in the middle before you bake them.

Oh! One more fun one:
You need a bag of hershey hugs and a bag of pretzels - the kind that are roundish and about the size of a quarter. Spread out some pretzels on a greased cookie sheet. Unwrap a hershey hug and put one on each pretzel. Place the sheet in a 300 degree oven for about 5 minutes - just until the kiss is soft. Take them out and tap down each kiss into the pretzel and let them cool and harden back up. They look sorta like little wreaths and taste like white chocolate covered pretzels!

A fun supper meal you might make is with canned biscuits and mini smokey dogs. You cut each biscuit in half and wrap it around the weinie. Then bake them on a cookie sheet according to the biscuit directions or maybe a little less. You have mini dogs in blankets!! I like to dip them in mustard or honey mustard!

06-16-2004, 07:37 PM
Sounds wonderful:D

I hope you all have a terrific time and we'll be waiting patiently for pictures when you return!

06-16-2004, 07:59 PM
Sounds like it'll be a blast! goodness knows you could use a break. Can I come? :) ;)

06-16-2004, 08:52 PM
Debbie- Thanks :D, I am really excited, and thank you so much for the recipes, I am definatly going to try the peanut butter ones, I love peanut butter, and also may try the other one, I love chocolate more :p

Anna- Thanks and don't worry, I will post the pictures right away ;)

heinz- You can come, but only if you bring Arthur ;)

06-16-2004, 10:04 PM
Saw this at work but it was time for me to leave. I am jealous too! Sounds like it's going to be a wonderful time and that was really nice of your grandmother to pay for it. I think you need a break and maybe you all can relax.

06-17-2004, 10:38 AM
Thanks Val, I can't wait!! I don't know what kind of fathers day my dad is going to have :o my mom and I will be so excited getting everything ready and waiting for the day to be over so we can leave the next morning lol

And, it's more of a "getting away from everything" trip, my moms things to get away from is the phone lol, the phone is crazy at my house, my mom goes around doing her house work on the phone, and everytime shes gone, the second she walks into the house, the phone rings.

We also NEEEED to get rid of my dad lol, he is always grumpy, and annoying, and GAH we really need a break from him lol

And also my grandparents, mostly my nan :p, everyday she wants my mom to take her somewhere, just for nothing, just so she'll get out, and then if other people ask for rides, my nan says something like "they can't expect you to take them everywhere, you got things you want to do..etc..etc..etc" lol even though my nan expects her to do everything, even if she has things to do! And my nans also very frustrating to talk to, but I won't go on!

I dont have much to get away from, REALLY going to miss PT!!!

Well, Im rambling on :p, I'll have a whack of pictures when we get back! I'll even take my second memory card!!! :D

06-17-2004, 11:09 AM
I hope you and your mom have a terrific time, Robyn, the dogs too!!! :) We're leaving on Saturday, with all 3 of our kids, plus the birds and babies, and heading to the beach to spend a week with my family (my parents, my sister, her husband and their daughter). Unfortunately, my nephew (my sister's son) won't be there, and neither will my brother and his wife and their 4 kids. But it will be nice to get away and be together.

Hope you have a wonderful time!!!

Debbie, your recipes sound easy and fun! I'm going to remember those!!!! :)

06-17-2004, 11:13 AM
I'm so happy for you DogLover, nothing like a relaxing time with mom! You guys be safe and have a great time.

06-17-2004, 02:35 PM
Have fun with mom!!
Last year, I took mom on vacation for two weeks, and we had such a good time, I can't wait to do it again!

Hope you have a wonderful time!

06-18-2004, 09:13 PM
Thanks all!

Change in plans! We are leaving TOMORROW!!(Saturday), I really didn't want to, because my dad will be home alone, on fathers day :p but we're going to give him his gifts tomorrow and he said he didn't mind, so I guess it's ok. We're comming back on Thursday.

My mom and I drove up to look at ours today, and its so nice, two big rooms, the bathroom is bigger than the one we have here, at home :eek:!! And it's just nice and cozy!!

I can't wait :D

06-18-2004, 10:02 PM
Robyn, I'm going to miss you, but girl, you are going to have so much fun!

Gonna have to take lots and lots of pictures. Have fun, and be safe.


06-18-2004, 10:26 PM
Originally posted by trayi52
Robyn, I'm going to miss you, but girl, you are going to have so much fun!

Gonna have to take lots and lots of pictures. Have fun, and be safe.


Willie Im going to miss you too!!!! And "home" here at PT!! Sooo much!

I will take tons of pictures, don't worry, I've got 2 memory cards, and about 15 batteries :o

I will miss you all :) I think this will be my last post until the 24th!

06-19-2004, 09:06 AM
:( This is my official good bye until Thursday or Friday, we are leaving in an hour.

I will miss you all!!! I'll be "home" soon ;)

-Waves- Bye everyone!

06-19-2004, 09:09 AM
Originally posted by DogLover9501
-Waves- Bye everyone! [/B]