View Full Version : Hey, Let's Visit Catnapper's CatHouse!!!

06-16-2004, 04:13 PM
Are you ready? I sure am! Knock, knock, catnapper ... anybody home??????:D

knocks a bit more softly ... and whispers, "Oh Catnapper, are you ready?"

Well, I think Catnapper must be taking one of her ummm catnaps!:eek: :D We'll come back in a little while!;)

06-16-2004, 05:16 PM

We're waiting at the door! :D

06-16-2004, 05:29 PM
Coming!!! Hi, you're here already! Come in, come in! So nice of you to drop by!

Here's the front of my house. I'm standing on the sidewalk of the nursing home where Pouncer does his visiting. We have real far to go!

Here's the back view of my house. That's the infamous balcony that Pouncer fell off of. We were working on the yard when this picture was taken - notice the nice screen door that ALWAYS off the hinge no matter how many times its put back on!

We don't use our front door since we park out back. So, I'll walk you through the kithcen first. This is the wall that we share with our neightbor. Its not real brick. My daughter and I spent many many hours painting it tolook that way.

Here's a view of our lovely outdated cabinets thathubby refuses to "let" me paint. He likes real wood. Gag... I like wood too when its a pretty color!

We'll walk through the diningroom aka my office, but put your blinders on. The only picture I have makes me look like a slobby packrat. I was getting ready for a major show AND had a ton of stuff to deliver to a client. Here's an old picture of my drawing table! :D

EDIT: found a picture of my office that's not so bad.

Then we enter my livingroom. Notice a certain somebody in the picture? This isn't the first one he's in. he followed me from room to room as I took the pictures! :D

Over next to the tub chairs is a beautiful stone fireplace. I can't believe I don't have a picture of it! :eek:

The navy blue carpeted steps to the upstairs.

Second floor is coming... this is taking a long time to tour you through my house!!!L OL

06-16-2004, 05:41 PM
The 2nd floor suspense is killing me!!!!:eek: :D

06-16-2004, 05:47 PM
I have millions of pictures of my guys in my room - but none of my room as a whole! This is as close as I have.

The we move down the hall to my daughter Ashley's room. She's big on the jungle theme. This is messy for her. She's typically very neat.
Here's a view of her bed.

The we move on to the bathroom - Sorry Kim, the seat's up!

I just finished painting Heather's room, so its looking real nice!


It used to look like this:

Lastly, We have my son Tony's room. This is ONE of his three rooms - he has run of the whole thrid floor. the other rooms need you to wear hazzard suits, so no pictures of there! :D

That's it. i hope you enjoyed your tour. We enjouyed having you here! Stop by again real soon!

06-16-2004, 05:51 PM
THREE floors! I have never seen a house with three floors! Your house is very cozy. Are you SURE that wall in the kitchen is not brick:eek: Sure fooled me! I am loving these tours!!! Thank you for sharing your house with us:D :D I had a wonderful time!

06-16-2004, 05:58 PM
Yippee ... what a fun tour! I love your adorable kids' rooms, the jungle theme is great and especially the netting around her bed!!! That brick (faux) wall is INCREDIBLE!!! It looks SOOOO real!! You are so talented Kim ... I wish you could come and add some charm to my house! Man, I'd have you paint something wonderful in the nursery!!! :eek:

What a great office you have too, and a cool floor plan ... I love homes like yours!

Thank you for such a nice visit, oh and ummmm, thanks for leaving the potty seat up for me, I can't ever visit someone without taking a break!! I think it's all the excitement ya know?:rolleyes: :eek: :D

06-16-2004, 06:48 PM
All right now, I'm getting jealous of all these great houses :D I love Heather's room. Looks peaceful. And the office looks so classy. Of course my favorite shot is this:


Hee, what a cute lil booty!

06-16-2004, 07:28 PM
You are teasing me with your living room shot... I REALLY would like to "visit" that stone fireplace!!! Will whining help any???
"waaaaaaaaaah" :eek: :D

06-16-2004, 07:39 PM
Thank you, Kim for the tour of your beautiful home! I thought that really was brick! How in the world did you do that? What colors did you use to get it to look like that?

Thanks again for the tour of your beautiful home!


06-16-2004, 07:49 PM
COOL!!! Three stories, and your son has the entire third story to himself? Lucky him!! Thanks for the tour of your beautiful home. :D

06-16-2004, 07:52 PM
Sorry Kim, I went through ever family photo, every cat photo, and have not found ONE picture of my fireplace. Since my camera is en route to Nikon, I can't get any photos right now!

Willy, hee hee... you don't want to know how many colors it took to make that wall. At least 20 different shades of red, pink and terra cotta. Then some grey & beige for highlighting. Oh, and we had navy blue as an accent layer to sponge on. And lots and lots of layers of sponging the different colors on. You can tell which ones Heather did vs. me. She was only 11 when she helped me do that. I think she was a great helper and has a good eye.:D It took us two weekends just to do that wall.

Needless to say, I love to have fun with color. I grew up in a house where my dad wouldn't paint anything other than white on white and NOTHING hanging on the walls. His theory was that if it was basic, then the house held its value. Whatever gave him that idea? I always figured a pretty and elegantly colored and decorated home would be worth more when prospective buyers walk through. Oooo.. that reminds me, I've got to show you theone wall in my office. Off to find it! :)

I'm back!
Here's my favorite wall in the whole house:
I really need the wall space for my business... I need a huge storage cabinet to go along this wall and refuse to get one because I don't want to get rid of the pictures!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-16-2004, 10:23 PM
What a lovely home you have Kim! I just have one question though, you say "the brick wall that you share with your neighbor" and I notice half the house has different siding....do you just have the white siding half? I guess I'm curious because it doesn't look brand new but it seems as if it's a townhome kinda thing, which is interesting in an older home and something I've not see before. I think it's really cool though!

I love the "picture wall" and all the lovely colors in all the rooms (see my post about "neutral" in Kim's thread). And by the way, where did you get that lovely chair ornament? You know, the one that is next to your drawing table? I would love one of those. :D

Thanks so much for sharing your home!

06-16-2004, 10:35 PM
Kim, Very nice house you have. I love the canopy in Ashley's room, I have something similar over my bed. I love the blue room, very nice color. I just love color too!

Lisa & Sash

06-16-2004, 10:44 PM
Tubby & Peanut's Mom, don't they have twins in your area? They are also known as Duplexes or Semi Detatched. The house dates back to 1942. Its solid brick, and some idiot stuccoed over it years ago, and then another idiot came along and put the white siding on our side. I'd give anything to have my house showing the original brick!

We are one big house with a common wall down the middle, splitting it into two. We typically can hear everything through both walls - luckily we are GREAT neighbors to each other and both hubbies are a lot alike so we don't pay any attention to screaming on either side- typically screaming at a tv sporting event. :rolleyes: Its so weird going next door for something. Everything is reversed! :D

As for the chair ornament, that is a one-of-a-kind thing and tends to be rather naw-tee.

06-16-2004, 10:45 PM
Kim, your house is very nice. I too love the brick wall. It looks real to me, great job!

Heather's room looks great. I love both the before and after. Would you like to come help me paint my entryway and hallway tomorrow? I've got the color picked out I just need the motivation (and some help).:D

Thanks for the tour of your home. I do think you should have shown Allen and Pouncer's favorite room - the laundry basket.:D :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-16-2004, 10:53 PM
Originally posted by catnapper
Tubby & Peanut's Mom, don't they have twins in your area? They are also known as Duplexes or Semi Detatched.

Hmmm...no, can't say as I've ever heard of "twins." The only duplexes I've ever seen are newer ranch style ones where usually the common wall is the garage. I've never seen one like yours and I can see how it would be weird to visit the neighbors and have everything backwards. Neat idea though. :D

And don't worry, naw-tee chair ornaments are welcome here. :D

06-17-2004, 01:03 AM
Kim, you have a beautiful home. Thanks for the tour.:D

Ally Cat's Mommy
06-17-2004, 02:30 AM
Great tour Kim. I REALLY need you to fly over here and help with my entrance hall! It's boring and white!!!

Your house looks so cosy and colourful - I love all the different colours!!! That "brick" wall is amazing!!

Thanks for the tour!

06-17-2004, 06:11 AM
Kim, I have had a wonderful and fun visit! Your artistic painting abilities really show in your home and that is wonderful! You are a very good artist.
I think you have a very charming home and the picture wall really makes it that way. You have a very family oriented home and what could be better.
I love your home and thanks so much for the visit. Can I come back again some time?http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/smile.gif

06-17-2004, 07:22 AM
Kim, thank you so much for having us over. You house is wonderful. I love all the different colors in all the different rooms. Up until 3 years ago every room in our house was white...then I finally got a little braver and went with some very, very light colors.

I both your daughter's room...especially the jumgle motif. I love your wall with all your family pictures....there is nothing better than family.

I would really like to have one of these from your house......

Next time I'm in PA can I come over to visit?? :)

06-17-2004, 07:26 AM
Goodness! Everyone likes my chair ornament! I will never part with it, so nobody better get any ideas!

Anybody who's in Pennsylvania can come and visit me for real! In fact, I insist upon it!

06-17-2004, 09:11 AM
It is so nice to see others Peoples homes as it gives me , a lot of ideas , as The Found Cat Hotel , is undergoing Renovations!And those Cats are so Lucky , to live with Guardians that keep thier Homes so Attractive!

06-20-2004, 06:59 AM
great tour......my favorite is also the "lil booty" shot!!!

06-20-2004, 08:16 AM
It's such a lovely house! :) I love the colors, especially the blue...

Pouncer and Allen have a great cat home! :)


06-20-2004, 10:29 AM
I love your house. We have duplexes/two families here, though not as many as you, or those people in NE.

I would love to have three floors! Three whole floors...wow.

06-25-2004, 11:48 PM
VERY pretty home, Kim! :) I love the white siding, I think because it gives it a lot of character, which I really like.

That bathroom curtain is really pretty! :)

Thanks for the tour, it was great!

06-29-2004, 08:16 AM
It reminds me so much of our older home we had when we lived in town (I miss it so much).

Thanks so much for being my tour guide:)