View Full Version : Reebok and Converse to the white coats

06-16-2004, 09:33 AM
The two oldest of the family cats, Reebok and Converse are at the vets right now.

Someone has been peeing everywhere but the litter box. Mom has caught Reebok and Converse red handed, so they are the first to go. I'm suspecting a URI. Mom had them kept there so the vets can get a urinary sample. (Would of been near impossible for my parents to get one.)

If the boys really do have a URI, what kind of meds do you think they'd get?

(My parents are getting ready to head out of town so I'll have to medicate them. :eek: ;) :) )



Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-16-2004, 09:37 AM
Sorry to hear about the peeing. Not that I hope the kitties are sick, but I sure hope it's a URI because that is so much easier to treat than the ol' behavioral issues that might be the other culprit.

When T & P had URIs they were given antibiotics. I don't remember the name, but they were big horse pills. I cut them in half to make them a little easier to swallow. I tried crushing them and putting them in their treat of wet food in the morning, but they wanted nothing to do with that and Peanut, to this day, will not eat the food that I put hers in. :rolleyes:

Good luck to Reebok and Converse, and to you if you have to pill them. ;)

06-16-2004, 01:36 PM
I am going through the exact same process with one of my foster's right now. Bigodinho has a UTI and the vet put him on Clavamox drops (a type of penicillin). Sometimes it works to mix it in with the wet food, sometimes it doesn't so it is a very "hit and miss" proposition with this guy (my other cats are not like that ... they eat everything). I have even broken down and given him people tuna to see if that will help.

Good luck and you will notice a different within a couple of days, but make sure to use all the medication so the infection doesn't come back.


06-16-2004, 05:24 PM
Good luck and kissies for these two "sports"!!!;)

Cinder & Smoke
06-16-2004, 06:14 PM
Originally posted by ramanth

The two oldest of the family cats, Reebok and Converse
are at the vets right now.

If the boys really do have a URI,
what kind of meds do you think they'd get?

Boots, da Kat, was originally thought to have a
"urinary infection" -
"UTI" - and was treated twice with Antibiotics.

THIRD Time his urine was examined and found to have
"urinary :eek: CRYSTALS" -
so that's when he started getting the CATHETER treatment to
"umplug" his urinary tract...

Wasn't to be :( - he kept "pluggin up"...
so he got the Re-plummin Job
and now *squats to pee* rather than liftin a leg. :rolleyes:

You'll have to *wait & see* what the White Coat determines.
With no history of pee-problems - the Vet will probably prescribe
some sort of medication - because any surgical intervention is
always a last-ditch suggestion.

Hope Da Buyz are fellin better tomorrow!!

/s/ Phred

06-16-2004, 11:58 PM
I'm sorry to hear that Reebok and Converse are having pee problems and had to go to the vet.:( Hopefully it's nothing serious and if it's a UTI then I hope the meds will clear it up. Good luck and please keep us updated.

06-17-2004, 08:38 AM
When mom took them in to be examined, the vet suspected a UTI or crystals.

We're almost positive that it's not behavioural since nothing in their routine has changed.

Called the vet this morning when they opened and neither cat has peed yet so they don't have a sample. :( :\

They suggested I call back later and check in.

06-18-2004, 07:47 AM
Both kitties are home and HAPPY to be home. *laughs*

Reebok has bacteria in his urine so he's on an antibiotic. Converse was clean. (So his peeing outside of the litterbox is a behavior issue. bleah)

Reebok's medicine are these tiny little pills and he gets a half of one twice a day.

They are all on a behavioral medication that are the size of baby asprin and they each get a 1/4 of it, which makes pilling them all a breeze! :D

Thanks for all the well wishes.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-18-2004, 09:19 AM
Thanks for the uppydate, Kim. :) It could be that Reebok started the peeing because of the bacteria and Converse just followed suit. You know how siblings can be - if he can do it I can do it. ;)

Glad to hear the pilling is a breeze and I hope Reebok is feeling better and everything is back to normal soon. :)