View Full Version : Computer question

06-16-2004, 09:23 AM
After weeks of trying to get our computer up and running, we decided to throw in the towel and buy a new one. The problem is there are so many makes and models and I am computer illiterate. So I was wondering what brand of computer everybody has and if you would recommend it.

06-16-2004, 09:41 AM
I build my own. I go to websites *mostly ebay retailers, good deals there*, grab the parts from the cheapest place and put it together when all the parts arrive. Even with shipping, my AMD 1.5 gHz system *all new, except for one hard drive and a cd rom which needs desperate replacement lol* cost me about $250. A comparable name brand system is at least $400 if not more. I don't like name brand computers. They tend to be overpriced for one and for two I like the idea of being able to upgrade and repair things without voiding the warranty. *most name brand machines warranty contracts say that if you don't take it to the store you bought it from or to a cirtified tech, the warranty is voided* Most of the time *unless you buy the computer at a store that isn't populated by idgets* taking the computer in for repairs means losing data or breaking something else and the computer is right back into the shop. Upgrades usually arent covered by the warranty so you have to PAY the people to put in new parts :rolleyes: .

Sorry to rant on lol, you said specify in the poll.

To add: I do have a reccomendation for a name brand computer. Being a computer tech I see all sorts of name brands *fail mostly lol* I myself, athough thier 24 hr service line is a total joke, would reccomend Dell. In my experence, by far Dells outlast and out perform any other name brand.

06-16-2004, 09:47 AM
Macintosh!!!!!!! :) :) :)

06-16-2004, 10:01 AM
I have a Systemax. It's actually manfactured about 10 miles away from my house. I of course didn't know this until later (when we had already paid $100 to have it shipped to us:rolleyes: ).
I don't think I'd really recommend it.
Recently we just had a new motherboard and a new processor installed. So in 3 years I've spent about $300. I personally think it's a ripoff since we spent about $1500 for the machine to start with:o

06-16-2004, 10:03 AM
My Compaq has been my baby for going on 4 years! The only thing that's held through those 4 years is the box though, the keyboard has been replaced AND our monitor kinda pooped out on us... but I looooooove my computer!

06-16-2004, 10:17 AM
Older compaqs can take a beating!! My compaq laptop has been stepped on, sat on, spilled on with soda and water, thrown etc and still works like a champ! *a cranky champ but...*
ILoveMyAbbyGirl is totally right, the older compaq computers do last a LONG time. Since they merged with HP though the quality has gone DOWNHILL in a big hurry, thats why I wont touch the new ones. If you want to get into something cheaper, get a 2 year or so old compaq. It WILL last!

06-16-2004, 10:21 AM
Yeah! It's a good computer, unfortunately we had one of those laser mouses that don't have a ball, just the red laser. Well, don't ever wear socks, in winter, and touch it and shock the poor laser mouse. I totally shocked the mouse and killed it. :p Poor mouse. RIP. :)

06-16-2004, 10:24 AM
Our home computer is a Sony (it was Scott's before we got married). I had a Gateway for over 4 years and it did great all that time, then completely died. :(

My work computer is a Dell laptop, which I like a lot, plus we have an old IBM Thinkpad that is our "backup" home computer, but is not currently connected to the internet.


Ally Cat's Mommy
06-16-2004, 10:26 AM
I would also build my own - luckily I have the knowledge to do so!! BUT I used to work for IBM, and the quality is NOT what it used to be. (This is NOT a disgruntled ex-employee rant - I swear by their Laptops and Flat Panels - but their desktops simply no longer justify the prices they charge).

I have also heard good things from Dell, and would buy one myself. Check www.epinions.com for consumer reviews on tons of products!

06-16-2004, 11:03 AM
I use a mac. I like it much better than a pc.

06-16-2004, 11:25 AM
"Dude, I have a Dell"!!!;) It is the best computer I have ever owned! If something does go wrong, they are always there to help. Which I have not had that many problems, I had to replace my hard drive, but they sent me a hard drive and a person to install it for me, for free! I just could not ask for better service than that. Any other problems, I have not had any.


06-16-2004, 11:35 AM
My brother *built* our desktops at home, but the laptops are both Toshiba. Are you planning on buying a desktop or a laptop? I would definitely recommend Toshiba for a laptop. We've had several Toshibas and have had nothing but good experience with all of them. They're great.

06-16-2004, 11:50 AM
Only home custom built! Hubby builds them - only AMD motherboards usually 1.8Gigs. Pretty much what DJFyrewolf36 said. He can put together a 2Gig AMD system for about $300 that costs $800-$900 in the stores just by shopping around. We stay about a year behind the top of the line. The dealers all know him and so he gets good prices plus shops internet and eBay. No name brands and he won't touch anything Compaq. (proprietary and hard to work on) I doubt that we would ever buy a ready made brand name system because you can get so much more quality by going custom made. Also - the computers he builds come with tech support! Him for hardware and me for software and tutoring:) We only do it for family and senior citizens though.

Edwina's Secretary
06-16-2004, 11:54 AM
My husband just surprised me by buying a new Dell! It arrives July 6 and I am so excited as my current desk top is VERY sick! (But I got it for free so....)

06-16-2004, 12:49 PM
Toshiba laptop - this is the one that replaced my 'dead' computer.
It's lovely and Don got it second hand from Ebay - a bargain!!


06-16-2004, 01:19 PM
I really have NO idea ;x
My brother has built all of our computers, from our very first one to the one we have now.

I've been trying to get him to give me his NoteBook PC since he just got a new laptop.:p

06-16-2004, 01:35 PM
Mine's a custom built too. I did my research via Computer User magazine, ZD Net, CNet and my computer classes at school and had a local shop put it together for me to my specs. I LOVE it - very upgradeable and (knock on wood) no problems in almost 2 years. Much cheaper than the ready-builts and I got exactly what I wanted and can add to it whenever I want, however I want. I guess it's a Burger King PC - have it your way? :rolleyes: :p

06-16-2004, 01:38 PM
I used to work with computers and I finally decided to replace my dead Dell with a toshiba laptop that does everything but make me breakfast! :)

I'll never own another Dell as long as I live! :mad: Compaqs tend to be rather cheap. Oddly enough Emachines are pretty decent computers and less expensive than some of the other brands because they don't load the computer up with a bunch of crap you don't need, ie. 400 free internet trials, etc. HP is pretty decent for the money, and with Sony you pay for the name.

In laptops, Toshibas are top of the line, followed by IBM and Sony. HPs are middle of the road and Compaqs are bottom of the barrel.

My next desktop I'm going to build myself so I can be ahead of the game and build an awesome graphics/gaming/multi media machine! :)

A word of advice, get any extended warranty offered! trust me! I've seen so many die after the manufacturer's warranty has ended, and they can be expensive to fix. Also, if you live in an area subject to lightning, power outages/surges and spikes, most extended warranties will cover your computer if there's damage due to a power surge... manufacturers don't cover anything electrical like that.

Good luck! :)

06-16-2004, 01:44 PM
Originally posted by heinz57_79
Oddly enough Emachines are pretty decent computers and less expensive than some of the other brands because they don't load the computer up with a bunch of crap you don't need, ie. 400 free internet trials, etc. I agree. My last PC was an E-Machine and it was a very nice PC for the price. Lasted a good long time too.

06-16-2004, 02:37 PM
I have an eMachine computer now. Works pretty well... although I've had a TERRIBLE problem with popups (I probably have like 20 viruses :p ) I think I've finally gotten it under control... phew! :)
It's a good computer though.. I have 100GB of free space :cool:

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-16-2004, 02:49 PM
I have had Gateway since I started working here 12 years ago so I'm on my 4th one now and the only one I had problems with was two computers ago, and everything was replaced under warranty about a month before the 3 year warranty expired.

I've found Gateway tech service to be some of the best around. When I bought my laptop I debated between Gateway and Dell. Gateway eventually won out because I got a better/"bigger" computer and better service for less money.

I don't custom build, but there are certain "options" I wanted that Dell didn't allow unless I bumped up to the next higher system, and that had a lot of stuff I didn't want so I would have ended up paying more for something I didn't really want.

In my opinion, I have almost totally top of the line laptop so it wasn't cheap by any means, but it will last me for quite a few years. I've had it for 1 1/2 years now and it still beats a lot of systems that are being sold today, so it's not outdated by any means.....yet. ;)

I really can't say enough good about Gateway, but I do believe that Dell and Compaq make excellent systems also. The only thing I would recommend is to make sure it's the kind of system that can have pieces removed and added at will so you can update later if you choose. Some of the ones from Circuit City or Best Buy CANNOT be upgraded, or they can, but it's very troublesome - I would not recommend one of those even though they are cheap.....and even though Gateway bought e-machines.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-16-2004, 02:53 PM
Oops, forgot, one of the computer "experts" at Best Buy once told me that he would recommend the AMD processors over the Intel Celeron. He said they are a better processor and they are faster than the Celerons. So if you can't get or don't want an actual Pentium, get the AMD instead of the Intel Celeron.

Disclaimer - I am only quoting what the guy told me. I, personally have only had Pentiums so I have no experience whatsoever with either Celeron or AMD.

My Peanuts
06-16-2004, 03:02 PM
My boyfriend built mine at home and all the ones here at work. He makes them to order and they are a really good deal. ANYONE THAT NEEDS A COMPUTER CAN CONTACT ME AND I'LL HAVE HIM CALL YOU.
lol, I put that big so more people could see it :p ;)

06-16-2004, 03:45 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
Oops, forgot, one of the computer "experts" at Best Buy once told me that he would recommend the AMD processors over the Intel Celeron. He said they are a better processor and they are faster than the Celerons. So if you can't get or don't want an actual Pentium, get the AMD instead of the Intel Celeron.

Disclaimer - I am only quoting what the guy told me. I, personally have only had Pentiums so I have no experience whatsoever with either Celeron or AMD.

For once, the guys at best buy was well partially correct. The REASON AMD processors are "faster" is AMD motherboards generally have a faster bus speed than the Intel boards, even the pentums. (so Ive noticed shopping around) Bus speed in lay terms *This what I know, if there is a computer expert here that can correct me please do* is the speed that the board can transmit info from the processor to the ram and the other stuff in the computer and back again. It doesnt matter how fast the processor goes if the poor board can't go that fast! The Celeron makes a good laptop processor Ive noticed *although it runs awfully hot*
AMD chipsets run cooler than the Intel chipsets which is a concern us desert rats have to deal with *computers HATE heat*. Also you can't mess with an Intell as much as you can an AMD. *I like to fiddle lol* I HAVE heard though that the AMD processors stink in laptop/moble aplications so if you are looking to go into a laptop I think Intel is better there.
Has anyone had a computer with the Intel Centrino? PM me! I haven't heard too much about it and Id like to know how it performs in real life.
PS IMO *disclamer this IS just an opinion* the Intel chipset is overrated and overpriced. But since they advertise and AMD doesn't, Intel is more popular and is in a lot more computers.

06-16-2004, 04:09 PM
Originally posted by BCBlondie
I have an eMachine computer now. Works pretty well... although I've had a TERRIBLE problem with popups Go to http://www.panicware.com and download, install and use their FREE popupstopper. I won't surf without it!

06-16-2004, 05:07 PM
My husband builds ours as well, so I have no idea what it is, probably bits of this and bits of that., but I have heard Compaqu and IBM to be very reliable.

06-16-2004, 05:08 PM
Well...uh...Dell, Dell and IBM. I wouldn't recommend *our* IBM which is an E94. Personally, I love it, 19 inch monitor, and black, but lately it has been screwing up. Of course, that could be because of my brother....Ok I'd say its good but not great. The Dell's, my brother and mother's, are pretty good, but not great. Better than the IBM though. I don't know lol, hard to put a label on it as to wether its good or bad. I say, just get a Dell lol.

06-16-2004, 05:31 PM
Originally posted by RedHedd
Go to http://www.panicware.com and download, install and use their FREE popupstopper. I won't surf without it!
I agree! I have not had ONE SINGLE popup since I downloaded it!!! I used to have like 8-10 open at a time!!!

06-16-2004, 06:02 PM
I am pretty computer illiterate, so I am using a WEB TV! I have MSN service, and it's good and cheap. I had to buy a new one and it cost me $106.95, Icluding the wireless keyboard. That's why I call it the "poor man's internet"

06-16-2004, 06:17 PM
Our old computer [which we still have, and will become mine] was a Gateway. It was always having problems.

The new one that we got recentely, which is the one I'm on now, is a Dell. We've been pretty happy so far! :)

06-16-2004, 07:03 PM
Mine is custom built also, my bf Shannon built it. He is a computer tech and I met him at my previous job. :D Anywho, I love it, have had no probs so far, and if it did, I'd make Shannon work on it. lol Well, ask him nicely to fix it... lol :) hehe

06-16-2004, 08:04 PM
As someone mentioned, a guy a BB recommended an AMD processor over Intel... And I agree! I only wish my toshiba had come with an AMD. They're a harder working processor, they multi-task better than a P4 with HT technology, and they run graphics better. They also have a 64 bit processor, Intel doesn't even have one yet. When I build my desktop I'm going to find the best AMD on the market and that's the processor I'm putting in.

to give you an idea, up until recently AMD didn't have much of a commerical name. They were almost strictly a gaming and graphics processor. Also, because they don't have all the advertising, you'll pay anywhere between $200-$400 less for a computer with an AMD than one with the SAME specs with a P4.

06-16-2004, 08:27 PM
Originally posted by RedHedd
Go to http://www.panicware.com and download, install and use their FREE popupstopper. I won't surf without it!

I actually already have that :) I've had it ever since I got this computer... I've had Yahoo and Google toolbars, everything.. nothing stopped them :( But now they're gone for some reason.. I get one or two every once in a while but it's soooo much better now. phew :) Thanks anyway!! :D

06-17-2004, 08:29 AM
Thank you all for your replies. My first computer was a Compaq. I only had it for a year when my nephew opened an e-mail from someone he didn't know and it had a virus that killed my comp. So his mother, who is an electrical engineer, had rebuilt one for us to replace it. It has lasted about three years and now it's done. I'm thinking about asking my sister-in-law to build us one and ship it to us and we'll just pay her whatever she has in it. That seems to be the cheapest and best route to take. Although I do like the cost of "the poor man's internet". ;) I would go with a desktop instead of a laptop.

06-17-2004, 08:47 AM
mine's Gateway, and it's really good. (i think..i don' tknow much about computers) but i think my dad might have built a little of it..e likes doing that kind of stuff. and i think my mom's laptop is a dell