View Full Version : Upset by Shelter

Ally Cat's Mommy
06-16-2004, 04:09 AM
I was at our shelter today. A LOT of the old familiar cats who I used to play with are gone. (Some of them I have posted about). There are rows and rows of new kittens waiting for homes. This week we only homed 1 puppy and 2 kittens:( We took in over 40 animals:(

I am torn. I don't know if I have the emotional reserves to go in there and play with them, become attached, and then see their cage empty.

I am so filled with hate and resentment at all the irresponsible pet owners who contribute to the problem. It feels like no matter how much we do, it is never enough:(

Sorry - really need to vent

06-16-2004, 05:56 AM
What we do may not be enough for the thousands that we cannot help, but what we do means the WORLD to the few who's lives we CAN touch.

With that thought in mind, remember that it is better to help the few than to turn your back and help none.


06-16-2004, 07:28 AM
Julie, you can rant and rave anytime...that's what we are here for. I have to agree with Jen....we can not save everyone of them BUT the ones that we do save, help, love, and care for....we know how much good we have done for them..

{{{{hugs}}}} to you!!! Keep your chin up. It does seem overwhelming but know deep in your heart that at least YOU care and YES YOU ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE. --- Meg

06-16-2004, 08:24 AM
You all who have multipal cats-say, 4+ Just think....if you didn't rescue those babies they might be PTS or stuck in a cage.
I was also thinking of another idea to help save adult cats even though you yourself wouldn't be able to keep them. I know that you all are very familiar w/the Trap Neuter Release thing(sometimes you give them shots too). Well, I was thinking....if you could adopt several adult cats and gradually work them into just becoming alley cats. You would still feed them and get them their shots on a regular basis but atleast it would be better than being PTS with no chance in the shelter. As I said, it would have to be gradual as some of these cats had never been outside before but don't you think it's better than being PTS? Put them in a safe area and build a little shelter that they can go to sleep in and have a kibble and water dispenser. You could save SO MANY more cats this way. I can't do this since I'm still living at home so I can only give you all suggestions.
Thankyou so much for giving all these kitties loving homes and continuing to foster and love others.
God bless you.

06-16-2004, 08:26 AM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
What we do may not be enough for the thousands that we cannot help, but what we do means the WORLD to the few who's lives we CAN touch.
Yes, it must be SO frustrating not to be able to help them all, but keep in mind what Jen said above. :)

I wish we could all educate people to not put cats in a situation like this. :(

Hugs to you! :)

06-16-2004, 08:45 AM
That is one reason that I cannot go , into a Shelter , as I know , no matter how needy , or deserving , the Cats , I acnnot help any more , as I have 15 , and at least 4 Strays who depend on The Found Cat Hotel , for Food And Shelter!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-16-2004, 10:41 AM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
it is better to help the few than to turn your back and help none.

The only thing I can add to this is that even though they are gone now, you can be assured that your visits made their short lives more tolerable. They are all at RB now, and will be running to join YOU when it's time.

I know you are strong and will get past this. I, personally, couldn't do what you do, so continue to be strong. Take a day or two off if necessary, but I know you will be drawn back to help those you can and to make life easier for awhile for the others.....

{{{hugs}}} :(

06-16-2004, 11:36 AM

06-16-2004, 11:56 AM
I know just how you feel, I too volunteer at 2 local shelters & a ferret only shelter.
It does hurt to see the helpless be blamed for the actions of the irresponsible owner.
I look at the bright side, even if only a few got placed into homes, it is better than none.

And most importantly, yes they lived a short life, but for part of that life they new they were loved & well cared for. I am sure they are greatful for the opertunity that was offered to them. They left for the bridge loved & happy & healthy. I really believe they send little rainbow thankyous for all that you did to make their life more enjoyable.

06-16-2004, 04:38 PM
I hate irresponsible pet owners. Nikki was a victim of one of those. Her former "owner" and I use the term loosely, gave her up to my cat rescue organization because she became inconvenient to have around. Don't look at the "what ifs" look at the ones you have already touched, they have safe homes. As for the others, rhey are playing at the RB, waiting for your coming.

06-16-2004, 04:42 PM
I know just how you feel .... but we all have to remember just like Jen and others expressed.... that at least we are trying, and we DO make a difference.... and just think if there weren't any people that cared like you do!!!;)


06-16-2004, 05:23 PM
((((((((Julie))))))) Todays sounds like it was an extra bad day - with all the missing animals. Hopefully, next time will be a bit better and you can keep it up. The time you spent with any animal is bound to make them so much happier!! But, I do not do what you do, so it is hard for me to feel what you are dealing with and not sure that I could. BUT, I sure am proud of you and the others who do this work!!! Please try to keep it up if you can because I KNOW it makes life more bearable for the animals you spend time with!! again...((((((JULIE)))))

Could you take a few more pictures, and tell us a bit about some of the animals so that we can be praying for them?