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07-31-2001, 01:27 PM
He likes living at my house! Here are a few new pictures of the "token male"



07-31-2001, 01:31 PM
Ooops. Here's one more. I thought he looked very regal and satisfied in this one!


07-31-2001, 02:59 PM
I really like the last picture! Butter does look regal ... looks like you interrupted him surveying his kingdom!

07-31-2001, 03:16 PM
Butter is so handsome! I love his crystal blue eyes!

07-31-2001, 06:51 PM
Logan, I love the one of him sleeping. The look of innocence but so deceiving! :) Seriously, he is such a gorgeous kitty (Forgive me Butter for using that word gorgeous. It might not fit the manly image you want to project.) :) I know he is so glad he became a member of your household and is able to live the good life with all of the other pampered and love furkids.

08-01-2001, 10:30 AM
I talk so bad about my boy, and he is so precious to me. And when you read this, you will laugh at me! I was actually thinking of finding a new home for him! :eek: I just went back and found this quote from a posting I did on January 3...the times have definitely changed since then!!! Butter is here to stay!

The "buff colored" cat with the beautiful blue eyes that woke me one morning last week,is still here. Tonight he let me hold him and I realized, he has no claws. I promptly brought him inside and closed him in my office with all of the ammenities and lots of love from my daughter and me. I have been so worried about the cold weather and had made him a warm bed outside in a sheltered area and, yes, of course I had started feeding him. I am still worried about the reaction of my 2 dogs (they won't hurt him, but they're big and excited), and also Mimi, who as I have said before, is totally frustrated by other cats. I'll keep him separated and get him to the vet tomorrow. Hopefully, I can either find his owner (which I haven't had success with so far with signs and checking lost/found in newspaper) or find a new home where he can stay indoors all the time. I think the back claws are intact, but none on the front. Maybe he just escaped from someone's home...he wears no collar. Since Mimi is an indoor/outdoor cat, I think it would be hard for me to keep this one from going outside with her.

08-01-2001, 12:22 PM
Logan, I'm glad Butter's there to stay!
He sure is one handsome guy! :) :)

08-01-2001, 02:07 PM
He sure is one good lookin' cat!!! He certainly has made himself at home :D Love the pics! :)

08-02-2001, 04:12 AM

How can we ever believe the things you've said about this laid-back, gorgeous guy - as if he could ever be bad-tempered!

08-02-2001, 09:44 AM
Logan, what a beauty Butter is. I am glad that he has a permanent home. Funny how they crawl right into your heart isn't it?

Looking at his pictures made me laugh. When you take in a stray have you ever noticed how they take over the bed, best chair (usually yours) and the most comfortable spots in the house. As though it is their right - and the best part is that you let them.

When I had my first cat Sugar, he used to sprawl out on my bed and I learned to sleep diagonally to accommodate him. When I got married my husband thought I was crazy. But then Sugar trained him too - he slept between his legs every night. In the morning my husband's legs were always sore from not moving to disturb Sugar.

08-02-2001, 07:20 PM
Oh Logan, how we've talked about the trials and tribulations of Butter, the Cat Who Came to Stay!! Butter, with looks like yours, how could a lovely southern lady resist! You look right at home...as it should be!