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06-15-2004, 04:12 PM
Hear is a pet tip for your dogs . do not feed your dog raisns or grapes because they are toxic and could result in acute renal failure in other words they are poisonous and your dog will vomit
profusely and die .... from Hugo at K91

06-15-2004, 05:05 PM
Thanks for the reminder:) And add onions to the list too! Most already know about the hazards of chocolate!

Aspen and Misty
06-15-2004, 05:12 PM
Acctually, Chocolate isn't DEADLY to dogs. Only if they eat ALOT of it and it's ONLY chocolate (which alot of things aren't) Breeze ate a whole bag of Butterfinger's (maybe 75 in the bag) and she didn't get sick or anything. I called the vet and they said Chocolate isn't the best thing for dog's, but un like what most people think they won't die unless they eat chocalte that is ONLY chocalte and they eat alot of it.


06-27-2004, 04:57 PM
Originally posted by [email protected]
Hear is a pet tip for your dogs . do not feed your dog raisns or grapes because they are toxic and could result in acute renal failure in other words they are poisonous and your dog will vomit
profusely and die .... from Hugo at K91
really i really didnt know that they are toxic. how do you know all this? :confused: :confused: :eek: :eek: :eek:

06-27-2004, 05:07 PM
never put any body parts by a dog while it was eating. Heres a story. there was a small kid siting by the dog while the dog was eating. The little boy put his face near the bowl and the dog niped at the little boys face and got his eye the dog did really bad damage to the eye. the mother rushed the boy to the ER. the doctors had to take out the boys eye and replace it with a glass eye.the little boy had around 50 stiches all around his one small eye.the dog was put to sleep 3 days after. the owners did'nt even keep thr ashes. they through them in the water.:( :( :( :mad: :mad:

06-27-2004, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by Aspen and Misty
Acctually, Chocolate isn't DEADLY to dogs. Only if they eat ALOT of it and it's ONLY chocolate (which alot of things aren't) Breeze ate a whole bag of Butterfinger's (maybe 75 in the bag) and she didn't get sick or anything. I called the vet and they said Chocolate isn't the best thing for dog's, but un like what most people think they won't die unless they eat chocalte that is ONLY chocalte and they eat alot of it.

well i wouldent even try to feed it to dogs its still dangres!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad:

06-27-2004, 07:35 PM
You ask how I know this, it is that Iam a retired animal science
Major and have studied animal health and behavior . and keep
in touch with animal people all over the world . Many sources
send me curent information and because I love animals I pass
it on to you. I also have a large library of books on the subject
amassed over the years . even so I keep up to date . and am glad to help out at any time . Hugo K91

07-15-2004, 02:42 AM

why take the chance?????

some one i knew feeds his dog chocolate in his food..and as treats...hes done it for years...and not one problem.

i still say why take the chance?
if mold spores are hazardous to your child or you...would you give it to them to smell or eat? even if it takes more than a tiny sniff to kill. would you? of course you wouldn't! thats stupid right? yup.you can't possibly know if one bite could kill your precious pet...just as you couldn't know if that one inhale or lick of hazards mold could be your last. so why do it???

chocolate is fine for humans...bad for dogs

algee(sp?) is fine sucker fish....bad for humans...

see my point???i hope so for your dogs sake!!!

07-15-2004, 05:48 PM
why take the chance?????

I think Ash just posted that just so people wouldn't freak if their dog ate a candybar or summin. I forget the exact amount, but it'd take more than 1 lb of pure baking chocolate or cocoa to do any harm to a medium sized dog.. and milk chocolate has very little cocoa, so dogs can probably eat a lot of chocolate without being harmed ^__^

07-18-2004, 02:37 PM
I think our vet told us that baking chocolate is what you need to be careful with, where as the chocolate we eat (unless anyone eats plain baking chocolate) won't kill them unless they soooo much of it.


isabel wilson
08-04-2004, 09:44 AM
I am surprised by this as Ian Billingshurst (he of Give Your Dog a Bone book) advocateds feeding virtually any ripe fruit to dogs including the above.

What chemicals are the problem please?

Many thanks Isabel

Aspen and Misty
08-04-2004, 10:09 AM
Originally posted by fuzzbuttbuddy

algee(sp?) is fine sucker fish....bad for humans...

see my point???i hope so for your dogs sake!!!

Calm Down :rolleyes:

bckrazy is right.

I posted it for those of us who's dog has ever taken a sip of there chocolate milk on accdent, or for those of us who ahve ever dropped a chocolate candy bar on the ground and had your dog accidently take a bite out of it. :rolleyes:

From your second post- if I didn't know better and my dog took ONE bite from my chocolate bar on accident, I would RUSH it to the vet and tell them he has been poisened. Where thats NOT the case. It IS baking chocalte that is harmfull and they have to eat alot of it, as I said. It doubtfull your dog will get sick off any chocalte but baking chocolate. (expessially if my dog can eat 75 small candy bars and not even through up or get Diahrea)


08-18-2004, 11:44 AM
Hmmm, I once droped a grape and Katie ate it, and she's fine. So maybe if they eat alot?

08-19-2004, 10:56 AM
If you choose to give your dog rasins,grapes or chocolete you must think of the consequence of your actions. In my statement
of warning I said they COULD get very ill , sum may . and sum may not . Most health problems are diet related .Would you give
peanutbutter to child who is allergic to nuts . I hope not .
Not all animals are the same so I sugest If you must choose
Choose to not take a chance K91 ......

11-24-2004, 07:22 PM
I don't have any dogs, but I have baby-sat for dogs. I didn't know that grapes and raisens were poisenous to them. I did know that chocolate was. Thanks for letting me and other pters know this!