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06-14-2004, 07:54 PM
This is Toby :) He's 8 years old.

We got him from a shelter when he was 6 months old. The woman at the shelter described him as a Lab mix, and we've always wondered what he's mixed with.

The vet says possibly Border Collie ... I dont really see it in him but the tempermant matches, very high energy etc etc. We also think possibly greyhound because of the way he tapers up at the hips. You can also vaguely see his ribs and spine.

I posted a few pics in my 'fur family' thread, and everyone so far has said they think he's pure Lab. Most PT'ers here know a lot more about dogs than I do, so im not arguing ... but Ive never seen a purebred Lab that looks anything like him. so heres a few pics.

*NOTE* Just so no-one flames me (not that I think anyone will, but;) He's NOT underweight. He's always been skinny, ribs showing etc. He went to the vets for an ear infection (now cleared up) a few months ago and we requested a full check up as hes getting older (blood tests and everything) and he's in perfect health :D So his shape is just due to his breeding (whatever that is :p )

So anyway here are the pics. Please ignore the repulsive carpet, its being removed ASAP :p


In these pics I can see how he looks Labby

But to me his nose looks too long and all the Labs ive seen have quite broad faces, his is skinny:

He tapers up at the hips, his legs are bony and you can see his ribs and spine (like I said, not underweight)


He has Really long legs, longer than any Lab I've seen (this pic didnt turn out so great, theyre longer than they look in the picture)


06-14-2004, 07:54 PM
And body shots again:



06-14-2004, 07:57 PM
Toby is so cute!!! :D

06-14-2004, 07:58 PM
I'm not sure what he could be mixed with but I definitely don't think he's pure bred.

Like you said, his nose looks too long.

Whatever he is, he's adorable!!:D

06-14-2004, 08:01 PM
No, I don't think he is purebred either. Probably close though. He is really cute!:)

06-14-2004, 08:02 PM
He looks depressed in those pictures.

Lol, its 2am here ... I think he'd rather of been sleeping then posing for pics. He's asleep now though. and snoring :D

I'll get some *proper* pics of my gang tomorrow. Like the headshots in the first pics :D

Anyways ... im glad someone else thinks his not pure Lab. Question is, what is he? :confused:

06-14-2004, 08:10 PM
I don't know a lot about dog breeds but I know a gorgeous dog when I see one. He is stunning! More pics please. His coat is so shiny. You can tell he's very healthy. What a beautiful dog.

06-14-2004, 08:24 PM
i don't know what he could be mixed with but... i think he may have some kind of hound in him??? i really don't know but he is just gorgous:D

06-14-2004, 08:30 PM
he is veryyyy cute!

My friend has a lab mix. and it also might have some greyhound in her. because she is so skinny with the hips.

here is a picture..

I have a ton more, if you wanna see more just ask:)

06-14-2004, 08:31 PM

That looks just like him! :eek:

06-14-2004, 08:45 PM
Toby is such a cutie!!!

My Sadie is a lab/dalmatian mix. She is not quite as skinny as Toby, but has the same longs legs, and is much thinner then a purebred lab. Her face also looks alot like Toby's. She has a white spooted chest and feet though, and we know she is part Dal becuase we met her mom who was pure dal.

I don't know what Toby maybe mixed at, but you can keep posting pictures anyway :)

06-14-2004, 09:00 PM
I think my Sadie is a lab/whippet mix. She has the same slender back end you're talking about with Toby. She also looks the same laying down - same position - and her paws look the same. I did some reading on whippets and her personality matches - loves to run and chase squirrels/cats/moving objects outside but inside sleeps on the softest cushions and under the covers. She is quiet, gentle, and a bit neurotic.

How much does Toby weigh? (Sadie's about 35lbs)


06-14-2004, 09:27 PM
Toby is pure beauty! I just love his eyes!!! :)

More pictures, please!! :D

06-14-2004, 10:02 PM
Toby is stunning! Just look at that face and those eyes.


06-14-2004, 10:04 PM
If I were just looking at these pics right here and didn't know about the lab mix thing...I would think it was a doberman.


06-15-2004, 04:02 PM
thanks guys :)

Sabies - Sadie looks a lot like him, apart from the head. Toby weighs about 40 lbs

Toby sends kisses to everyone who said he was cute :p

06-15-2004, 09:41 PM
40lbs is pretty light, I say he could have some whippet in him! He is a cutie!