View Full Version : Things to consider when choosing a dog trainer? Also, crate quesitons

06-14-2004, 05:01 PM
Hi everyone. :) I want to stick my pup here Freckles into some basic obedience classes as well as seak advice on other things and I was wondering if there was anything particular I should look for in a trainer? I want to make sure she gets the best of the best so I would appreciate any tips in choosing a trainer for my pup. I want to work on basic obediance and how to act appropriately in the home. So far I have tought her how to sit AND shake already! :D She is doing great, but I do think she would benefit being in a class type setting and knowing how to act when other people are around etc.

Yesterday she went for her first car ride to Wallmart and she did wonderfully! She cried at first, then proceeded to search the car for food. :rolleyes: :p After that she just fell asleep until we got home. It was funny having two babies asleep when you get home, Dylan and the pup. LOL.

I also have a question regarding crate training. That was my "job" while at Crossroads, but we always had puppies, so I never had experience training older dogs and what size an older dog would need. So my question being, should I buy a big crate now that will last her while she's grown too, or should I stick with a smaller sized crate and work my way up? I am worried that because of the extra room in the crate with a larger sized one, she will potty in one area and leave the other area as her sleeping area. What do you all recommened? Also, what type crates do you all prefer to use? The ones we had at work were just the regular enclosed plastic kind. Does this make the animal more comfortable and secure, or do they prefer to see you while in the crate?

I also have a question about chewing. When she chews things that are not her to chew on or things I do not like her to chew, I take it away and give her her ball and then lots of praise for chewing on the correct toy. Is that a suitable way to stop her excessive chewing? Any other ideas? I am going to the dollar store today to pick up a few toys as they have great toys there for really cheap, and also getting a leash and collar to start lead training. Any tips for a house pup would be appreciated! :D

I'll post photos sometime tonight or tomorrow. :)

06-14-2004, 05:50 PM
Well the number one important thing about finding a trainer is that you have to be comfortable with their training methods. So ask at your vet, ask other dog owners in your area, get recommendations and then call the people up and ask to watch a class. All good trainers will let you watch a class.
After the class talk to the people who are taking the class and see what they say.

With the crate issue I would probably buy one that will fit her as an adult and then find a way to block off the back of it so that she doesn't have to much room at first. I would do this only because of cost issues though, crates can be exspensive! :)

What you are doing for the chewing sounds about right. Also try to keep inappropriate things off the ground as well. (Although I know that's hard with a toddler in the house LOL )

Here's a link to many links on all kinds of issues with puppies if you're up to some reading :)


06-15-2004, 12:40 AM
Thanks so much for the link and advice. I really appreciate it. I thought I would have had more replies though. :(

06-15-2004, 07:50 AM
I agree with Shelteez2.

I would get a crate that will be big enough for an adult. Some of the wire ones come with dividers so you can make the inside the size you need now and expand the space as you need it. Wire cages can be covered with a sheet if desired, or even a blanket for warmth. Sometimes a cover will calm an excited dog.

I have the airline carriers for my big dogs, and they like to hide out in them. I got the carriers to transport dogs in the back of the truck. When I was storing them in the house between trips, my 12 & 13 year old rescues decided they were perfect spots to snooze.


06-15-2004, 08:15 AM
I also agree w/ shelteez2.

guster girl
06-15-2004, 07:19 PM
I got Finn a crate that actually came with a divider, and, it enabled the crate to "grow" with him. He's got the whole thing now, at 5 1/2 months, even though he is not even close to full grown. He's just trust worthy enough that I know he won't pee in there. :) But, the cage is called "life stages", I can't remember if there was a site or not....