View Full Version : No Guard Dogs Here!

06-14-2004, 01:42 AM
An old friend of ours came to visit this evening. He is one of those guys who has never really settled down and pops in about once every 2 years. He is very big, very tall and has a deep voice.

I was the only one here...well, Alden was asleep....Katie and Tori were outside and I let them in to meet Marty. Did it bother the girls that there was a huge stranger standing in our living room....noooo....they came barreling into the living room, Katie grabbed a toy along they way and was woo woo wooing the whole time. Both girls were just a wiggling and waggling and jumping on him and I had the hardest time trying to get them to stay down and behave. Marty sat down and Katie walks right up beside him and starts licking his ear and Tori hops right up in his lap and starts licking his face. :eek: Yeah, I would say he was on the verge of being licked to death. Thank goodness he likes dogs! I have no control of these two I really need to get a handle on this. I finally had to tell them to go to their crates. They just would not leave him alone.

I swear if someone was trying to break in they would just be thrilled to see him!

Robin :)

06-14-2004, 02:16 AM
I have the same problem... If I was being robbed, I think they'd all meet him at the door wanting ear skritchies and wanting treats. :rolleyes: I think my cats are more inclined to "guard" than the dogs.

06-14-2004, 11:14 AM

Well...you did let the dogs in to meet him. ;) Since you were comfortable around your friend, it's obvious they picked up on your body language.

but I know what you mean about being friendly to anyone that might break in. :D

06-15-2004, 10:12 AM
Good girls, Katie and Tori! They've got good judgement and I bet you'd be pleasantly surprised of how they'd react if anybody actually threatened you.


06-15-2004, 10:31 AM
LOL! that sounds just like beanie! i think his goal in life is to annoy everyone that comes over with his kisses!:rolleyes:

06-15-2004, 10:37 AM
Originally posted by ParNone
Good girls, Katie and Tori! They've got good judgement and I bet you'd be pleasantly surprised of how they'd react if anybody actually threatened you.


Lets hope I never have to find out, Par.

Robin :)

06-15-2004, 11:49 AM
Ha ha! Maybe it is because they knew them? Duke is a great guard dog. He even stays on guard when he's over at Kay's. He and Simba both barked at the pizza delivery guy.

06-15-2004, 02:38 PM
What a great story Robin! I guess you've finally heard Tori's howling now:D
We used to have 2 guard dogs when Keisha was around but now Angus is getting old and he really doesn't care who comes in the house and like Tori & Katie I think Roxey would lick them to death.
Huney's our new little watch dog:)

I have a similar story, hope you don't mind.
Last night I had a Pampered Chef party and two of the girls who came had never met either of the dogs. Of course Roxey was all over them but what surprised me was how friendly Huney was! She was so happy to see both of them and didn't flinch a bit when they went to pet her. She's come a long way in the last two years. I'm so proud of her!

06-15-2004, 03:30 PM
I use my dogs for double checking guys I may date. If he or the dogs don't like eachother then HE must go!!!:D I won't date a guy that won't touch my dogs or my dogs won't come near. So far they have had REALLY good taste. Unfornately, the date often plays with the dogs more than me!!!:eek:
My dog Dirtnap is showing good guard dog ability lately. I just wish he could hear and NOT sleep through everything. I can step right over him several times and he won't move!
Scooby and Shaggy on the other hand will lick a stanger to death!!! Scooby loves to knock people down and lick their faces!!!:rolleyes: The funniest part is that Scooby will bark at strangers and growl but only BETWEEN MY LEGS!!! I am soo embarrassed. The 'Stranger" will even ask me if I am here to defend the dog???!!!:eek:
I love my doggies and know they would protect me if ever in danger. No ONE better touch MAMA!!! They may come back with a nub!!!;)

06-15-2004, 06:21 PM
Lol thats just too funny! Major, well, he seems to know who to bark at. Sometimes he'll bark at people I don't like, or just plain weird strange guys (Purolator guy, sorta like FedEx I think for those who don't know)

But sometimes he barks at people who are 100 feet away:rolleyes: I think it depends on his day lol. If he is in a barking mood or not.

06-15-2004, 06:28 PM
lol my dogs bark like crazy and get VERY protective if they see someone on our property, when they know who it is they calm down however iff not watch out. shadow has held intruders in one spot before, oh no, she wont attack them, she just growls, snarles, and circles the intuder holding then in place until you call her off. now she is very good with people she trusts, one creepy person was staring and hanging around the car while I was alone(exept for shadow) in it, I locked the doors and shadow cimbed on my lap, and litterally gaurded me, she would show her teeth at the guy, and bark if he got to close. while in general if people are walking around she could not care less. she is an exellent judge of character. recently since she is staying with my friend, the alarm went off and my freinds cousin was called he walked in the house, shadow has never seen him before, she she did not even bark. now if she had not trusted him, he would not have gotten very far in the house lol