View Full Version : How old were your dogs when...

06-13-2004, 11:36 PM
...you started letting them sleep with you? or letting them out of there cage at night?

Well, tonight I thought I would give elvis a chance to let him sleep with me tonight. He is practically housebroken now. But I think I can trust him.

so, how old were your puppies?

06-13-2004, 11:38 PM
Jasper was 8 weeks old :o he slept in his crate for about 2-3 nights lol he hated it, he did however fall off my bed a couple times, still does sometimes lol, so I was very careful, and usually held onto him on my arms the entire night!

06-13-2004, 11:42 PM
Simba was 8 months old 9when we first got him)
although, him and I slept in the floor for a while because my parents didn't allow him on the furniture..... years down the road, you have to tell them to scoot over to make room!

I actually can't remember how old Nala was......

06-13-2004, 11:43 PM
Because I couldn't crate train any of my mutts, they've pretty much been sleeping with us since we got them. Chloe has always slept either at the foot of the bed, or up on my pillow like a hat. Charlie prefers to share your pillow and sleep up against your back, or with his bead on your belly. When we first got Arthur he cried the first couple nights, so up he came! :) He sleeps either between your legs with his head on your thigh, or between my gf and myself. Usually, there's only one pup on the bed at a time, altho... there have been nights when (oh ^%$#! Arthur just stole a mouthful of popcorn while I was typing this!! *sigh* There goes my dinner... ) anyway, there have been nights when I've woken up to have Arthur AND Dragon at my feet, Chloe and Joey up by our heads (Arthur likes popcorn :rolleyes:) and Charlie and Katie wherever they can find a spot. Makes for a crowded bed when it's only a full size! :D

Now if you'll excuse me I have to do something about my dog and the popcorn......

06-13-2004, 11:48 PM
We got LOUD Louie when he was 7 weeks. He spent a grand total of about 5 days in a play pen beside our bed... on about day 6 DADDY asked if it would be ok if he slept between us. :rolleyes: That was 5 years ago... he sleeps with us every night, and for a Corgi he can take up half the kingsize bed!:o ... and we wouldn't have it any other way.:D

06-13-2004, 11:51 PM
aww I forgot to mention Elvis is 4months old.

lol at the popcorn problem:p

06-14-2004, 12:03 AM
Katie slept with us right from the start. We have never had any problems with Katie at night time. Not that I can think of any way. She didn't sleep with us for long though. Not enough room. She has never been locked in her crate at night. She has always just slept wherever she wanted to. Even when she was just a baby she pretty much slept all through the night. If she did wake up she would always come and lick my face to wake me up. She is such a good girl! The only time Katie's door is officially shut is when no one is home with her. I don't want to take the chance of her chewing up the house.

Tori, is a different story. She has never slept with us, as a matter of fact she seems frightened of the bedroom and acts like she is not suppose to be in there. She is just now starting to come in and only if Katie is in there with one of us. Even before when Katie would be in there with us, she would not pass the doorway instead she would sit there and whine. Another thing that makes me wonder what happened to her before Alden brought her home. Tori is always in her crate at night and the door is always shut. She definitely can't be trusted on her own...lol...I think she would chew the whole house down. Even though Katie doesn't have to she will go in her crate at night when Tori does. Both girls seem to love their crates and are often napping in them on their own.

I should point out that when Katie was small I was on sick leave and home with her all day and night. This could have made a difference.

Sorry I got a gabby on this one :p

06-14-2004, 12:08 AM
Thats the same with my katie. When we first brought her home she could sleep through the night without problems. Thats kinda weird why Tori doesn't like the bedroom. It makes me wonder....

anyways, Elvis is all stretched out on my bed...AWW, I must go join him, its calling me. hehe

night all :)

06-14-2004, 12:11 AM
Merlin was 10 weeks when we got him I think I caved in a week later and had him sleeping with me. But he always has slept down at the bottom of the bed,his choice . He still does like sleeping in his crate if the door is open ,in the day time. Nights its bed time and hes there before me.

06-14-2004, 12:36 AM
Keegan was over a year before I let her sleep with me. I crated her everynite for bed. It was sooooo hard to hear her cry for the first month or so. Then she got used to it and I kept the crate right by my bed. I tried to let her out but Candy/Dixieland Dancer from PT, told me not to b/c she would pee on my bed or me, so I stuck to it!! The little %^&* still peed on my bed twice!!! When she POTTY TRAINED! Then I gradually started letting her out, she had some mishaps, like chewing up a rug. But for the most part, she did ok. Then it was about 6-7 mos later I started letting her out of the crate when I went places for a short time, she was just under 2 years old when we put the crate back up in the rafter's of my garage. She is only in the crate if we travel in my parent's van now. My mom doesn't even make her stay in the crate when she is over there. :eek: Talk about a GIANT step for MANKIND!

06-14-2004, 12:57 AM
Originally posted by heinz57_79
Because I couldn't crate train any of my mutts, they've pretty much been sleeping with us since we got them. Chloe has always slept either at the foot of the bed, or up on my pillow like a hat. Charlie prefers to share your pillow and sleep up against your back, or with his bead on your belly. When we first got Arthur he cried the first couple nights, so up he came! :) He sleeps either between your legs with his head on your thigh, or between my gf and myself. Usually, there's only one pup on the bed at a time, altho... there have been nights when (oh ^%$#! Arthur just stole a mouthful of popcorn while I was typing this!! *sigh* There goes my dinner... ) anyway, there have been nights when I've woken up to have Arthur AND Dragon at my feet, Chloe and Joey up by our heads (Arthur likes popcorn :rolleyes:) and Charlie and Katie wherever they can find a spot. Makes for a crowded bed when it's only a full size! :D

Now if you'll excuse me I have to do something about my dog and the popcorn......

LOL....Too funny!!! :p

06-14-2004, 05:13 AM
I had to crate Reece at night for the first 2 weeks after I adopted him due to seperation anxiety (I couldn't let him get used to being so close to me all the time until he got over his seperation anxety - yes, that BROKE my heart! But he got over it and came right into my bed after that).

Lolly I never really crated. She's a tricky one due to her abusive past. I did leave crates out with the doors left open. For the first few days, she liked to hang out in there because it was the only safe area she could find. By the second or third night, she was sleeping with me though.

06-14-2004, 05:28 AM
Drake is still in his crate at night, but he doesnt seem to mind

06-14-2004, 05:32 AM
Fot the most part, Sadie was crated everynight until she was about 9 months old. Once she was housebroken, we would let her sleep in out room once a week or so. It wasn't until she spent a week at Ralph's sister's and slept in their room, that she became a permantent resident in our bed :)

Cincy, I don't remember how old she was, but it was after she was fully housetrained and could go all night without an accident.

Spot was 2 1/2 when we got him. He also had worms at the time. I don't know exat timing, but we waited a few weeks til the worms were gone and we were sure we could trust him.

06-14-2004, 05:48 AM
My pups were 8 and 10 weeks old when I got them. They slept in a box beside my bed the first few nights and then they ended up on the bed.I'm a light sleeper though so if they moved around in the middle of the night I was up and had them out the door. Luckily had no problems.

06-14-2004, 03:13 PM
well brock was about 11 to 12 months old when I adopted him, and he has never been a destructive dog. he had been crate trained when I got him and was always good in the crate. one day I just thought, "well hey, Ill try letting him sleep on the bed with me just for tonight." the only reason I didnt do it previous, is because the cats always slept on the bed with me, and night time was kind of like my time with them. things went really well that first night and since that day hes slept on my bed with me (AND the cats!) every night. I basically just had to wait until he & the cats were comfortable with each other. Things went really smoothly for me, I was lucky. :) I didnt get a puppy for a reason! hehe

good luck with Elvis!

06-14-2004, 03:45 PM
I personally do not crate my dogs. So uhh.. they were allowed free roam since day one.

Just my personal way of raising them, not that crates are bad or good, just I don't see a need for them in my home w/ my pets yet.

06-14-2004, 03:51 PM
Elvis did really well last night. He slept right through the night.

He slept all cuddle against me, it was so cute!

06-14-2004, 03:56 PM
Im glad the first night went well!! I bet he was happy to be able to sleep with you :)

Did he sleep longer? Or did you not notice? When Jasper slept in his crate, he would wake up around 6-8am, but when I let him sleep with me, he didn't stir until I did, I loved that part :p

06-14-2004, 03:59 PM
Thats exactly same with Elvis!

When he slept in his crate he would be whining around 8-9, but today I woke up a 11:00 and Elvis was still asleep beside me!

06-14-2004, 07:01 PM
Rebel just now became a house dog when I finally got out on my own. He's been sleepin in my bed since that first night here, at the apartment. :D He's very good, he'll lay there till I get up. lol Claire stayed at Shannon's until I moved out and she'd sleep downstairs in the almost empty living room lol! Now, she sleeps in the bed with me, that started when Rebel and her moved in the apartment too. Rebel was 1 year 6 months and Claire was 6 months old. :D They both do great!

06-14-2004, 09:43 PM
"When Jasper slept in his crate, he would wake up around 6-8am, but when I let him sleep with me, he didn't stir until I did"

hey yeah Brock did that too. Ive never really thought about that until now. lol In fact, most of the time he doesnt even get up when I do anymore- too early! sleepyhead puppy

06-14-2004, 10:41 PM
Tikeya, and Baby didnt go in a crate, Tikey and Baby started sleeping with us right away :).. and they did their business all over the room..
Oscar slept in a crate till he was 3 months.

06-14-2004, 11:07 PM
Emily was about 5 or 6 months old... whenever she out grew the crate we had for her.

I got Clipse when he was 7 months old and he was already housetrained so he was allowed to sleep on my bed from the beginning. I did however shut him in my room for the first couple months :)

06-15-2004, 12:37 AM
Nebo slept in a crate in my room until he was at least 8 months or so. Then I put a dog bed in my room and allowed him to sleep there at night and he did fine. I had to BEG for him to be allowed to sleep on my bed. My parents have never let dogs sleep on beds. I think he was about 1 1/2 years when they finally said yes. So now he sleeps on my bed every night. That's the only piece of furniture in the house he's allowed on. He's a very good boy at night, never destroys things...he'll sleep in until I get up too.

06-15-2004, 10:40 AM
Well it's been quite awhile ago with Murph and Maddie, so I don't remember exactly, but it seems like they were both sleeping in my bed by 3 mos of age. Neither one ever went through a destructive stage and although Murph took until about 6 mos old to housebreak, I never really had a worry about him peeing on the bed for some reason.

It's been 2 years ago with Oz and it seems like he was around 4 mos, maybe 5 mos old. Mainly because he had a tendency to fall off the bed and I didn't want him to hurt himself and also Maddie would run him off the bed quite often.

Gully's 14 weeks old and I'm not letting him sleep on the bed yet, mainly because he and Oz will not stop playing with each other. So if I want any sleep, they have to be separated. I'm also afraid of him falling off the bed too and he doesn't get carpet to help cushion his landing. I've got wood floors now. I've a feeling he may be closer to 6 mos before he gets to sleep on the bed regularly.


06-15-2004, 10:53 AM
We let Wicket sleep with us right off the bat. He had a crate that he absolutely hated. (We got him when he was 8 months old)
In Feb., we got Waffles (a friend couldn't keep her) in which we tried crating for awhile. (she's now 8 months) I don't know that it works for her either. She used to go potty in her crate so, we let her sleep with us. Big mistake.....now she uses our carpeted living room floor to poop on. We've tried using the crate again & this time she whines when she has to go potty but, still poops on the floor. AGH....I don't get it & now I think they're both doing it but never catch them at the act!!!
I was hoping she would stop going in the house because we love having the dogs sleep with us!

06-15-2004, 12:28 PM
Originally posted by teenster3
We let Wicket sleep with us right off the bat. He had a crate that he absolutely hated. (We got him when he was 8 months old)
In Feb., we got Waffles (a friend couldn't keep her) in which we tried crating for awhile. (she's now 8 months) I don't know that it works for her either. She used to go potty in her crate so, we let her sleep with us. Big mistake.....now she uses our carpeted living room floor to poop on. We've tried using the crate again & this time she whines when she has to go potty but, still poops on the floor. AGH....I don't get it & now I think they're both doing it but never catch them at the act!!!
I was hoping she would stop going in the house because we love having the dogs sleep with us!

I think it is crucial to start all over with the potty training. When they go potty where they aren't supposed to, don't scold them, they don't understand what they did was wrong b/c it didn't happen right then. They will think you scolding them for sitting there looking at you. If you catch them in the act simply say "NO" and take them out. If you find they have gone potty, take them out immediatly. I think crate training is cruicial, I have crate trained 2 dogs and wouldn't do it any other way. If need be re crate them. It is also advised to keep them tied to you if you are in the house. That would be putting them on a leash and tying it around your waist so they are always with you. I have an extremly small house, so I never did that. B/c usually where ever I went Keegan followed. I always tried to make the crate fun for Keegan, talk her into it in a really high voice, put an old blanket in there and give her treats when she goes in. I even fed her in the crate for awhile.