View Full Version : So close yet so far...

06-13-2004, 10:59 PM
This weekend Smudge and I competed in the AAC (Agility Association of Canada) Alberta and NWT regionals. There were 105 dogs from all across the province competing for a chance to represent our province in the nationals that go in August in Montreal.

In order to qualify for Nationals the dog and handler team had to get a combined total score from the 6 courses (2 gamblers, 2 jumpers and 2 standard rounds, 1 each day) of 300 points.

Well needless to say Smudgers and I put in a valiant effort but came up just a tad short of the 300 points. At the end of the trail we were sitting in 18th place out of 30 dogs in the 22" height class with a total points value of 284.

I would have liked to qualify for nationals but honestly it doesn't matter either way. Smudge and I had a great weekend alone together (left Tama and Winter at home) and together we had some of our best rounds ever since we first started competing in agility.

Just thought I would share that little piece of news.

06-13-2004, 11:08 PM
You and Smudge should be so proud of yourselves. I think this sounds very exciting. I admire you both!

Congratualtions and keep on reaching for your goals!

I'm very impressed.

Give hugs to Smudge from me please.

Robin :)

06-13-2004, 11:25 PM
Hey you deserve a pat on the back for just being able to compete at that level. Way to go!

I didn't make it out as I was unsure of the weather and the person I was going to go with backed out on me at the last minute. :(

I'm glad you had fun.

06-13-2004, 11:53 PM
Hey, I think you deserve a RIGHT ON for even competing! :) Besides, there's always next time, right?

06-13-2004, 11:59 PM
Yahoo!!!!Way to go Smudge!!!!! You'll get it next time.You guys did good for the first attempt.

06-14-2004, 12:30 AM
But you did good!!!
And you had fun?!
That is what counts! :)

06-14-2004, 02:53 PM
I for one am very impressed and congratulate you and Smduge on doing such a fantastic job! I'd be so intimitdated with so many competitors! To think you were just 16 points from making the nationals on your first try! You and Smudge should be VERY proud of yourselves!!! I hope you'll continue to compete! Hugs to you sweet Smudge!:)

06-15-2004, 10:04 AM
Wow that sounds pretty dang good! I'm impressed. To me, it's the journey that's most important, not the destination, but it sure looks like you guys are destined for the destination too. Congrats to you and Smudge!


06-15-2004, 11:27 PM
Thanks guys.

It really was a lot of fun and doing that good in my first regionals just makes me want to try harder for next year...plus it really makes me want to get out of novice :rolleyes: mommy chokes most of the time while running the Smudge puppy, hope to change that next trail.

06-16-2004, 07:33 AM
Congrats! I think you both should be proud of yourselves!

06-16-2004, 07:50 AM
Good job, Tracey!!! And you have such a good attitude about it as well!!! :) I'm so proud of you and Smudge!!! :D