View Full Version : I cannot believe you all...

06-13-2004, 10:49 PM
Wow. I am leaving.

You all just know me in and out don't you? You know EXACTLY what it was like for me to give up Ozzy. Yeah, I understand what you say when you tell me that I'm irreresponsible, and don't care about MY dog (that being MY dog, not yours, therefor I know what's best for him, or do you know him better than I do too?) when I raised him BY MYSELF (no parents involved) to be the handsome boy he is now. I brought him through obediance, socilization, manners, and all the other crap that I seem to not care about.

I cannot believe what I heard directed towards me in one of the worst decisions I have ever had to make. My GOD!


06-13-2004, 11:04 PM
Just wanted to say I completely understand why you would want to leave.

I know you did the best thing for Ozzy, and he thanks you for it.

{{HUGS}} You're a great person, Cayter. Don't worry about the few who put you down.

06-13-2004, 11:18 PM
I agree with GoldenRetrLuver.... {{{{{{{{really big hug}}}}}}}}}

06-13-2004, 11:19 PM
Originally posted by GoldenRetrLuver
Just wanted to say I completely understand why you would want to leave.

I know you did the best thing for Ozzy, and he thanks you for it.

{{HUGS}} You're a great person, Cayter. Don't worry about the few who put you down.

I totally agree, and I honestly, cannot believe how hurtful some of them were either. :(


06-13-2004, 11:19 PM
Have fun with life.


06-13-2004, 11:27 PM
Goodbye, Cayter.

I think that you made a good decision for Ozzy to go to a new home. He will be happier there. Good decision.

06-13-2004, 11:57 PM
Foam please don't leave I will miss you a lot.

06-14-2004, 12:22 AM
I'm sorry you've decided to leave.. :( but I understand why you'd want to do so..
I truly know how hard it is to give up a dog.. I had to do it once myself and it was the hardest thing I've done in my life.. and I still dearly miss my pup but there was nothing I could do. :( You did a WONDERFUL job raising Ozzy!! You should be proud of yourself! Don't let others tell you otherwise. Please K.I.T. if you're leaving PT for good.. (AIM = LinkinPdeeviL, MSN = [email protected], email = [email protected]) Take care!

06-14-2004, 01:11 AM
Aww, Cayter... I know I haven't talked to you much, but I still admire you very very much. I will miss you so much if you leave. But I cannot blame you at all for leaving. You did the best thing for Ozzie. You are a great owner, don't ever let anyone else tell you any different. Keep your head up sweetheart, you did the right thing for Ozzie.

Ally Cat's Mommy
06-14-2004, 02:23 AM
Cayter, I havent really had much contact with you, as I tend to stick to the "Cat Side" , but I wanted to say a few things before you left PT.

1. I am sorry that things didn't work out with Ozzy. I can tell from your posts that you loved him deeply.

2. I am sorry you didnt get more guidance from your parents when you originally got him. As the mother of three teens, I can relate to how much time after-school activities take up. When my kids want to start something new, the first question I ask is " How will this fit in with what you already have on your plate - are you over-committing??" and if I think they are, I step in and play the "baddy" and say NO.

3. I am sorry you have been hurt by peoples posts. You came here for support for a difficult decision, and you received a lot of harsh words. (My belief - If you can't say something nice, don't say anything).

4. I applaud you for the maturity in your decision to put Ozzy's wellbeing first, and responsibly re-home his through the breeder. Waiting longer may have resulted in an adult dog with behaviour problems who would have been more difficult to home.

5. I hope you don't leave Pet Talk, but I can understand why you would feel that way. Maybe take a break, and come back in a little while with some new Darlin' pictures??

I can't help thinking that this is a perfect example of how SCHOOL and LIFE are complete opposites:

In SCHOOL we have the LESSON, then the TEST
In LIFE, we have the TEST, then the LESSON

(((HUGS))) to you, with whatever decision you make re Pet Talk. I for one will miss you if you leave.


06-14-2004, 04:11 AM
Foam I think you did the right thing also, and I know it must have really been so hard for you, the pictures you posted of you and Ozzy say it all really.

All I can say is, it is up to you whether you leave PT or not, but if I were you, I would not let a few comments ruin your time on PT, emotions run high sometimes, and yes I know you posted in the hope of support, of which you did get, but I am sure you knew there would also be negative side to the thread unfortunately.

Take care, and the way I see it Foam,it would be more irresponsible and selfish of you to keep Ozzy, if in your heart, you know you did the right thing,( although I know you were torn,) then you have nothing to feel bad about ok.:)

06-14-2004, 05:19 AM

I wish the best for you and Ozzy. I am so glad he has found a home so quickly and hope he's well on his way to being adjusted. I am glad he even has a new canine sibling.

I'm sorry you'll be leaving. I probably would leave too though. That thread was really hard for me to read.. not only the things directed at you, but all of the side bickering as well.

While I don't condone giving up on pets at all, I believe you did what was best for Ozzy. It truly was a selfless thing to realize that you were not the best home for him.

I could see the situation from everyone's point of view, but I do think a couple people got way too harsh.

I'm going to leave the rest of my opinions out of here because the thread is done and closed now.

Good luck, Cayter. Kiss Darlin for me, will ya?

06-14-2004, 08:15 AM
I am sorry that it came to this, Foam, but I can completely understand why you would want to leave. Regardless of what has been said, it shows maturity that you have admitted now that certain time-consuming activities take priority over Ozzy, rather than years of misery down the track for all involved. I think it would have been selfish of you to keep Ozzy if you could not give him the love and attention he needs. You showed integrity by giving him back to his breeder rather than just dumping him on the street or at a shelter.

To everyone else - Whatever your personal feelings are, and what YOU would have done in her shoes, y'all really should have kept your yaps shut and let the poor girl cope with an awful decision. This site is supposed to be supportive and positive.

06-14-2004, 08:32 AM
i'm sorry you're leaving, i don't know what happened, i guess i missed that whole thing, but i know you're a good pet owner and you love your pets alot, and you would do whatever is best for them. and i also know how some people can be around here sometimes (i'm not pointing out any individual person), but try not to take what they say seriously, you know you love your pets and you did what was best, so their opinion doesn't really matter.

06-14-2004, 08:35 AM
I second everything Julie (ally cats mommy) had to say. I think what you did was painfully hard and you were doing the most selfless thing by letting him go to a place where he'd be the happiest he can be. You know the old saying "if you love something, set it free."

Any of the people yelling at you could have something happen tomorrow where they'd have to rehome their pets- you never know. Now, I'm sure a lot of outraged gasps will come from that statement, but it happens. But imagine how life changes. There are accidents, deaths, bankruptcies, etc. I never in my dreams thought I'd have to rehome Nicki. However, I never imagined that my Nicki would be so badly attacked by my husband's dog - even after we slowly introduced each other and the introductions were successful. I couldn't rehome Sammie because I knew she wasn't rehome-able, and I wasn't going to leave my new husband over the dogfights. I raised Nicki with my mom and she was more than thrilled to have her back again. Yes, Nicki is still here with me. Thats because life changed agin, just as swiftly, and Sammie went to RB. I never knew she was sick. Life changes all the time and you never know what decisions you will need to make.

I am sorry that you came here looking for comfort and support and received all those vicous attacks. Shame shame on everyone! Do not speak from your highpoint, because you never know when you'll be knocked down.

06-14-2004, 08:47 AM
I can't blame you for wanting to leave, Cayter. :(

I hope you will still be checking your PMs, as I would love to keep in touch with and know how Darlin' is doing. :)

I'm sorry a few thoughtless people had to ruin PT for you ... funny how that works, isn't it? ;)

06-14-2004, 11:37 AM
I've been somewhat hesitant to post about this. I've been very affected by Ozzy having to be rehomed. Being a smoothie named Oz, hits a lil' too close to home. I’m reminded of him every time I look in the eyes of my Oz and I can't imagine how he'd be able to handle it. I also hope that my talking about how wonderful my Oz is, didn't contribute in any way to unrealistic expectations and a hasty, ill thought out decision by you. If so, I’m sorry for that.

As sad as I feel for Ozzy though, I do recognize that we’re all human and none us make it through this life without making mistakes. The key is to learn from them and to learn about ourselves, so we can hopefully make better future decisions. So I find it hard to be judgmental towards you, because “for the grace of god go I”. I took a huge risk when I got my Oz, when Murph and Maddie were 11+ years old. I had everybody telling me it was the wrong thing to do, yet it felt right to me, so I went with it. I got extremely lucky, if I’d gotten a dog with any other kind of personality than Oz’s, I could easily see him having to be rehomed. That’s why I was so paranoid and picky about what breed I chose and why I got a puppy. I wanted to make my odds go up, but it still could have backfired on me big time. I would have never rehomed either M&M, so even with as much as I loved Oz, if he would have made life miserable for them or hurt them, I would have had to find him a more appropriate home. But much to the surprise of my friends and family, even Maddie seemed to like him, more so than she did Murph even. Big bullet dodged for me.

Hopefully as you move forward from this, you’ve learned more about what’s right for you; to think out the negative consequences of every decision you make; and to take responsibility and handle with grace the fallout of those consequences.

Anyway, I hope you’ll stick around and I’m especially glad to hear Ozzy has found a new home and hope that he’ll be happy there.


06-14-2004, 01:54 PM
Very well said Julie (Ally cat's mom). I couldn't have said it better.

My Peanuts
06-14-2004, 03:17 PM
I only have one thing to say to foam. This is a board of people that treat their pets like family members. What did you think was going to happen?

06-14-2004, 03:22 PM
Having rehomed a cat in the past year, I know that the most responsible people can make rather hasty decisions some times. I tried to and was successful in finding the perfect new home for Ti, my cat. I did what I could to undo the mess I had created. I feel perfectly comfortable with my final choice of a new home for him as I hope Foam feels too. Such is life. I learned a good lesson from Ti and his rehoming, and hey, I am over 50 years old and still have many mistakes to make.

We all live and learn. Give the kid a break.


06-14-2004, 04:20 PM
I know every one else is saying this, but i am saying it too. You did the right thing, and everyone else who says you didn't are wrong. However I entitle all to their oppinoin. You did well because if you couldn't take care of him like he needed, his health would have dropped. You did not send him to the pound, you re-homed him, those are two very different things. You saved your dogs life!!!

Never doubt your decision for it is normally right.


Best Wishes :)

Much Luv :p

Buenos Dias :D

06-14-2004, 04:22 PM
I can understand why you're leaving too Cayter, I probably would too if I had those kinds of comments directed at me. But even though I don't really know you that well, I will miss you and Darlin.

Take care.:)

06-14-2004, 04:44 PM
I only have one thing to say to foam. This is a board of people that treat their pets like family members. What did you think was going to happen?

that people would be supporive, duh. its people on this board that are always stressing that you have to do whats best for the pet and not whats best for you. so cayter did just that, she realized that she could not give ozzy what he needed so she put her feelings aside and rehomed him. poor cayter got tones of flames for giving up ozzy, I gave up shadow in case ya had forgotten and all I got was support, as did many people who have had to give up there pets, whats so differnt in this case? you all liked ozzy better or something? honestly.

cayter I dont blame you for leaving. I know I have taken plenty of breaks from this board because some partiular people are just flat out rude here. (I wont name names, but I know several people who know exactly who I am talking about)

My Peanuts
06-14-2004, 05:03 PM
Originally posted by cali
that people would be supporive, duh. its people on this board that are always stressing that you have to do whats best for the pet and not whats best for you. so cayter did just that, she realized that she could not give ozzy what he needed so she put her feelings aside and rehomed him. poor cayter got tones of flames for giving up ozzy, I gave up shadow in case ya had forgotten and all I got was support, as did many people who have had to give up there pets, whats so differnt in this case? you all liked ozzy better or something? honestly.

cayter I dont blame you for leaving. I know I have taken plenty of breaks from this board because some partiular people are just flat out rude here. (I wont name names, but I know several people who know exactly who I am talking about)

I wasn't trying to add any negativity to this post and I don't appreciate that you tried to make it a fight with a comment like "duh." I'm just saying that people on this board treat their pets like family and if I had done something like foam did I would have expected the same reaction. Honestly, I'm trying to keep my opinions about this (even though I have strong opinions) to a minimum. I don't think people's reactions are to foam exactly. I think their responses were more just a natural reaction to bad news. We all saw how much foam loved Ozzy, and now that she had to give him up it has everyone asking themselves what they would have done in similar situations. I know what I would have done, but I'm sure there are other factors to foam's decision that we aren't seeing.

06-14-2004, 05:23 PM
I was not trying to add negitivty to the post, "duh!" it a regulary part of my vocabulary I say it all the time, that word comes out of my mouth at least 10 times a day. :rolleyes: (and yes I roll my eyes regualrly to I just cant seem to think of something as complete until I have said "duh" or rolled my eyes lol) by the way those attacks were to cayter in no uncertain terms, its like a person on the SD forums that called people stupid, and a lot of things worse that I wont even mention, then told people that she was nice and not attacking anyone.

06-14-2004, 05:31 PM
Foam I am really pleased to see Ozzy has a new home already, even though you will be missing him, you will feel happy in knowing that.

Try to forget the negative comments, and put them in perspective, although it seemed mean, they were just concerned PT members speaking from the heart and hurting also about Ozzy's departure, we are an emotional lot , us Pet lovers., hopefully you can forgive and forget and keep contributing to PT, there has been a lot of supportive messages too here for you Foam, and I for one would still love to hear about your life and Darlin.

I may have even been persuaded by other peoples opinions, to mis-judge this situation myself Foam, and for that I duly apologise., but I have alway's felt you did the right thing, and it was anything but selfish of you to do so.

I agree other members have re-homed pets and received nothing but ongoing support, I am not so sure what makes your situation any different, but something obviously hit hard with a lot of people, but if you can Foam move on and keep posting, it does not matter what anyone else really thinks, as long as you are comfortable with your decision, and that is what counts in the long run OK. TAKE CARE sweetie.!!!:)

06-14-2004, 07:02 PM
I never posted in the original "He's gone" thread because I knew it would turn into a fight.

Unfortunatly, it is a fact of life that sometimes animals must be rehomed. Whether is it do to lack of time, not getting along with others animals, or a change in a personal situation. While it is never any esy decision for true animal lovers (yes, there are some people that just don't care and don't think it out), I don't feel it was the case here. Maybe the dog should have never been gotten, but it was. And while we never like to see anyone chose to give up a family member, Cayter did make some responsible choices in making this decision. She could have kept the dog and not cared for it. She could have gotten him from a breeder who did not care enough to take him back. She could have dumped in a kill shleter, not caring what happened to him. She did not.

Ragardless of whether we agree with her decision to give up the dog, shouldn't reallybe our place to judge. What I think we should do is admire the fact that she knew she could not give Ozzy the home he deserved, returned him to a responsible breeder, and Ozzy now has a wonderufu new home. The dog is happy and safe, and that is what truly matters.

06-14-2004, 11:08 PM
You know what!
Your doing the right thing giving up Ozzy...
we had to give up our St. Bernard when I was
like 5 and she is still alive living happily on some
I hope you feel better from all those nasty comments!!
Those people are immiture and ignorant!:mad:
It was in his best interest to give him up and don't
listen to those "know-it-alls";)

06-14-2004, 11:16 PM
I don't think it's necessarily smart to call a majority of this forum immature and ignorant.

06-15-2004, 12:28 AM
You have my aim screen-name. So, theres nooo excuse for us not to talk. About why you are leaving, i completely understand. I'm soo sorry for the things people said to you, you didn't deserve any of it.. You did a great job raising him, cayter..

I'll miss you cj.. :(


06-15-2004, 01:23 AM
I'm sorry people here were mean to you. :( Things tend to get out of hand here as we all are passionate about our furry families.

If your Ozzy is in a happy, better new home, I think that's great. I don't know the situation as I don't go to the "Dog" section, but I think its selfless to know when you are unable to give an animal the home he/she deserves. THAT is a mature dicision....

06-15-2004, 10:40 AM
I really didn't intend to post here but I'm going to....

This isn't the first time I've seen people up and leave because of "rude" comments. Personally I think people were just posting what they felt given the information they had, nothing more. It is easy to emote on a subject that is near and dear to you and everyone who posts in the Dog section obviously cares a great deal about dogs. I'm not going to say what I think on the original topic because that isnt the topic here. I AM going to say that leaving in a huff is IMO a bad idea, and I think you need to realize that it was passion and caring that made these people post what they did, not some personal dislike towards you specifically.
Expressing deep feelings *While not in the most tactful of ways* is niether inmature nor ignorant. I do agree that sometimes tact was forgotten in this whole discussion, however. You made a choice, yes, and came here looking for support which you DID recieve. I do think that fighting tactlessness with tactlessness is a recipie for a very big and very non productive argument.
I'd give PT another chance if I were you. I did. As a newbie I got really blasted *my fault, I admit* because I made a dumb comment. oops, I moved on. People had some not so nice things to say to me but I took it this way: They wouldn't have bothered if they didn't care. I hit a nerve, whoopsie and I heard about it. Giving an animal up is a big nerve hitter around here especially since a lot of PTers work in shelters and such. You hit a nerve, realize that and move on. Keep gaining the positive things you have from this forum *I know you must have had some positive experences here, look at the outpouring of support from people on just THIS thread* and examine and learn from the negative *gosh I must have said that more or less at least a billion times in the last two days*.
Ok, I'm done now :rolleyes:

06-15-2004, 10:54 AM
Cayter, I can't imagine how hurt you must have been, and I am sure you still are. I tried to be honest as to my own thoughts regarding your situation, but my intention was never to deliberately hurt you. Please take care of yourself.

06-15-2004, 11:03 AM
I was going to hold my peace - but hey why not wade in!

Cayter I went through a very similar thing 4 weeks ago - may I congratulate you with the way you dealt with this very difficult problem.
You showed a maturity way above your years - I appreciate the feelings you're going through now - the heartbreak, the sorrow and yes - the 'mourning'. That's what you should do sweetheart - allow yourself time to 'mourn' Ozzy - I know he's not dead - but your heart is so aware you won't see him again.
It's agonising and you remember all the little 'daft' things you did together - and you'll never forget him, rest assured he lives in your heart.
You did the best thing anyone in your situation could and gave him up to a wonderful home - don't worry he'll learn to live without you and be a happy, loopy dog again.
So you're just going to leave Pet Talk and be unhappy? Don't. Stay with us Cayter - don't let anyone drive you from the board - you'll learn to smile and laugh again very soon.
{{{Hugs}}} across the miles


06-15-2004, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by Cincy'sMom

Regardless of whether we agree with her decision to give up the dog, shouldn't reallybe our place to judge. What I think we should do is admire the fact that she knew she could not give Ozzy the home he deserved, returned him to a responsible breeder, and Ozzy now has a wonderufu new home. The dog is happy and safe, and that is what truly matters.

This is my sentiments exactly Amy. Thanks for putting my thoughts into words:)

I do hope you don't leave Cayter. I for one have missed you being around and would miss you greatly if you left for good.

06-15-2004, 03:18 PM
Originally posted by DJFyrewolf36
I really didn't intend to post here but I'm going to....
<lots of stuff!>

VERY VERY well said and well done!

06-15-2004, 03:20 PM
I second that.

06-15-2004, 03:30 PM
I am another who has resisted posting here, until Lynne wrote this, which is very similar to my thoughts on the subject .. (thanks Lynne! :))

Originally posted by lynnestankard
... You did the best thing anyone in your situation could and gave him up to a wonderful home - don't worry he'll learn to live without you and be a happy, loopy dog again.
So you're just going to leave Pet Talk and be unhappy? Don't. Stay with us Cayter ...


06-15-2004, 03:33 PM
Thank you Kfamr and DukeDogsMom :)

leslie flenner
06-15-2004, 11:57 PM
How does anyone know she's even reading the thread anymore?

06-16-2004, 12:46 AM
Originally posted by leslie flenner
How does anyone know she's even reading the thread anymore?

She may or may not be, but it makes us feel better to wish her well anyway :)