View Full Version : I got a new neice today.

06-13-2004, 09:18 PM
I called my brother today, he was telling me that he was going to go get a baby Rot. Well I went over there today and OMG cuteness overload when I laid eyes on her.

The people my brother got her from told my brother that the mother of the pups got out of the fenced yard and was sadly hit by a car and had to be pts. For the last week all the pups were bottled fed.

I will only post the links for the pictures right now. As hubby is playing a online-game at the moment and doesn't want to stop playing.


The first one shows her cuteness.


I got to hold her and give her kisses, and love her. I tried to take her home but my brother wouldn't let me. :(


They were trying to get her to finish eating her treat that they gave her before I got there.


All I can say is look at that face!

I have more pictures of her but will not post them due to the fact that my brother is in them, and I will not post his face with out his permission. I'm sure he wouldn't mind. Any chance to show off his new bundle of joy is always welcome. I will try to get ahold of him tomorrow and find out if he cares if I post them.

The people my brother got her from, gave him some puppy food, Sean told me that it is a very high quality kind. I didn't ask what kind though. She has her first round of shots and will be going in later next week to get the second round. She will be getting fixed in a month or so. They want to wait until she is a little bigger.

06-13-2004, 09:30 PM
How cute!!! I love rotties - they're so adorable (especially as little puppies!)

Congrats on your doggie neice! ^_^

06-13-2004, 09:34 PM
OMG! Cuteness overload for sure:D:D
I'm sitting here going "Too Cute!" so of course Mark has to come over and see what I'm oooing and aaahing about.
He thought she was totally adorable! He says you should just edit out your brothers face so we can see more pictures of that little cutie pie!!!
What's her name?

06-13-2004, 09:42 PM
OMG!! What a doll!! Looks just like Arthur when we brought him home! They look like little teddy bears, don't they? Tell them not to worry... soon she'll be rambuctious, and all knees and elbows! They grow like weeds! LoL Congrats on the new addition! :D

06-13-2004, 10:41 PM
Awwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! She is so precious!! I am so jealous of all rotties I see lol

I will have my very own rottie one day ;)

06-14-2004, 12:43 AM
More pics asap

06-14-2004, 12:44 AM
I'm such a ham for rotties! Especially when they're so little and fuzzy! :D

She is too cute! I want more photos!

06-14-2004, 01:10 PM
Her name is Ginger. Isn't that a cute name for such a cute little girl? I will try to get over there more often and get pictures. My brother doesn't have a camera so he uses mine. And I know he will want to have pictures of her growing up.

06-14-2004, 01:30 PM
aww.. she's reall cutie pie :) Congradulations :)