View Full Version : Food Glorious Food

06-13-2004, 07:23 AM
Another thread got me wondering, how picky are you when it comes to food?

Me, I am VERY picky. I refuse to eat any meat still attached to the bone, and it has to be welldone (according to my husband - burnt) When we eat out, I tell them to cook it til they think its too cooked and then cook it some more because they almost always give me food not done enough. Then there's a TON of things I won't even think about eating. And if something I DO like is prepared the wrong way? I basically refuse to eat it. I end up eating a lot of grilled cheese or bowls of cereal at night because hubby does the cooking and if I don't like what he planned, I just eat one of those. :D Yes, for as picky as I am - I DO NOT cook. At all.

I blame my mom. She was made to eat things she hated so she swore that she wouldn't make her kids eat anything they didn't want to. So I grew up picky and its gotten worse as I get older. At least I'm not as bad as my brohter. He's a Veegan and on the Atkins diet. Lets just say, right now, a rabbit has a more diverse diet than he does! :D

06-13-2004, 07:47 AM
If only I were pickier. Unfortunately, I like just about everything,

06-13-2004, 09:33 AM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
If only I were pickier. Unfortunately, I like just about everything,
:rolleyes: I am with Dukesdogsmom but wish I wasn't...I just like food. I really can't think of anything I don't like. OK - raw fish - but I never tried it either. I *might* like it.:)

06-13-2004, 11:16 AM
oo I am VERY picky, my parents tried to make me eats things I dont like, dident work lol for example "you are not moving from that spot untill you finich your dinner" I will sit there for hours without touching it lol my parents gave up on trying to force me to eatsomething I dont want, I am extremly stubbern, if I am told I am not eating anything else until I finish whatever food, then I just wont eat. :p lol my diet is pretty limited, for meat I will eat turkey and chicken(white meat only) beef, and I will only eat pig if its roasted. veggies, I will eat parsley, carrots, corn, peas, tomatos, lettus, cumcumber and thats about it, and I will NOT eat any cooked veggies(er well unless its corn and peas I mean lol) fruits, apricots, strawberrys, blueberrys, rasberrys, umm some kinds of apples. lol I will only eat pepperonie pizza, and fast lasagnia, lol I order half the things off of burgers, I hate sauces, non whatsoever, mayo is the worst,, no pickles, or onions etc.. see? I can name everything I will eat lol

06-13-2004, 01:11 PM
Whew! glad to see I'm not the only one! I HATE sauces and mayo! I am the only one I know who eats canned tuna fish straight from the can - well, I take it oout of the can, and put it on bread or something! :D I don't mix it with any mayo or spices, just tuna thank you. :)

I have so many problems with heartburn that I want my food bland bland bland. I have to watch what I eat or deal with the burn later, and it makes life interesting when I add that to my list of things I hate. Not much is left afterwards! :D LOL

06-13-2004, 02:28 PM
i'm not picky with the thing i will eat, but i do have a list of things that i don't like and i never eat those. does being a vegetarian count as being picky? i don't think so...i don' tliek nuts. and i can't eat my eggs if they're not cooked all the way, it makes me gag sometimes...which is pretty gross

06-13-2004, 02:36 PM
I don't know if I'm picky or not. Maybe so. I like food, a lot, but I'm weird about it. I have a hard time eating just plain meat, and part of the reason I have a problem with Atkins is too much meat and eggs makes me nauseous. I only like fillet steaks, not rib eye's etc. I'm not very fond of most chicken, except sometimes I can eat it depending on how it's cooked. I don't like most pork products. I do like most fish though except I have to be in the mood to eat it. I LOVE sushi and I load it with Wasabi. I do not like cold cut sandwiches either. I like fries but only if they a have flavor. I hate dull fries. I love most Italian, Japanese and mediterranean food and some Tex Mex. Also I do not like breakfast food unless it's sweet in nature, like cereal, pncakes etc. I have a hard time with omelettes and meats etc.

So yeah I'm pretty picky about the way my food is prepared :)

06-13-2004, 04:00 PM
I don't think I'm picky, but i'm sure my mom would say I am.

If i'm not in the mood for what she cooks for dinner I will NOT eat it.

Although, if I was to eat at someone else's house, and they served someting I disliked, or found out I disliked after eating it, i'd continue to eat it. I feel rude if I don't. :o

Oh, I don't like dark meat chicken. I have to have the white meat. And i'll completey pick around the veins and such in a piece of white meat if I have to. Chicken wings are another story... I enjoy them so much that I don't bother looking :p :o

I also do not like porkchops. Boneless are okay sometimes, but they have to be cooked really good, and have lots of seasoning.

06-13-2004, 04:31 PM
As a child, I used to be a very picky eater, my mom would prepare extra delicious meals for me to get me to eat. I was quite skinny.

Now, I eat almost anything. However, there are a few things I just don't like the taste of!!

06-13-2004, 04:52 PM
I'm a big, huge bratty pants when it comes to food. ;)

First, I can't eat a ton of stuff because of my crohn's. But, I'm also WAY picky. Like you, Kim, I end up eating cereal for dinner a lot. I also refuse to eat any sort of meat on the bone, in its shell or anywhere near its natural state when it was alive....ewww!!! (My meat comes from a chicken/fish/tri tip tree they have at the grocery store... ;)

I wish I wasn't picky with veggies, because they are so good for you and are in so many things. I hate going to someone's home for dinner because I'm terrified I'll offend and then go hungry.

06-13-2004, 07:21 PM
I can't really afford to be too picky, considering I aspire to be a chef and a food critic. :) There are a few things, like peas and lima beans, that just need to be killed! But generally I like most stuff. I'm known to go into a restaurant and order the most interesting thing on the menu. Having lived overseas most of my life, I've tried some really interesting stuff... Found out I'm allergic to grasshoppers..... deep fried! LoL ;)

06-13-2004, 07:24 PM
Well...I am sorta picky but not that bad. I'll eat the food (*gag* really gross mashed potatoes) but I'm not saying I like it!!

06-13-2004, 08:10 PM
Nah, I'm not very picky at all.

When I was growing up and going through the inevitable picky phase, my mom used to tell me every meat was chicken and everything green was lettuce:

Me: What kind of meat is this? I don't like it, I don't want it.
Mom: It's chicken, just prepared differently. Eat.
Me: Okay.

Me: What's this green stuff in the salad? It's a yucky color green.
Mom: It's lettuce. Just a different kind.
Me: Okay.
(it was really spinach, parsley, basil, mint, you name it)

So I basically grew up eating everything, and as time went by, she told me what stuff was and explained that I had eaten it before and loved it. Then I would eat it and love it. :rolleyes:

Basically, I believe that you have to try something before you can say that you don't like it. (yes, I'm one of those annoying people who will say, come on, just try it...just a little bite!)
I will try just about anything, with very few exceptions-meats that are eaten in other cultures that we we don't consider food here. You catch my drift.

Anyway, I have to think hard to make a list of things I don't like:
(and yes, I have tried all of them)

-Liver (have tried this many times. When I tell people I don't like it, they always say, oh but you haven't tried it the way I make it...here, try some!) All I can say is, YUCK!

-Any other organ meat. Chicken hearts, tongue, whatever. Blech.

-Brussels Sprouts. (the smell, ugh!)

-Okra (if it's cut up and mixed in and not runny, ok. But otherwise? Yuck.)

-Egg if it's not fully cooked. Don't like runny yolks. Gotta cook those eggs dry!

Oh, and I'm allergic to cherries. I don't know why I developed this allergy as an adult, but I used to love them as a child, and would eat them by the bowlful. Today, when I see people eating a bowl of fresh cherries, I want to cry because I can't have them. :(

06-13-2004, 09:27 PM
No Okra!? :p

I LOOOOVEEE Fried Okra!!:D

06-13-2004, 09:42 PM
What's Okra?

06-13-2004, 09:48 PM
LOL, Wolfie, you don't want to know! :)

KFamr, fried okra?? Never had it. Perhaps I should give it a try.
Do you roll it in flour or something, or do you just fry it as is?

06-13-2004, 09:58 PM
A yummy vegitable... I've loved it since I was little.
LOL... my siblings and I are/were weird. We used to eat frozen peas as a snack. :p
I still do sometimes. :D I don't like them cooked

You can buy breaded-frozen okra and deepfry it ;)

06-13-2004, 10:17 PM
Frozen peas??!?! EEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWW :eek: :eek: :eek:

Peas are the devil's spawn! When we have a nuclear fallout all that will be left in the world are roaches...... and PEAS!! Die peas DIE!! I will not eat them by a stream, I will not eat them in a dream. I will not eat them in a can, I will not eat them Sam I am!

Peas are little aliens, come to take over the world! They plan on infiltrating human life by planting moles in the frozen food section, the canned veggie section and even *gasp!* in SALADS! They weasel their way into pasta, stews and stir frys. Slowly but surely they will become butchers, bakers, barbers. They will be who comes to install your cable. They will be postmen, doctors, lawyers, even teachers! They will be in our schools!!! Prepare yourselves! Be like me, prepare a fallout shelter, completely pea proof. (PM me for blueprints, plans and diagrams.)

this has been a public service announement.......