View Full Version : The Joys of A New Floor

12-05-2001, 03:16 PM
A few weeks ago we put down new sheet vinyl flooring in the kitchen. Now Fifi plays with the floor. :confused:

She thinks that she has spotted something in the middle of the floor and pounces on it. There is nothing there! Sometimes she will get close to a spot and listen to the spot.

If she pounces from a distance and then discover that there is nothing there, she vibrates on the floor. Let me describe this. She has her two front paws on the floor side by side and an inch apart. Her front legs are down against the floor, back legs tucked under, tail straight out. Her front legs vibrate up and down aganst the floor causing the paws to beat the floor. Her body rotates around the spot on the floor while this is happening. She'll go a turn or so in one direction and then reverse. Her paws always surround the same spot on the floor. She has even looked up at me durning this with a confused look. "Daddy, it not me! The floor monster has me!"

One possible explanation is the technique that they used to install the floor. They only glued it down around the edges of the floor an not in the center. They say that this prevents the floor cracking with age.

Then one day I saw Lamoni do something along the same line. He pounced at a pot on the floor. Then he danced around the spot hopping like mad. He started yowling like he was hurt. He stopped hopping and swatted the floor. "Bad floor! Mustn't tease."

{This is where Daddy goes into the bathroom and shuts the door so that the cats can't hear me laughing at them.}

12-05-2001, 03:41 PM
LOL, Charles. They're certainly strange creatures.
Elvis has recently discovered that the highest place for him to perch in my room is on top of the cable box on top of the TV. (It's also warm up there.) The other night, he was up there staring intently at a point on the wall. I even turned the light on and checked it out because I thought that there might be a bug or something. ( :eek: ) Of course, there was nothing there, but he just kept on staring. Now, every time he goes up there, he stares at that same spot. I can't figure out for the life of me what could be so mesmerizing. :rolleyes:

12-05-2001, 04:39 PM
Ritz just comes into the room(wherever we are...we move to a new room, she moves), parks herself somewhere in sight and stares at US. Reminds me of Eddie the dog on Frazier show.

12-05-2001, 05:24 PM
Oh no! The evil floor monster rears it's ugly head yet again! :D That is toooo funny Charles. My Oliver loves to pounce at absolutely nothing at a spot on the floor. Makes you wonder what they know that we don't!! :)

12-05-2001, 06:16 PM
Didn't you guys ever have an imaginary friend when you were little? :confused: I did!! :D And what would a kitty do with an imaginary friend??? PLAY WITH THEM!!! POUNCE ON THEM!!! STARE AT THEM!!! LOL!!
That's what kitties do!!!!!! :D

12-05-2001, 07:21 PM
My cat once kept staring at a 'window' that was not there: we had moved into our new house, and the light that peeked in from the 'real' window would reflect on the wall above our bed, and DID kinda look like a square window above our bed. For several nights my kitty (Kedi) would sit on the bed at night and stare at this imaginary window, obviously wanting to make his get-away. Then one night I woke up just in time to see him leap up at it like he thought he would go through..........well, all it was is a wall, which he found out very quickly. He did not get hurt a bit (just his pride) and I could not stop laughing for quite some time.
Cats.....gotta LOVE them!

12-05-2001, 09:12 PM
LOL Yorkster! Poor kitty! Glad he wasn't hurt. My daughter's ragdoll is always acting like he sees things we don't. Back when Sixth Sense was out, we said we hope he isn't seeing dead people! :D :D

Former User
12-06-2001, 02:13 AM
Yeah, those imaginery friends...Casper and Kitty sure have them, and we call them 'little men'. For no apparent reason they may attack the wall, or punch the floor or just attack something. We can't see anything there, so we come to the conclusion: little men...They both also like to stare things that don't excist, like a wall that is completely white, but yet, they make it look so exciting, that we have to go closer and have a look, if there's something in there. And of course there isn't :rolleyes: . And they also love to pretend to be playing with something on the floor, and when we go and look at with what they're playing, we find out that it's nothing (unless they're punching those little men of course, little men are invisible to us :rolleyes: ).

Such creatures are cats...can't ever understand them (and hey, maybe that's better that way :D )

12-06-2001, 06:11 AM
My family has always referred to this type of behaviour as "cat fits" :o :D One or more have a fit at any time, day or night. Just a cat thing I guess :confused: :p

4 feline house
12-06-2001, 12:58 PM
We always called them "hissy fits"!