View Full Version : Tori And Lily...pics!

06-12-2004, 10:39 PM
I went out to visit my parents this evening. They are doggie sitting for Lily my sister's dog so I took Tori along with me. I couldn't take Katie because Lily absolutely hates her. She has from the very beginning when Katie was only 12 weeks old and weighed 12 pounds. Tori and Lily seem to get along ok. This time they were a little fussy with each other, but did some playing also. Tori was doing some major barking out there though. I've never heard her bark so much! We had a nice visit.

Here are some pics.

MY DAD WITH HIS GRANDAUGHTERS ;) He will not like it that I put his pic on here. I think he looks fantastic and I love him so much and I like to watch him when he is with the dogs. He is the best!

06-13-2004, 12:20 AM
Robin, what wonderful sweet pictures! Lily is so cute, and that Tori looks like she has grown since the last time you posted her pictures! Wow!

The picture of your dad is so sweet, and what you said about loving him was just so sweet. I know what you mean, about loving your dad so very much. You are so lucky to have your dad, he does look great and he looks very happy with the dogs.

Thanks for sharing these pictures with us, I really enjoyed them.


06-13-2004, 12:24 AM
Good girl for taking pictures!! :P

Is Lily a Westie? Both her and Tori are precious.
Great pictures, as always Robin.
My favorite was the one of Tori's long tongue. :p

06-13-2004, 05:11 AM
Yes, Lily is a Westie. A West Highland White TERROR as I call her!...LOL. She is a sweetie and loves to cuddle but she is also always on the go and getting into something even in her older age. I think she is 10..hmmm....maybe 12. Oh shoot, Lea is going to kill me because I can't remember how old she is :o

Thanks Willie and KayAnn!

Willie, yes having a good dad is the best. I love him and my mom very much. They have always been there for me and my sister. My dad likes nothing better than just being with his daughters and our families.

I know you are lurking and taking a peek at this mom and dad.

I LOVE YOU!!! :p

Robin :)

P.S...I posted some pics of mom and dad's cat, Niki in cat general. Go check out that golden eyed beauty everyone!

06-13-2004, 06:57 AM
Great pics!!!!
I am sorry that Lilly doesn't like Katie...."No Accounting for Taste",Right???;) :) :D

Tori is just growing like a weed!!!!!
She is also Beautiful!!!

Love the pic of your Dad with them!!!

4 Dog Mother
06-13-2004, 07:40 AM
Great Pictures as always Robin, Lilly is a little cutie - I always fall for the terriors and too late remember they are terrors! Jack is good for being a terrier but Taggert....... Tori is adorable as always. My dad likes Dazzi but the others he can do without - and thinks I should too! Oh, well he may know best most of teh time but not always!

06-13-2004, 08:49 AM
When i saw Lily, a huge smile came on my face. LOL. I love Westies. What a prettyy girl she is! :D

And Tori is looking as gorgeous as ever! She sure has grown! :eek:

06-13-2004, 09:37 AM
What a beautiful girl Lily is. A friend of mine had one that looked just like her (she's at the RB now)!

I'm glad to hear that Lily and Tori get along so good:D I know Tori is getting a little bigger but compared to Lily she looks huge!

Thanks for sharing your pictures Robin, they were greathttp://img14.photobucket.com/albums/v43/anna66/thumbsup2.gif

Blanquito de la habana
06-13-2004, 09:45 AM
My sister wants to buy i westie but she can't yet becouse she should most go on some obience klass or somthing whit him

06-13-2004, 12:21 PM

06-13-2004, 03:39 PM
awww, both those girls are soo sweet :D