View Full Version : K'Cee Guard Kat Extraordinaire!

06-12-2004, 04:56 PM
Mom's always called K'Cee my guardian angel...

Last night was interesting to say the least. My sis and I stayed up late watching tv; I called it a night about 1.30AM-ish and left her vegged out in front of the living room tv. Maybe 20minutes later, as K'Cee and I were settling into bed I heard KABOOM! :eek: It sounded like a mix between a far-off shotgun and something falling/breaking. Not 2 seconds later, my sis is at my door, "Did you hear that noise?! It came from the garage! And I think there's someone in the backyard - I heard something else by the window where I was sitting." So I got up (K'Cee on my heels) and peeked out front. Nothing. Peeked out back. Nothing. Opened the door that leads into the garage. Nothing. Peeked back out front then opened the garage door. Nothing. Meanwhile, Sis is still swearing that someone is/was in the backyard, so I (K'Cee too!) went and woke up Dad. Dad's VERY groggy. Repeats what I said, makes a motion like he's going to get up then promptly starts snoring again. :rolleyes: (To his credit, he worked a 14hr day yesterday.)

Okkkk... I grab a flashlight and head for the backdoor. Sis waits inside with K'Cee (who normally isn't very vocal but was while I was outside). I looked around out back. Nothing out of the ordinary. I came in, locked up the door, and took a peek out front. Nothing still, so I open the door and step out on the porch. Nothing. I took a peek at the cars and couldn't see anything out of the ordinary. THEN my flashlight catches the garage door...it's covered in eggs. :rolleyes: :mad: Well, ok, at least they missed the cars. I head back inside (K'Cee by my side) and we go back to bed.

At this point, I'm not sleepy so I turn on my tv. As I'm about to fall asleep, K'Cee jumps onto the headboard and starts hissing. No sooner than she does this, something thumps against my window. It was a soft thump, so I just figured it was the wind and/or something falling out of the tree. Regardless, the thump spooked K'Cee and she jumped down and sat beside me. 2 seconds later, the doorbell rings. Sis is knocking at my door again, Dad's FINALLY up and awake, Mom's not too far behind him.

K'Cee and I get up (again!) and trudge to the living room... we open the front door to MORE EGGS! :mad: They came back and got the vehicles and the front of the house! :mad: :mad: GRRR it makes me sooo mad!

Now the question remains... where was my furry-ocious "guard" dog during this whole scenario? S-N-O-R-I-N-G!! She slept thru the whoooole thing! :rolleyes:

I told K'Cee what a good guard kat she was and she replied non-chalantly, "Dogs. Never depend on 'em!"

(Miss Kiss was rewarded with chicken for breakfast! ;) )

Cinder & Smoke
06-12-2004, 05:23 PM

K'Cee da GUARD KAT! ;) :D

QUITE the night you guys had!

Was it a Neighborhood Event -
or did you're house get singled out for "speshul attenshun"? :rolleyes:

Good idea to Call the Cops, too!
Make a report, and ask if they can increase patrols
of you area for a night or two.

(HOPE you washed the eggs :mad: off before the sun started
making them into omelets!)

Hey Sara ~
Glad you didn't Loose Any Sleep over all this! :p

06-12-2004, 05:43 PM
You go K-Cee! Good kitty - extra treats for you!!!!

06-12-2004, 06:54 PM
I've always thought she was a special girl!! ;)

Good gurl, K'Cee!!!!

06-13-2004, 11:37 AM
What a Hero Cat! And what a waste of eggs!Dont they have anything , better to do!But you are safe with K'Cee!

06-13-2004, 11:37 AM
What a Hero Cat! And what a waste of eggs!Dont they have anything , better to do!But you are safe with K'Cee!

06-13-2004, 11:37 AM
What a Hero Cat! And what a waste of eggs!Dont they have anything , better to do!But you are safe with K'Cee!

Ally Cat's Mommy
06-13-2004, 12:14 PM
We got egged a while ago too - it's so annoying!!! Well done K'Cee for saving the day!

06-13-2004, 12:15 PM
Well Done K'Cee - what a wonderful Guard Cat you are!! :D :D

Taking care of Meowmie is what cats do best! :D


06-13-2004, 12:30 PM
YYEAA for K'Cee

BOOOOOOOOOOO HIIIISSSSSSS on the &*(*)#) who did it!

06-14-2004, 11:59 AM
Good job K'Cee! :)

boo hiss at whoever did it. :( :mad:

06-14-2004, 01:40 PM
Good girl K'Cee! I think you deserve a new toy or two too plus the food goodies!

Summer's here! Lots of people? get bored and become a pain in the bum! I hope they find who did it and make them clean every toilet in town with a toothbrush!

06-14-2004, 01:44 PM
Good girl KCee ...... but that stinks about the eggs! They even had the nerve to ring your doorbell???!!!! :eek: :mad:

06-14-2004, 01:49 PM
Sounds like your "guard" dawg must have worked 14 hrs yesterday too :p ;) aw come on, let's give the benefit of the doubt here :)