View Full Version : Important! Blood!

06-12-2004, 03:48 PM
I will tell you the story. Ok yesterday I put the Halti on Major and then gave him a rawhide to chew on. I was with him for about 10 minutes because I won't leave him unattended. I saw some pink on the rawhide, barely any, and I thought, could this be blood? I didn't know, because it didn't look like it, but why else would it be that color? So I took the rawhide away and took his halti off.

Today he started chewing on his doghouse, so I figured his gums were irrating him. I put the Halti on him and gave him this chew 'n brush Milk Bone thing. I was watching him very closely because it was getting smaller, and I didn't want him to choke on it or anything. Well he was doing fine, and then it came out of his mouth and I saw red on it. So I was gonna grab it when I next got the chance. I didn't want to stick my hand in his throat though, in case it went further down. So as soon as it came out again I grabbed it and took it inside. It had some blood on it, very noticeable, but not like a whole bunch.

Is this normal for puppies? Or do you think he might have cut himself somehow? Or do you think the way he was chewing, he might have cut himself with his own tooth? He didn't make any noises, as if he was in pain, but I don't really know what to think.:confused: :(

06-12-2004, 03:56 PM
He could be starting to teethe. His gums will bleed a bit as his adult teeth come in.

06-12-2004, 03:58 PM
I wouldn't worry too much. When Kai was a youngster, he bled a bit when he tried rawhide for the first time.

06-12-2004, 04:00 PM
It's normal.

Nala's gums bleed if she chews for too long, and they did when she was teething.

06-12-2004, 04:02 PM
Ok Thanks you three!! But it isn't the first time Major has had rawhides, he gets them quite a bit. (he also likes to chew on sticks)

When he yawns though, I do notice that teeth are starting to sprout out of gums at the back, I'm guessing its from that because the bone was kinda back there while he was chewing it.

Even thouse I guess its normal, should I still let him chew on them?

(Sorry Kay, we posted at the same time! Had to edit it)

06-12-2004, 04:11 PM
Absolutely let him chew - he needs to chew, just like teething human babies do! It's just a little blood, he's be fine. If it gets to be more than a little, or if it doesn't stop readily, then you can worry. It's part of puppyhood, mom, it's okay!

06-12-2004, 04:45 PM
I'm sorry lol! It's just, he's my first puppy, first dog, first PET and I can't help bu feel worried! Thanks for replying though!

06-12-2004, 04:57 PM
LOL, yeap seems like Magor may be teething just like a human child does.
