View Full Version : I need help...

06-11-2004, 11:01 PM
Hi, I need help..I got a dog a week ago, Her name is Patches. She is a whippet mix..And she refuses to eat dog food, I tried all kinds of brands, But she just won't eat. She only wants to eat people food, And yesterday she threw up in the park. ;-; Whats wrong with her? ;__; What should I do? .-.

06-11-2004, 11:08 PM
Stop trying different brands. Pick one good, nutritious food and stick with it. Stop giving her anything else - especially people food. It's not good for her, healthwise, and it's a bad habit anyway. How old is she? If she's a pup, pick one puppy food and use that for treats and for meals.

I would not worry about her throwing up once, especially with all the confusion her tummy must be going through right now. If she throws up a lot, a trip to the vet is in order - has she seen a vet yet?

She's in a new situation, and now is the time to establish good habits, foodwise and otherwise!

06-11-2004, 11:10 PM
Shes about 5 years old...;;

06-11-2004, 11:14 PM
Okay, so she doesn't need puppy food! Just pick one good, basic nutritious food (everyone has her/his favorite) and use just that. When she gets hungry enough (NO people food, remember) she'll eat it. Any chance of checking what she ate in her previous home?

Anyway, welcome to Pet Talk. I know it'll be hard resisting giving her people-food treats, but it's important right now, while you are both still getting used to each other, and setting the ground rules.

06-11-2004, 11:17 PM
Pick one high quality dog food, and stick with it for a week. That should settle the GI track down. Puppy might go on a hunger strike begging for your human food. Don't give in.

If the dog does not start to eat within 48 hours, then make an appointment with the Vet. Since you just adopted puppy dog, it could have parasite problems that needs medical attention. But give it a couple of days first.

P.S. Usually there is no harm in giving a few table scraps to a dog, but human food should not be substituted in for a quality dog food.

06-12-2004, 11:06 AM
May I recommend Canidae. Many dogs like it, maybe yours will, too. If you just got the dog, I highly recommend a vet check to see if everything is ok. Good luck and keep us updated.