View Full Version : Just some chit chat about Katie and Tori..

06-11-2004, 06:00 PM
Hi Everyone!

Katie and Tori have really been on the go today. I mean non stop! If one of them tries to take a break and rest the other one has to go and pick til they are running circles again. They are also very lovey dovey today and want the whole family to play with them. We have all been home today and they seem to want all of our attention. It seems like all of us at one time or another have been down on the floor rolling around with them. Brandon has been in his room and the girls will run in there and he growls at them and chases them back out and through the house. They have been doing it over and over. Its one big game. Brandon and his friends just left to go to the movies and both dogs watched from the window as they pulled away and Tori started to whimper a little bit. It was so cute. She didn't want her big brother to leave her. I also have been working with them on just the basic commands. Katie already knows them but Tori is just learning. Today I had them both sit and then I say down and they both lay down at the same time and it is so cute. The big news is that today we worked on "Leave it" with Tori and she picked up on it right away. I'm so proud of her. She seems to learn really quick. She's stubburn, but quick...hehehe. So all together they did sit, down and then I put a treat at the end of each of their paws and said "Leave It" and they both just laid their looking at it and then me and then I finally said "Take It" and they gobbled them down. All in unison. Sooooo Cute! You just had to see it. Look out, Roxey, Tori is going to try and beat your record at sitting beside her birthday cake! ;)

One more thing....I put Katies bed downstairs because she never uses it. Yesterday I was down there and she was with me and curled up on it. So I put it back in her crate and she slept on it yesterday. Today she kept bugging me and I couldn't figure out what she wanted. I gave her more food, fresh water, tried to see if she wanted to go out, tried to play with her..Nothing...then finally I realized that Tori was taking a nap in her crate and usually when she does that Katie does also. Guess what she didn't want her bed in there anymore...lol...as soon as I took it out she went right in and curled up. Silly girl. Well, I just laid the bed aside in the dining room for now and later on we heard Katie let out a big deep Woof! It means something when she barks so you know to go look. Just as I was getting up to go check she was coming to get me and took me back to the dining room. What did I see...Little Miss Tori in the middle of Katie's bed with a whole chewed in it and stuffing all around her!!!!! I know she was a bad girl again....but it would have made the cutest picture. I couldn't get my camera fast enough. I mean she was smack dab in the middle with stuffing all around her. It is actually just a small hole around the edge and it can easily be sewn up. Right now they are outside and I can see them through the window and they are playing tag around the patio table. Its a great day at the Jones' today!!!

I love my doggies!!

Sorry for carrying on. I just felt like talking about my girls :D

Robin :)

06-11-2004, 06:08 PM
Hey there Robin! :P

Good job with "leave it"!

LOL Tori!!
Even though you're telling on your own sister, good girl Katie for telling momma!
Maybe she was just jealous of Katie's bed? :p Silly girl...... Atleast she didn't completely tear it up like Nala did to our old cedar shaving bed type thing... there was cedar shavings EVERYWHERE. After that she never got anything in her crate, just a hard plastic tray.... she's lucky she has her own bed now, and she gets all worried when I take it out of my room to vacuum it. She's RIGHT there by it when I do.

Anyways, sorry for blabbering in your thread. :P I should keep my novels in PM's :p
We love your doggies too! :p :D

06-11-2004, 06:28 PM
Hey, blabber away....that is what this thread is all about. Just talking!....lol

That is what Katie sleeps on, just the hard plastic tray. We figure it must feel cool to her.

I can just see Nala with those cedar shaving all around her...lol

06-12-2004, 04:14 AM
:) :p :) :p :)

06-12-2004, 04:20 AM
LOL... I wish I was there to take a picture of her. My dad's the one who came home to it. Atleast I didn't have to clean it up!! :p

(Are you still on here Robin?? i just made 2 new nacklaces. :p)

06-12-2004, 10:16 PM
Hehehe...you got lucky. Around here it seems like I have to clean up all the messes. ;)