View Full Version : Mass escape!!

06-11-2004, 12:18 AM
So, about an hour ago, I hear a big commotion outside in the dog runs. It's clearly not fight sounds and not playing either--yes, I can tell the difference from inside the house! So I go out to investigate the cause of such a ruckus.... FOUR loose huskies...Pacer, Founder, Chum and Earle have staged a breakout!

I wasn't too worried about Earle. He never goes far and was right by the house. Chum is allowed supervised yard time so I figured I could catch him too. But Pacer and Founder!! Last time Pacer escaped it took 3days to catch him!!!

Guess who came to the door first? Pacer!!!!! I guess that's progress! He was the first one inside--I didn't even have to call him, he saw the open door and came right in. Earle followed cuz I had a treat bag in hand. Chum took a few minutes and I had to chase Founder for 30 minutes or so. He never left our property, but he wasn't quite ready to be caught yet.

Everyone is safely inside the house now and hubby is fixing the gate to prevent them from opening it again!

06-11-2004, 12:33 AM
WHEW! the title of this thread really scared me. I thought there were going to be more missing PT pets :( Thankfully they came in!!!

What a big relief!

06-11-2004, 12:34 AM
Oh My! Glad everyone is home safe and sound now. Sounds like they just want to keep you on your toes ;) Give those beautiful pups a hug from me.

Robin :)

06-11-2004, 07:47 AM
Hey there, Glacier

Just checking in to see if hubby got the gate fixed and that all the furkids are still home. ;)

Robin :)

06-11-2004, 08:00 AM
My goodness, it's no wonder all rest of them were causing such a ruckus! Guess they thought it just wasn't fair!

Glad everyone came back with no major problems.

Hope the fence is safe and secure so they'll be no more escapes:p

06-11-2004, 08:15 AM
Oh dear! I'm so glad they came home - it must have been scary.

06-11-2004, 08:29 AM
I was scared to open this thread! I'm so glad you were able to get them rounded back up. What a good boy Pacer was!

Guess they got a little R&R time in the house for awhile then :D

Kona & Oreo's mom
06-11-2004, 09:31 AM
Those stinkers! I'll bet they gave you a heart attack. I'm glad everyone is safe. :)

Cinder & Smoke
06-11-2004, 09:54 AM
Ohhhhhh ~ NAW-TEE DAWGS!

Glad ebberbuddie came back wiffout a lotta *phussin*!

06-11-2004, 09:59 AM
Ahhh..the intellegence of 'snow dogs'. :D :D :D They sure do love to keep you on your toes!

Glad you were able to catch them all without incident. Silly nawtee dogs!

06-11-2004, 10:03 AM
Originally posted by RobiLee
Hey there, Glacier

Just checking in to see if hubby got the gate fixed and that all the furkids are still home. ;)

Robin :)

They all spent the night in the house, but yes, the gate is fixed and everyone is securely confined again this morning!

06-11-2004, 12:18 PM
Just when you think you have an escape proof fence, snow dogs will ALWAYS find a way to prove you wrong!!!! I'm glad all made it back safe and sound.