View Full Version : escapees! yikes!

06-10-2004, 08:28 PM
well last night I heard sqeaking and thumping coming from the food of the bed, I was like "what the?" looked, did not see anything so I looked at the gerbil boys cage, the top screen had been shoved straight into the cage, and the boys were able to walk out using it like a ladder, still no idiea who did that. anyway doddles was easy to catch because he has never gotten out before, not to mention he is the friendlest gerbil I have ever met. he was behind my dresser(at the foot of my bed) I just moved the dreeser and he pretty much came up to see me lol. now I hqave no idea where cinder, and scribbles were, untill this afternoon, I heard thumping and some sqeaking(there were definatly 2 back there lol) problem is WHERE they are, behind a HUGE wooden cubby system, this thing is up to the ceiling height wise, and a full wall width wise, so the problem is how the h*ll am I supposed to get them outa there? :eek: :confused:

06-11-2004, 11:53 AM
Uh oh...they DO know how to get in just the right place so you can't get to them!!! Good luck I hope you can get them out of there!

06-11-2004, 12:34 PM
That is exactly what Phoebe used to do!!!! :eek: I had to completely unload the heavy bookshelf, ease it out from the wall, and be ready to grab her before she escaped to another place!!!! :) Good luck! :D

06-13-2004, 12:37 PM
My Guinea Pig did the same thing. What i did was got a flaslight and some food. You put the food (treats work better) outside of the hiding place, and shine the light on it. It takes about 20 minutes to work but it gets them out!