View Full Version : Pictures of Tito playing

06-10-2004, 02:43 PM
Some pics of my baby kitty Tito!

On a regular basis, I walk into my bedroom and this is what I see for no reason at all: Attack Cat!!

See how big and fluffy his tail is? He's ready to attack me (playfully of course)

After that, he decided to run and hide - can you find him?

There he is, under the dresser!! More pics in next post...

06-10-2004, 02:44 PM
LOL!! That is quite an attack cat. Love the big bushy tail.

06-10-2004, 02:48 PM
More pics of Tito under the dresser, ready to pounce on my ankles when I walk by:

"Ha, ha, Meowmie, you can't see me!"

After that, he decided to investigate my shoes for a while (check out the airplane ears):

And he ended this segment of playtime by checking out all the birdies from his window seat:

That's all for now! Thanks for looking!

06-10-2004, 02:51 PM
Tito, bandito, you are too cute!

Playtime under the dresser is a popular game!

I love your window perch. I'll have to get one of those for Oreo and Wilber.

06-10-2004, 03:03 PM
Tito is adorable. My Tucker likes to play attack kitty too....Tito and Tucker would make wonderful friends.

06-10-2004, 03:07 PM
Wilber is attack kitty too. Except he loves to do it when I'm asleep. We got in a bit of a tiff last night, lol. He was sleeping inbetween my legs and I woke up and realized I was hot. I did my best to try to get out from under the down comforter without disturbing him, but it was really impossible. So he attacked my feet (and his claws could use a trim right now) and I got mad and wiggled real hard to try to get him to stop, which of course made him madder and he attacked again. So I yelled at him to stop being a 'hoo hoo' (that's what I call them when they are bad). And he jumped down and didn't come back the rest of the night. Then I was sad cause I lost my snuggler. But at least at that point I could get out from under the comforter, lol. Silly story, and silly Wilber.

06-10-2004, 03:12 PM
Awwwe!! Poor Wilber! I get hot in the middle of the night too, mostly because Tito sleeps on my face. Literally. While I am laying down, he'll walk up my chest, sit on my left shoulder, lay his body down across my neck and rest his face on my cheek. He'd sleep there all night if I let him!

06-12-2004, 09:12 AM
Tito ,is such a Good looking cat and a Playful Cat! He will like The Found Cat Hotel , as catlover4ever has supplied us with Great New Toys!

06-12-2004, 11:54 AM
My grandkitty, Boomer does that under the dresser thing, too! Tito is looking so BIG!! The last I saw him curled on your neck, he looked tiny. Guess they grow so fast!!