View Full Version : Samantha got PT presents!

06-10-2004, 12:21 PM
Samantha got a couple of little presents from a couple of her Pet Talk friends.
The first photos show Samantha with the little something that Tubby sent her.;)

What's this?

I ask for Tubby and this is what I get?

I want to see all of Tubby, not just a little piece of him.:(

More photos in the next post.

06-10-2004, 12:26 PM
Barbara gave Samantha a tube of that yummy vitamin paste from Germany.


This is really good!:)

See my tongue.:p

Do you have any more of that good stuff?

More photos in the next post.

06-10-2004, 12:30 PM
I can touch my nose with my tongue.:p

Lickity lick.

Lick, lick, lick.

Man, that was some good stuff!:D
What was in that tube anyway?
That stuff is better than catnip!:D

That's all the photos. Thanks Tubby and Barbara.:)

06-10-2004, 12:33 PM
Samantha you beauty! Sorry you couldn't have all of Tubby. ;)

I got a tube of that stuff too! Zam LOVES it! Logan won't even try it. :rolleyes: and Kia likes it too. *laughs*

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-10-2004, 12:45 PM
Originally posted by Vermontcat
I ask for Tubby and this is what I get?

Oh Samantha, I'm so sorry, but I just couldn't part with Tubby! I do understand your frustration though, so I'll see what I can do about arranging a visit.....

And when the visit happens, I'm sure there will be some Gimpet Vitamin paste involved! Tubby loves it just like you do! And he spends plenty of timing licking and cleaning afterwards too. :D I do have a video of him with it, but now what did I do with that....I think it's on the home computer - drat!

Kissies to you on your little black nosie! :D

06-10-2004, 12:49 PM
Samantha ... I sense your frustration about the clipping of Tubby's fur! :rolleyes: But at least you can sniff and dream about him ... that's worth something right? ;)

You are just so precious Miss Samantha ... I hope we will be seeing much more of you .... please pose for the camera more often!!!! :)

06-10-2004, 12:59 PM
Thanks everyone.
Zam and Tubby just have good taste. Does Peanut like it?
Debbie, I have to ask where is Tubby's hair cut from?
My first guess would be his belly.;)

Kim, I do have more photos of Samantha but I don't think I will have time to post them today. But I will in the next few days or so.
I did just post a few photos of Barbara's Vermont visit in General if you guys want to see those pics.

06-10-2004, 01:05 PM
As always, Samantha makes me smile:) It never fails!

06-10-2004, 01:40 PM
I love Samantha! Such beauty, such class....

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-10-2004, 01:49 PM
Originally posted by Vermontcat
Thanks everyone.
Zam and Tubby just have good taste. Does Peanut like it?
Debbie, I have to ask where is Tubby's hair cut from?
My first guess would be his belly.;)

It's from the very tip of his tail. Instead of coming to a peak now, his tail is stubby, kinda like a buzz cut. ;) Guess I'll have to get a picture of it. My mom used to always cut his and Peanut's tail like that. I have no idea why, she just kept doing it. ;) :rolleyes: :D

Peanut isn't thrilled with the Vitamin Paste. She'll take one or two tentative licks then head to her house where she spends the next 1/2 hour licking and grooming herself. :rolleyes: All that while Tubby barges in and finishes off her share. ;) :D

Ally Cat's Mommy
06-10-2004, 01:53 PM
Samantha, what a beauty you are!!

I was SO excited when I found some vitamin paste here in bahrain - but Ally and Connor don't like it:rolleyes:

06-10-2004, 02:12 PM
OH Samantha, you are just too pretty for words. When we decide it's time for some additional feline companions, I may have to get one that has the same coloring as you. I just love it. Hmm that makes an orangie, a full black cat, a moo colored cat and a tortie I want, lol.

What is that paste for? I'm guessing vitamins, but does it also work for the teeth like a tooth paste?

06-10-2004, 02:22 PM
Samantha is so beautiful!!!!!

I love the pictures and story - especially that look for only getting some Tubby hair and not all of Tubby.

Bisi.cat and Nellie sent my kitties some of the vitamin paste and Scout goes crazy for it. Ripley likes it but he'll only eat a little at a time.

06-10-2004, 03:59 PM
Thanks for the nice comments everyone.

Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
It's from the very tip of his tail. Instead of coming to a peak now, his tail is stubby, kinda like a buzz cut. ;) Guess I'll have to get a picture of it. My mom used to always cut his and Peanut's tail like that. I have no idea why, she just kept doing it. ;) :rolleyes: :D

From the tip of Tubby's tail! Maybe that explains why she isn't too thrilled with it.
Now if it had been closer to his heart or maybe from his chinny-chin-chin then she might get a little more excited!;)

CatMama, I do the same thing. My future cats include a Sealpoint Siamese or Snowshoe and a tux cat like your Oreo.:)

As far as I know the paste is just vitamins and not for toothbrushing. The label isn't in English so I'm not really sure what is in it.

06-10-2004, 04:50 PM
It's definitely not for the teeth. I think it's rather for a shiny fur and good for the eyes. But as any treat it should be given as a treat because it has quite some calories.

Samantha, I am so sorry I didn't steal Tubby for you but I couldn't do that to his mom;) However I know he's thinking of you all the time!

06-10-2004, 09:05 PM
Great pressies!! :) I think I would have wanted the whole Tubby too... ;) You how we girls are.

Our kitties got some of that paste stuff too and LOVE it! :)

06-11-2004, 09:03 AM
The Found Cats are LUCKY THIS week , as Cat lover 4 ever , sent Cat Nip , Toys and Treats , and they and the Siamese Visitore LOVED THEM. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWW And THANK YOU!!!!

06-11-2004, 12:22 PM
Oh, Samantha is so cute licking her black nose.

Juni likes the vitamin paste, Pichu doesn't. I don't know why, but on the other hand, Juni doesn't like catnip.

06-12-2004, 10:48 AM
Thanks for the replies.:)
I'm bumping this up again in case anyone missed it.