View Full Version : *sigh* I want a puppy

06-10-2004, 10:17 AM
Daphne and Cocoa were whining to go out, and I wanted to play with them, so I grabbed a squeeky toy and a ball and took them to the yard. As soon as we got outside, Daphne laid down in the grass, and Cocoa on the walkway. I tried squeeking the toy, and tossing the ball towards them, but they just looked at me like I was crazy! lol. They've been sleeping in the house all morning - and I let them out and they just want to sleep some more.

My pups are getting older. :( Daphne used to like to do agility, and chase balls, and play with squeeky toys, but now she hardly ever does. Now she occasionally gets into a playful mood when she plays with her squeeky toys, but she's not always ready to play like she used to. And when I brought out the agility jumps a couple of months ago Daphne didn't want to jump at all. She wasn't excited. Jumping used to be her favorite thing! She's only 6. Cocoa's 8.

Daphne still loves playing with other dogs though. I'd love to get a puppy to do agility with. And Daphne would love playing with him! *daydreams* I asked (*cough*begged*cough*) my mom, and she said not as long as I'm living at home. So unless there's some miracle, I guess I'll have to wait until I'm done with school and get my own place before getting a pup. (of course I've already been searching on petfinder... you know, just in case my mom says yes someday ^_^)

06-10-2004, 10:24 AM
here they are. my cute sleeping girls. ^_^



06-10-2004, 10:47 AM
Just looking on petfinder now... ^_^

look at this cutie! barkley (http://www.petfinder.com/pet.cgi?action=2&pet=2867590&adTarget=468doggeneral&SessionID=40c8807e0b40b97c-app5&display=&preview=1&row=125&tmpl=&stat=)

or this guy! roger (http://www.petfinder.com/pet.cgi?action=2&pet=2734756&adTarget=468doggeneral&SessionID=40c8807e0b40b97c-app5&display=&preview=1&row=125&tmpl=&stat=)

or this cute pup! sherman (http://www.petfinder.com/pet.cgi?action=2&pet=2978319&adTarget=468doggeneral&SessionID=40c882ac219f8d50-app5&display=&preview=1&row=0&tmpl=&stat=)

and this adorable guy! georgie (http://www.petfinder.com/pet.cgi?action=2&pet=2890953&adTarget=468doggeneral&SessionID=40c8834d51eac03d-app1&display=&preview=1&row=75&tmpl=&stat=)

they're all so cute!

Aspen and Misty
06-10-2004, 12:10 PM
Hee hee! They all are so cute! And your pups are adorable!!!

I know how you feel though. Nova is NOT much of a player. She never has been, even in her "puppy" years (Were not sure how old Nova is but after she came to us she still had some growing to do so we estimate that she is One). I will throw a ball and Nova will just stare at me. I'm like gooooo get! And she will lay her head down. The only time she plays is when I have food (LOL!) and ask her to do something (like in Agility, jump over the jumps). One thing that I found help fill my void was taking her on walks and training her. I felt like it was our own special form of "playing." and there is always something new your dog can learn, Nova knows about 35 tricks, and will do them alot. Now that she knows them I am trying to teach her to do them while not being right in front of me (me giving her the command to sit while on the other side of the room and her sitting) So, there is always something you can work on :) and it's a never ending process, I train my mom's 12 year old Sheltie who is very ill right now and he still love every moment of it! :)


06-10-2004, 01:53 PM
Awwwww! I really like Sherman!

It took me a long time to get my parents to agree to let me have Jasper.

When I realized that begging was not going to work(which didn't take long, a week maybe) I started doing tons of research, I wanted a dog that would fit in, and always be playful, and loving. I switched back and forth a bit from a Doberman and a Boxer(you know what I picked :p)

Then I would tell my mom random things I have read about Boxers, and even got her to read the boxer book, she was convinced in no time, but then it was my dad ;)

But, your mom may have better reasons than mine did? My mom actually didn't know her reasons lol

Good Luck!

06-10-2004, 03:07 PM
If you want a dog that's kind of naturally playful, well into their teens, you might consider a terrier next time. Even Maddie, my couch potato girl, was playful, when you hauled out the stuffies. I've got pictures of her a week or two before she died, playing with a mouse toy I got her. Murph at almost 14, still gives Oz a run for his money in the play department too. He taught Oz the play spin and the Cairny play growl. :)

I also think you have to be exciting to get them playful. Gully at 3 mos, shows no interest in me just standing there throwing a ball for him. So I'll get a toy and make a big deal about first. "Who wants the toy?!?!? You want it?!?!? You want it?!?!?" Once they're revved up and interested, I start running around with it, getting them to chase me. Then I'll throw it to let them pounce on it. Before they can take off with it, I grab an end and we tug a lil'. Then I have them let go and we start all over again. Oh and while I'm running, there's lots of high pitched "Wooooo Woooooin" coming out of me. We're working on Fetch too. I usually toss in catch and tug to make it more fun. Oh and he loves Buster Cube hockey. I've got wood floors and with all the sliding action of the cube, it's a free for all, as we're all batting it around and diving for it. Well that is until Oz gets it and takes it off to the bedroom to calm the game down, before somebody gets hurt. :)


Aspen and Misty
06-10-2004, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by ParNone

So I'll get a toy and make a big deal about first. "Who wants the toy?!?!? You want it?!?!? You want it?!?!?" Once they're revved up and interested, I start running around with it, getting them to chase me. Then I'll throw it to let them pounce on it. Before they can take off with it, I grab an end and we tug a lil'. Then I have them let go and we start all over again. Oh and while I'm running, there's lots of high pitched "Wooooo Woooooin" coming out of me.

LOL!!! I can see you running around. Gully following you thinking "What what!! Are you on fire!!" :p LOL. I do the same thing with my dogs though, it's just funny to think about how it looks! LOL :D


06-10-2004, 03:11 PM
I have a 'puppy' who's 1 year old, and one who's 6.... But I have a sickness for a tiny 8 week old again... and another puppy to train again.

06-10-2004, 03:19 PM
I know what you mean. I just saw a picture of one today, that I would love to have! She is just adorable, and her name is Elizabeth Rose. I want her, she is a mixed breed, but she is just darling! I want her so bad!!

Here is a picture of her.

06-10-2004, 03:24 PM
aspen and misty writes:

LOL!!! I can see you running around. Gully following you thinking "What what!! Are you on fire!!" LOL. I do the same thing with my dogs though, it's just funny to think about how it looks! LOL
Well to that level I'd never do that in front of anybody, but them, that's for sure. :) At agility though, before Oz and I start a sequence, I'll go through a routine of "Are you ready??? Are you ready??? For the biscuit, buddy!!! For the biscuit!!!" I'm not real loud about it, so hopefully not too many people hear me and think I'm nutz. I also "WooHoo" and run around with him at the end of a sequence too. I'm normally such a quiet person. Only for Oz would I make such a fool of myself in public. :)


06-11-2004, 07:54 AM
thanks for your replies everyone. ^_^

Aspen and Misty, training some new tricks would be fun! Anyone have any ideas? Daphne already knows the basics, plus agility commands, and also paw, beg, on your side, up (she stands on her hind legs), and sing. :)

DogLover9501, yeah, I suppose the begging isn't working. lol. What you did sounds like a good idea though! I think also part of her reason is that I don't have a job, so she has to pay for vet bills, dog food, ect. But I have an interview at Petsmart next week! So maybe it won't be too long!

and ParNone would a terrier be okay with my guinea pigs? I wouldn't take them out to play with the dog or anything, but they're in a big cage in my bedroom, and I wouldn't want them to get hurt, because I know terriers were bred for hunting rodents. And the running around to get them excited sounds like a good idea (as long as no one is around! lol ^_^)

and Kfamr and trayi52, I agree, we all need puppies!

06-15-2004, 10:26 AM
Hi Wolfie!

I didn't realize you had guinea pigs. A terrier probably wouldn't be the best of ideas. I tried to have a rabbit, when Murph was still a puppy. I figured he'd be young enough to socialize to a rabbit. It didn't work out. He just could not turn off those terrier instincts, when he was around the rabbit. I ended up having to find another home for the rabbit, before anything tragic happened to him.

You might want to ask in the breed section about other breeds that stay playful into their teens, but with less of a prey drive.


06-15-2004, 07:29 PM
Okay, thanks Par! :)

06-15-2004, 09:40 PM
I know how it feel to just want a puppy. I thought begging for a new dog would work....well begging wasn't the best way. I had to show my parents how fully committed I was for a new puppy. It took me about 1 year to get Elvis. But what really set the gun off was when this one time my dad made me cry, and to make it up he went behind my back looking at schnauzer breeders. :p and this is where Elvis came in! :D

I hope you find that new puppy that will make you happy. :)

Aspen and Misty
06-15-2004, 10:06 PM
Originally posted by ParNone

Well to that level I'd never do that in front of anybody, but them, that's for sure. :) At agility though, before Oz and I start a sequence, I'll go through a routine of "Are you ready??? Are you ready??? For the biscuit, buddy!!! For the biscuit!!!" I'm not real loud about it, so hopefully not too many people hear me and think I'm nutz. I also "WooHoo" and run around with him at the end of a sequence too. I'm normally such a quiet person. Only for Oz would I make such a fool of myself in public. :)


AWWWW!! LOL. I am going to video tape you doing that and post it on PT :D LOL.

Daphene - Some tricks Nova knows, if you want to know how I tought any of them you can PM me and I will explain them more!

Mark - Puts a Paw on a object - Start with a Large Phone book. Eventually you can get it down to a penny and say "MARK" and point and the dog should go there, they use this for T.V.V dogs

Blanket- She will take the blanket off my lap
Achew- Gets me a tissue
Get It - Picks up an itom off the floor to help with my chores (LOL)
Be Like a Bear - Jumps up zand "waves" her arms above her head
Dance- Turns around in a Circle
Say "" - Barks to the command Say (Say Hi! - Woof)
Sit like a Human - Sits with her butt on the couch and front paws on the floor
Touch - Where she will touch your knee or an object with her paw
Hit - Where you hold treats in one hand and she hits your open palm with her nose
Open - Opens Cabints, refridgerator (If a blanket tied to it)

Basicaly, Nova LOVES to help around the house. Thats where I go the idea for Get it. Right now I am teaching her to turn off and on Light Switches (Lazy?? NO!) :D (uses command Light) She knows other commands, but some are the Basics and some are things like "In the Zone" where she doesn't come in the kitchen. Or Drop it. Or off etc. etc.


06-16-2004, 07:15 AM
Originally posted by Kfamr
I have a 'puppy' who's 1 year old, and one who's 6.... But I have a sickness for a tiny 8 week old again... and another puppy to train again.

Kay- I have a pug that's yours if you want her. Well, she's not actually mine, but my friends. He is looking for a home for his 6 month old pug (it's a long story). At the moment I have her, and although she is a great girl I don't need or want a puppy right now.