View Full Version : A question regarding limping

06-09-2004, 01:57 PM
One of my 7 week old fosters is limping. She was also lethargic this morning with one slightly weepy eye.

I do not want to spend the rescue organization's money needlessly (even though I have the right to take any and all fosters to the vet whenever I think it is necessary).

Could anyone tell me if they know (for a fact) that this limping could be a symptom of something SERIOUS that needs investigating IMMEDIATELY?

After all, an active young kitten could have just sprained something in a jump or fall, and the lethargy could very likely be caused from my other foster litter who is recovering from a cold (even though they were separate, you know how it can transfer).

Thanks. I just don't want to rush to the vet if I don't HAVE to (I hope you don't think badly of me for that attitude)

K & L
06-09-2004, 03:15 PM
If she's lethargic I would get her to the vet immediately. The limp could be a minor problem compared to the lethargy.

06-09-2004, 06:30 PM
Originally posted by K & L
If she's lethargic I would get her to the vet immediately. The limp could be a minor problem compared to the lethargy.

I agree. Lethargic plus the weepy eye makes me think of
infection of some sort.

06-09-2004, 07:01 PM
She is on anitibiotics! I am more worried about the limping.

leslie flenner
06-10-2004, 07:19 PM
Is it too late to respond? There is nothing related to limping and uri that I am aware of and would just assume kitten injured self in a jump or whatever for now any way! Let us know what is going on- i just saw this! And as you know, a limp can disappear as quickly as it appeared- but then again- I'm no vet!

leslie flenner
06-10-2004, 07:23 PM
that doesn't go away- that happened to me with scamp when he was a kitten and it turned out he'd broken his leg way up by the shoulder. He acted normally except for the limp. Has a pin now- I brought him to vet after a week of limping. He's fine of course so not to worry if you wait it out a few days - well at least with scamp! I don't want to say it's ok to wait in case it isn't! It's so hard to do foster care................So hard..........

06-14-2004, 03:49 PM
Just so you know, she is OK. WHEW! Must have just been over exertion. But it sure was scarey as she cried when she put weight on it.

06-14-2004, 04:20 PM
Whew is right Jen. I'm happy to read she is doing okay now.
It is scary when one of our babies isn't right, whether they are our own or fosters.
Keep up the fabulous job that you do Jen.