View Full Version : Dog sounds

06-08-2004, 08:55 PM
What does your dog's bark sound like? Just wondering, as I know some of each ...

Bruni/Freckles (Saint Bernards) were Boof! dogs ...
Gracie (Great Dane) was more of a Rooo roo roo-er
The Sheltie at the office is a Yip! Yip! Yip!-er ...

06-08-2004, 09:03 PM
Karen what if I have two dogs? I'll just have to pick one and right as I'm reading this I hear Mandy with a very distinctive woof woof!

06-08-2004, 09:05 PM
Vote for the barkiest one, and post the others, I guess!

06-08-2004, 09:06 PM
hee hee, what a great poll, Karen!!

Malone is hilarious and he is predominantly a very low "rowwwwwl rowwwww rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" when he and Emerson are playing. And when somebody comes to the door, he is a "Errrooooooooooooooooooo wooo wooo"

Emerson doesn't speak very much, but when he does, he does the "arf arf arf" thing.


I think this is language only a dog lover could know or understand :D

06-08-2004, 09:06 PM
Ok Mandy I voted woof, woof and Lacey would be roo, roo ,roo...

06-08-2004, 09:13 PM
It depends, if it's barking as in when the doorbell rings, Tommy is pure "woof woof woof!" very deep woofing. Tash is more "rooooroorororororoo!"

But they also have separate play barks and Tommy makes so many different types of noises it's hilarious. He can sound like a cow or a monkey :D Tasha's excited play bark is almost like a "raff! raff!"

06-08-2004, 09:13 PM
I voted other...

Sadie doesn't bark often, but when she does, it is one harsh woof!

Spot has different barks...he justs woofs at things, but when he is excited it "sings" His barks get almost whiny

Cincy has the most unusual bark. She gives one woof then a grumbly rawr, rawr, rawr...

06-08-2004, 09:19 PM
Mostly howls, not much barking around here.

However, two stand out and can't really be adequately described with words.....Raven squeals--like a baby pig, but 100X louder. When she first arrived, my closest neighbor called to ask what I was doing to that poor dog. It took a long time before he believed me that the noise is her happy sound!!

And Founder...you ain't heard nothing until you've heard Founder! It's a god-awful sound. If you can't see him and don't know him, you'd swear he was dying a slow, agonizing death! It's awful!!!! When he was a foster, people always asked why I left him in the pen until after they arrived. I always explained that they had to hear him if they were going to consider adopting him---the noise is just one of the many reasons Founder never got adopted by someone besides me!

06-08-2004, 09:42 PM
I voted Other because I have 4 dogs, and they have different kinds of barks. :)

Prince- Probabaly a "Birk, Birk," but he does also have a "Rooo roo roo" side to him.

Digger- He's a "Rarf! Arf!" type of dog. He only barks when someone comes into the yard.

Otis- A definate "Woof!" dog! I should get a sound clip of him barking... maybe even a video, it is so funny!

Chubby- Another "Woofer." Not quite as "whoofy" as Otis, but a "woof" is what comes outta him! :p


06-08-2004, 09:52 PM
Nala's is mostly like a "Rooo rooo roo"
(I'm sure half of the world has heard her by now. :rolleyes: )

Simba's changes. I guess it depends on what he's barking at.

06-08-2004, 10:03 PM
Originally posted by Cookiebaker
"Errrooooooooooooooooooo wooo wooo"

You forgot one! ;)

Sara doesn't roo, she WOO WOO WOOOOOO's! :D

06-08-2004, 10:20 PM
Originally posted by Cincy'sMom
I voted other...
Spot has different barks...he justs woofs at things, but when he is excited it "sings" His barks get almost whiny

Cincy has the most unusual bark. She gives one woof then a grumbly rawr, rawr, rawr...

I ROTFL with your explaination of Cincy. SPOT and Cincy are my Ruby combined. :D

Captain does the Woof, woof - just 2, no more ....

06-08-2004, 10:29 PM
Abby's is kind of a Ruff... Roo noise... lol never thought about it!

06-08-2004, 10:31 PM
Tikeyas is like a high pitched screeching... ummm ..

" ARAARawwRAA... Awooo woo wooo "
thats how she barks ;)

06-08-2004, 10:35 PM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
" ARAARawwRAA... Awooo woo wooo "
thats how she barks ;)

Haha..my grandma and brother know that sound all too well!

Kaedyn does a high pitched "ARR! ARR! arrarrarr!"

Kai usually does a "Woof! woof!" and a "arrooooroooroooo!!!" when he gets really excited.

06-08-2004, 11:19 PM
My Candi does this "eurrfff eurrfff" thing. It's really funny, cause first she will do a few things that sound like sneezes and shake her head around then eurrfff at you and then if the eurrfffing doesn't take effect she will bark at ya, its pretty funny.

06-09-2004, 07:53 AM
I think Gigi is more like a "rrrou". heehee...

06-09-2004, 08:11 AM
With my crew it's hard to say which is predominate but I had to say the "ROOO ROO". The various pitches of the Rooo makes it easy to tell who's making the noise. Collar[flower] likes to sing, so hers is more of a Row Row Row .. so I follow that with "... your boat.." Badger has the deepest voice. Thunder is more shrill when he's not sure of who's at the door. Punk just talks and actually moves his dear little lips but it's still sort of a Roo Rooo :D

06-09-2004, 05:47 PM
Hmm - no one with a small dog has a Yi-Yi-Yi-er? When I was doing the poll, I was thinking of a Shih Tzu/terrier mix I knew who made that noise!

06-09-2004, 05:53 PM
It depends. Major has his bark, when he wants attention, and its pretty high pitched. And then he has his "guard dog" bark when he barks at night at another dog, probably a block away, other side of the fence. and then he has his "alert" bark where if someone "suspicious" is coming up to the gate, he sometimes does that.

06-09-2004, 06:45 PM
OK, I'll admit it... I'm sitting here like a moron trying to mimic Nicki's bark. She was barking just two minutes ago, and I have no idea if it was Woof or Arf... its a close call. More like Grrrfff Grrfff. :D I do know that she generally doesn't bark much - she howls A LOT more than she barks. So can I vote for wooooooo..... wo wo wo wwwwoooooooooooooo...?

06-10-2004, 07:13 AM
Great thread Karen :D this started a whole, really neat discussion at home last night. 5 people, six dogs - and we all had our opinions :D The dogs, of course, were the most vocal when they heard the "skin-folk" trying to imitate the noise!

06-10-2004, 07:35 AM
LOL!!!! I can picture each of you sitting there, sounding out those descriptions to figure out which one fits which dog!!!! :p I did the same thing!!! :o

I voted "Boof Boof" because that's what Honey does and she is definitely my best barker!!! :)

06-10-2004, 10:22 AM
Kia rarely barks but when I ask her to speak, it sorta sounds like a sharp, "Rarf!" or "Ruff!"

Though she will do a low.."Boof" at the door if someone knocks or walks by the window.

06-10-2004, 10:44 AM
A low BOOF! I like that! Thunder does that too if he hears someone out front or a door slam on the street, but if they actually knock on the door he (and the others) get higher pitched and a bit shrill. When they are playing around it's the rooo rooooo

06-10-2004, 12:27 PM
Alex is deffinately a "Woof"er. It's very deep, and loooud;) He doesn't bark a whole lot, just on his last trip outside for the night, when anyone is at the door, and if he senses anything is strange (a wonderful watch dog:)).

06-10-2004, 03:37 PM
It really depends on what they are barking at.

Most of the time Roxey is a howler but sometimes (like when she wants Angus or Huney to play with her she will bark-and loud:D ).

And Angus well he sounds like a Woof! Woof! I think. More of a deep down bark.

And Huney, she doesn't bark much mostly cries (to get in and be with me:rolleyes: ) but when she does I'd say it's a Rarf! Arf!

Very interesting thread Karen! I can just see all of you trying to mimic your dogs bark:D

06-10-2004, 04:09 PM
Well, Dana hardly ever barks unless she sees some kind of wild animal outside or something like that, which is hardly ever. Now, the chihuahuas, are the yip, yip! They bark at bugs, I swear! If they do see anything, the start their yipping, I can't seem to break them, no matter what I do! Then there is Charlie the cockatiel, he also yips or really it sounds like a whine. He picked that up from my little yipper, Buffy.


06-10-2004, 04:20 PM
Elvis is more like a RUFF RUFF!

and Katie has a very strong bark. It's a WOOF WOOF!


06-10-2004, 04:30 PM
This is such a funny thread! I just got this picture in my head(which stays empty most of the time, except for an occasinal picture) of us all sitting around making these sounds. Here we all are sitting in the park, with lots of people passing by, rather fast when they pass us, making all these doggie sounds! And Karen up front leading us as a band director would!

Oh my god, picture please leave my empty head!!!


06-10-2004, 04:58 PM
Karen, You want a yiper? Come see me- my neighbor has 5 of them! 2 shih tzu, 2 shih tzu mixes and a sheltie mix. And I'm talking yipe, yipe, yipe!!!:D

06-11-2004, 04:54 AM
So most of our pups Rooo rooo or Woof or Boof, FASINATING, really.. I can just see Karen the bandleader too :D A parade of Rooo'ers Woof'ers and Boof'ers going down Main St. of PetTalkVille :D Souroya - what sound does the Drakester make?

06-11-2004, 06:13 AM
Ripley is a roo-roo kinda doggie and is definitely more vocal than Bella! :)

Bella is a woof-woofer with a deeper sound. She rarely barks except when Ripley brings something to her attention. :rolleyes:

Minkyboodle welcome to Pet Talk. Another poodle mom on the board! Your little one is precious! (Ripley is quite smitten! :) )