View Full Version : OMG Lolly's collar got stuck!

06-08-2004, 03:31 PM
CRUD! I am SO glad I was home when this just happened. I heard some commotion under the bed but figured the cats were just playing like usual. Then a few minutes later I called Reece to take him outside since he wouldn't go out earlier in the rain. Usually when I call Reece, Lolly comes too (and vise versa), but she didn't come out from under the bed. I heard her whine and thought maybe a cat was trapping her so she couldn't get out. So I looked and she was struggling and trying to pull herself out, but her collar was stuck on some stuff that the cats pulled out from under the mattress thing!!!!!! ARGH, I'm never going to leave their collars on except when I take them out of the house!

Needless to say, Lolly was FREAKED. I took her collar off and got her out and gave her some treats and walked her. She's okay now.

06-08-2004, 03:33 PM
Oh, Princess Lolly, what a scary experience!!!! I'm so glad your mom was there to help you!!!! :)

06-08-2004, 03:41 PM
How Scary! I'm glad you're okay Princess Lolly!

06-08-2004, 03:51 PM
Oh scary! I'm so glad Lolly is ok.

They make break away collars, I think. That might be helpful for all your animals.

06-08-2004, 04:03 PM
I had a similar thing happen to my cat and my dog. I had to change collars on the cat to a different type. They have a kind that has elastic on it to break away from object. My cat got hers caught on branches and the window shades!!! However, leaving my animals WITHOUT collars is even worse. They look like stray animals if they ever got loose and can't catch them when they need a bath:rolleyes: !
Scooby got his collar caught on a blanket that was on my couch. He isn't allowed to be on the couch. I found him when I got home hiding uder the bed. He was embarassed! He had this huge blanket dragging from his collar clasp!!! After I stopped laughing I set him free. Poor baby!

06-08-2004, 04:19 PM
Poor Lolly!!

I'm glad my two can't fit under the bed. They always have their collars on and I only take them off when I give them baths.

06-08-2004, 04:40 PM
It was her tags that got tangled up. In fact, they're still tangled under the bed with the collar .. I couldn't even get it out!

Since my dogs are inside only and not door bolters, I am safe to leave their collars off at home.

06-08-2004, 04:59 PM
That's really scary.One time Mandys collar got caught in Laceys mouth while they were playing!It was her collar not the tags lodged in Laceys mouth (don't ask me how) But my first thot was to undo Mandys collar and when I did they were freed!
I always leave their collars on loose when they're at home.They're not together when we're not home so I don't have to worry about that.
My one cat Sassy is not wearing a collar now(which I hate) I wear safety collars on the cats but Sassy keeps putting her one leg thru it. This has happened twice so I don't know what else to do?

guster girl
06-08-2004, 05:04 PM
That IS scary! I know I had a cat that got her bottom jaw stuck in her collar once. And, another time her front leg was all the way through it. That time was actually sorta funny, though, because she wasn't yelling or anything, but, the shadow she was casting in the bedroom at night was what freaked me out and made me check on what the heck it was! Glad Lolly's alright!

06-08-2004, 05:07 PM
That sounds REALLY scary! Poor Lolly! Hugs and treats for her!

Reminds me of all the awful stories I have heard about choke collars. :eek: Gives me the willies :eek:

06-08-2004, 05:08 PM
guster girl I don't think it hurt Sassy much but what if she tried to jump on or off something:eek: And the worst part was try and get it off!Especially Sassy she's a beast!
And when my dogs got caught together they were trying to bite each other, I guess they were scared.

guster girl
06-08-2004, 05:26 PM
Originally posted by chocolatepuppy
guster girl I don't think it hurt Sassy much but what if she tried to jump on or off something:eek: And the worst part was try and get it off!Especially Sassy she's a beast!
And when my dogs got caught together they were trying to bite each other, I guess they were scared.

It was easy to get the collar off of Vella, she wasn't an agressive or easily scared kitty when it came to people.

06-08-2004, 05:30 PM
I never have collars on my dogs, especially in the house.

My aunt's dog got her collar stuck on a drawer handle once. She panicked and pulled the drawer out of the dresser and it clunked behind her and she panicked more and drug it through the house. She was so scared she peed everywhere and emptied her anal glands.

I was also at a dog park once when I saw two dogs playing by grabing each other's necks etc. Well one dog got it's jaw stuck in the other's collar. It panicked and tried pulling away, but it couldn't get free. The other dog started to panic as well. It almost turned into a fight, but the owners were quick to help them get unstuck.

I don't think collars are necessary in the house, unless of course you have dogs that bolt out the door.

06-08-2004, 05:51 PM
Originally posted by Shelteez2
Well one dog got it's jaw stuck in the other's collar. It panicked and tried pulling away, but it couldn't get free.

This EXACT same thing happened to me with two of my Rainbow Bridge dogs (Whitney, standard poodle and Ashley, mini poodle). Just like you, Aly, thankfully I was home at the time. I was in the kitchen and heard Ashley yelping. I came into the room to find her hanging by her jaw from Whitney's collar. I went weak in the knees but was able to free her immediately. Bella almost never wears a collar in the house any more. I was making both dogs (Bella and Ripley) wear them except at bedtime (I can't stand the tags jingling when I am trying to sleep :rolleyes: ) but I recently remembered this past episode and pretty much keep Bella's collar off except when we are going somewhere. I don't trust Ripley, on the other hand, so he wears his except at bedtime. Bella does not play with him in any way that would cause the *jaw getting stuck problem,* and also he is the small one. I am so glad you were there for Lolly! There goes a year off your life!

Once my sister-in-law's GSD got her collar caught on the lower dishwasher rack while she was loading it. The dog actually dragged the rack (full of dishes) into another room! Fortunately everyone was there and got a big laugh out of it.....everyone except the dog! :D

06-08-2004, 06:11 PM
:eek: How scary! I was just thinking about leaving Kai and Kaedyn's collars on all day but now I'm not so sure I want to. I guess we'll just have to work extra hard on our boundary training.

06-08-2004, 06:33 PM
I am so glad that Lolly and all the rest of the dogs who have had a close call with their collars are ok!!!! How scary is right! My two never have a collar on in the house.

06-08-2004, 07:25 PM
I'm so glad Lolly is ok!

Cinder & Smoke
06-08-2004, 07:32 PM
There ARE dangers with dogs and cats wearing collars -
They CAN get hung up ...

But there are MANY dangers that come along with the
Kritters NOT wearing collars ...

Consider an EMERGENCY while you're at home with Fido or Fluffy
while they're *neked* >>
A fire;
A medical emergency;
A sudden storm...

All are situations where you may have only seconds to capture and
lead (or drag) your pet to safety...
and the pet may be terrified and NOT cooperative.

Any of these emergencies may incapacitate YOU -
resulting in :eek: "strangers" (Fire, EMS, Police) opening doors to
come into your home...
Fido or Fluffy may not "bolt" when YOU open the door -
but I've seen MANY a pooch take one look at ME in full FireFighter gear -
and it's I'm OUTTA here!

Not to mention the problems Emergency Personnel face with dogs
while trying to attend to their owners...
A collar on an un-friendly dog at least gives us a "chance" for control.

I've "told" :rolleyes: my Three - if there's ever a fire or
storm damage to the BigHouse -
THEY are "goin OUT" the nearest door or window!
Since I'm not sure they "listened" to the part about
"meet at the big tree", I'll have to rely on their ALWAYS Worn collars & tags
to help get us all back together.

Give it some serious thought! ;)

/s/ Phred

06-08-2004, 07:38 PM
Wow, I'm so glad you were there when this happened to
Lolly. She must have been scared too.:(

One day after coming in from a walk with Buddy I didn't take
off his choke chain right away and he somehow got the chain
hooked on a round handle on a cabinet in the bathroom. He
pulled like crazy to get lose I was afraid he would choke himself.

Adrenaline kicked in & I tryed to calm Buddy & shove him closer
to the door & managed to slip the collar lose from the handle.

Believe me, I never forgot to change collars again.

06-08-2004, 08:22 PM
Phred Never thot much about emergencies and collars but I always leave my furkids collars on until now with Sassy. I'll have to check into a different type of cat collar but it has to be somekind of safety one.
Nuther story- last fall my brothers house caught on fire (furnace) and thank God he and his wife and three teenagers made it out! It happened in the middle of the night. Their GSD made it out because he wanted to follow them. Their cat hid under the computer desk (fireman found her)and of course she didn't make it.
I always said I'd be throwing mine out windows if I had to!Then I guess it'd be a good thing to have on a collar.

06-08-2004, 10:10 PM
Heh Phred, thanks for the advice but my dogs are as far from aggressive as you could get. I am sorry, but I really don't want my dogs choking to death while I'm not home. Strangers have come in before when I'm not home (workmen, friends, etc) and my dogs do not bolt the door. I know it'd not be so good in a fire, but there is way more of a chance of their collars getting stuck again than there is of a fire IMO. So I'm not rethinking this decision :)

06-09-2004, 08:21 AM
Glad everything turned out well. It sure is scary.

I too always take their collars off when I can not supervise them. A few years ago, Nanook my shep mix was just laying on the floor, I kept hearing his tags gingle, but they sounded different than usual. After a couple minutes I went into the room he was in to see what he was doing and his tags were stuck in the heat run cover. Good thing I was home & I was also lucky that it was summer, if he was home alone during winter when the heat kicked on that could of caused some helath problems.

06-09-2004, 10:53 AM
Wow glad everything turned out okay with Lolly. I know how scary that can be. I had something similar happen, when Murph was a puppy. He got his tags caught and totally panicked. I think he could have easily choked to death, if I hadn't been there. So after that incident, no more collars on mine, if I'm not there with them. Tattooing or microchipping seems a lil' safer way to go.

As to emergencies, I think you have to look at your situation and dogs and judge which route would be the least risk to them. I keep my 3 confined in my bedroom, which is at the back of the house and the bedroom door leads out into my fenced back yard. They're not normally bolters, but if they did in the scariness of the situation, hopefully the firemen would open the back door, so they could bolt into the back yard.

If I awoke to fire, I would also be tossing them out the back door into the yard. But your comments do bring up a thought Phred, that I should probably put a set of collars and leashes on a hook by the back door, so I can grab those on the way out. When we go walking, I usually have to hunt for where I laid them down last. So they're not going to be easily accessable in an emergency.


06-09-2004, 06:15 PM
I know somebody who put a flea collar on their cat and it got stuck in his mouth, really hurt him, he were bleeing.