View Full Version : He's gone..

06-08-2004, 02:33 PM
Ozzy's leaving tomorrow. I've made my decision.

I went back and forth for weeks, and shed many tears making this decision. I just want what's best for my dog. Kristen (his breeder) promised to find him a wonderful home that would keep in touch with us. We're returning Ozzy to her tomorrow..

Today is my last day with him. I'm going to make the best of it. I'm always going to remember the fun times we had running on the greenbelt, and the memorable times we had in obediance class..His obediance graduation...Gosh, I love him.

Well....just thought you guys might want to know.

06-08-2004, 02:37 PM
:( :( :(

It all comes down to what is best for Ozzy. I'm sorry for the tough decision but only you can know if it is the right one. I'm here if you need to talk. *hugs*

We'll miss you too Ozzy. :( Take care, boy.

06-08-2004, 02:42 PM
Some of our most memorible times...

At the lake..
At the dog park...his first time doing agility..
Ozzy's first Christmas..
Ozzy's first Halloween..
His graduation from obediance..

And so many more..Like going to three dog shows with him. We had so much fun together, and I'm going to miss him so damn much. I'm starting to tear up as I type this.
I can't believe he's actually leaving. I never expected this. He's just too much though..I want to keep him, but it would be so much better for him to be in a home where he can get all the attention and play time he wants and needs..God, i feel like such a terrible dog owner. :(

06-08-2004, 04:08 PM
Oh I'm so sorry:( But if you think that its what's best for Ozzy, then I think you made the right decision. I'll miss seeing pictures of him.:(

Hope he finds a wonderful home!

guster girl
06-08-2004, 04:29 PM
Hope Ozzy finds a better home soon, so, he can start bonding with his new family. Good that his breeder took him back for you. :(

Rio and Me
06-08-2004, 04:44 PM
I'm sorry i cant imagin what you are going though, maybe when the pain has healed you could adopt an older dog who just wants a family to be part of.
Wish you and ozzy luck

06-08-2004, 05:18 PM
oh my! i remember you talking about this.:( :( :( i'm so sorry you have to give him back. he looks like he loved being with you! i hope his breeder can find him a home that does agility also! i wish i could take him so you could know he'd have a great home!:)

i'll pray the perfect person comes for him!

06-08-2004, 05:22 PM
thanks but i dont think we'll be getting another dog...

guster girl
06-08-2004, 05:24 PM
Yeah, I don't think getting another dog would be that great of an idea. You have Darlin, she'll just get all of your attention.

06-08-2004, 06:08 PM
{{{Hugs}}} I'm so sorry. :( But I'm glad you have his best interest in mind.

Bye Ozzy! I hope the right owners come along soon.

06-08-2004, 07:24 PM
:(wow that sucks, I dont know why you are getting rid of that sweet guy... Then again I dont know the whole story...

I'll be thinking of you Ozzy... :(

06-08-2004, 07:28 PM
It is always hard to make a decision that is good for the animal concerned. I just did that with my precious Jo ....

You seem to have really thought about it, and I am glad that you are giving him back to the breeder to help find him a new home.
{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}} to you and Ozzy

06-08-2004, 07:29 PM
I'm so sorry, I know he will be missed.

06-08-2004, 07:31 PM
It is good that the breeder has agreed to rehome him, and with someone who will keep in touch, too. Ozzy is a sweet dog, and some day, when you are grown and have a home of your own, maybe another collie will steal your heart.

Snuggle Darlin' lots tomorrow, I know this is a difficult time for you.

I wish every breeder were as kind and responsible!

06-08-2004, 09:27 PM
I really don't know what to say....so I'll just leave it at that.

06-08-2004, 09:33 PM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
I really don't know what to say....so I'll just leave it at that.

Ditto. :(

06-08-2004, 10:33 PM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
I really don't know what to say....so I'll just leave it at that.


06-08-2004, 11:06 PM
I'll just 2nd dogz and willie... :(

06-08-2004, 11:31 PM
While I am sorry for you and hope and pray that Ozzy finds a new wonderful home.

Originally posted by Foam
thanks but i dont think we'll be getting another dog...
I think this is the best decision in regards to the advice others gave you in your other thread.

Take care.

06-08-2004, 11:40 PM

06-09-2004, 09:07 PM
I kinda figured since you hadn't posted about Oz lately that you were going to be giving him up.
I'm glad to hear that you let the breeder take him back to find him another good home.
I know this must be hard on you but it's sounds like your doing what's in his best interest.
Take Care.

06-09-2004, 09:11 PM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
I really don't know what to say....so I'll just leave it at that.

Im gunna have to ditto this too...

06-09-2004, 09:17 PM
I hope Ozzy finds a *forever* home that's willing to spend the time with him that he deserves.

Aspen and Misty
06-09-2004, 09:47 PM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
I really don't know what to say....so I'll just leave it at that.


Originally posted by wolf_Q
I hope Ozzy finds a *forever* home that's willing to spend the time with him that he deserves.


Ash :(

06-09-2004, 09:52 PM
I haven't responded before now because I have really been at a loss for what to say. This situation is something that I just find extremely difficult to understand or relate to, but I do only wish the best for Ozzy boy. I'm sure he will miss you, and you him.

06-10-2004, 12:01 AM
Originally posted by K9soul
This situation is something that I just find extremely difficult to understand or relate to, but I do only wish the best for Ozzy boy. I'm sure he will miss you, and you him.

I echo this statement.

06-10-2004, 12:44 AM
How sad, I'm sorry. I don't the whole story but I'm sure this was a hard decision for you to make.

I wish the best for Ozzy.

06-10-2004, 06:06 PM
Awww that is so bad! I saw the title of the thread, and who it was by and I'm like "OH NO!" :( it was at school though so I never got to read it, no time. I knew what it meant though...I'm soooooo sorry! Hopefully you'll be able to find some time to visit him!

06-10-2004, 07:08 PM
I seemed to have missed the story about Ozzy as well, but it appears you have taken the dog's best interests at heart, before you own feelings, and that is a positive thing, if you feel you can not do right by ozzy, then indeed you are doing the right thing, hopefully he will find a home which suits his needs, and you will beable, to be happy in knowing that. Take care, I know this has not been a easy decision for you to make.:)

06-11-2004, 01:09 AM
why are you getting rid of this adorable dog???

06-11-2004, 08:05 AM
Here's the story (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=48288&highlight=Ozzy)

06-11-2004, 08:24 AM
I'm so sorry. :( I'm sure you're doing what's best for him though.

06-11-2004, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
I hope Ozzy finds a *forever* home that's willing to spend the time with him that he deserves.
I'm sorry but I echo this statement. I hope Ozzy finds a new home that DESERVES him. You obviously like to keep yourself busy with after school activities and while that is great, I think you jumped in over your head with getting Ozzy. Before I would EVER give up a living breathing animal (correction), member of the family, I'd quit one of the other after school activities.

You raised him and put so much time, effort, and work into him and you decided he was the 'after school activity' worth giving up.


I'm sorry... but this just really upsets me.

06-11-2004, 10:52 AM
You put into words what I was hesitating to do. But, I agree 150%!!

06-11-2004, 10:55 AM
ramanth I agree with you 100% .
I believe if you can not commit 100% for the animal’s whole life you should not get a pet. I do believe she did the right thing by giving him up so he is able to find a forever home.

06-11-2004, 11:56 AM
I'm glad someone said it. :( I think a lot of us were thinking it, but didn't know exactly how to say it. I feel bad for Ozzy, bonding with a family then being told he has to go away. My animals are my children, and I would no sooner get rid of them than I would a child. My life would be rearranged before I did anything like that. I hope Ozzy finds a wonderful forever home, he deserves to have the best.

My Peanuts
06-11-2004, 12:03 PM
Originally posted by ramanth
I'm sorry but I echo this statement. I hope Ozzy finds a new home that DESERVES him. You obviously like to keep yourself busy with after school activities and while that is great, I think you jumped in over your head with getting Ozzy. Before I would EVER give up a living breathing animal (correction), member of the family, I'd quit one of the other after school activities.

You raised him and put so much time, effort, and work into him and you decided he was the 'after school activity' worth giving up.


I'm sorry... but this just really upsets me.

I completely agree. I didn't want to respond to this because I didn't want to say it. I would NEVER treat my pets as objects that I can get rid of when I wanted to. (Not that I have ever wanted to) Now that poor Ozzy is out of his cute puppy stage it's easy to say there is no time for him. It will make it that much harder for him to find a good home. Sorry, it's just the way I feel.

06-11-2004, 01:04 PM
Kimmy, I thank God that you said it!! I wanted to but was afraid I would booed. You read my mind exactly. She wasn't willing to give up her social activites at 13 ......

06-11-2004, 01:09 PM
:o :) Thanks guys. I just sat on it and sat on it and I finally couldn't take it anymore and had to say how I felt.

06-11-2004, 01:29 PM
Foam I'm glad you are showing great maturity in realizing you were not the best for Ozzy. I know it was a very hard deciton to make . I beleive you are doing the bset for him and your self . Instead of the situation becoming a bad one you are doing a good thing. Too many people wouldn't have the strength to do it . I think then it becomes a bad thing for all involved. (((hugs to you girl))))

06-11-2004, 01:30 PM

06-11-2004, 01:44 PM
Ramanth, I completely agree, I feel the same way. I just can't figure out how these activities are so much more important than a pet that you loved! How did the interest in the pet die, and go to "things"?

Yes, Ozzie deserve better, and hopefully he will get a family that will love him and not just be a phase for them to go through. Pets are not phases, they deserve to be loved forever, until they make the trip to the bridge! I know I am not making much sense here, but it just confuses me to see a sweetheart like Ozzie to be classified lower than "activities".

Enough said, I agree with Ramath, and that is that! There is more, but I won't say it.

Ozzy, may you find a home that deserves you, and loves you enough to keep you forever! We are going to miss you sweet Ozzy, be happy...


06-11-2004, 02:01 PM
Originally posted by ramanth
I'm sorry but I echo this statement. I hope Ozzy finds a new home that DESERVES him. You obviously like to keep yourself busy with after school activities and while that is great, I think you jumped in over your head with getting Ozzy. Before I would EVER give up a living breathing animal (correction), member of the family, I'd quit one of the other after school activities.

You raised him and put so much time, effort, and work into him and you decided he was the 'after school activity' worth giving up.


I'm sorry... but this just really upsets me.

Thank you Kimmy! I have been wanting to say just that since I first seen this thread, my exact thoughts also.

06-11-2004, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by ramanth
I'm sorry but I echo this statement. I hope Ozzy finds a new home that DESERVES him. You obviously like to keep yourself busy with after school activities and while that is great, I think you jumped in over your head with getting Ozzy. Before I would EVER give up a living breathing animal (correction), member of the family, I'd quit one of the other after school activities.

You raised him and put so much time, effort, and work into him and you decided he was the 'after school activity' worth giving up.


I'm sorry... but this just really upsets me.

Im sorry Cayter, but I really agree with Kimmy. Im so sorry you had to give up Ozzy. But why couldn't you just give up some activitys? Ozzy was a full commitment that you wanted. all I know is that I'm never giving up my dogs so I can stay in activities. But maybe it was for the best. I hope ozzy finds a good home.:( All I know is hat im gonna miss ozzy pictures.

06-11-2004, 03:06 PM
I was very hesitant to say anything... but now that Kimmy's put my thoughts into the exact words.... DITTO DITTO DITTO!!!

I couldn't even imagine giving up one of my dogs up before sports, music, friends...etc. I'd even think of giving up school before them. May not be the smartest of choices, but they're living breathing animals, with emotions and feelings... and i'd give up every minute of my relaxation time to spend with them.

06-11-2004, 03:17 PM

I just read this story. I don't come over to the Dog side as often. My heart is just breaking for Ozzie. While I despair for the immaturity of Foam...I am even more disgusted with her parents. How could they allow her to do this. *shaking my head* How could they have raised a child to feel that "relaxation time" and her afterschool activities are more important than a living, breathing, feeling emotional animal that doesn't understand why he is being sent away.:mad: :mad:


I grew up as an only child. My parents bought me an absolutely beautiful sable and white collie pup when I was 3 years old. She was my everything. She was my best friend, my sister, my confidant and my protector. As I grew she was ALWAYS there with me. As I got older and purchased my first horse at the age of 14 I still never abandoned Lassie. As I got even older and was showing my horse and racing motorcycles in the Mojave I STILL never abandoned my Lassie. If I was gone on the weekend I couldn't wait to get home to her...she was the first member of my family I hugged and greeted. She died when I was 17 years old. I was so devastated I had to be put on medication to just survive the first week. I am now 42 years old and last night I was with friends at dinner and we were talking about pets that had gone to the RB. I almost cried as I talked about Lassie as I am now.

Foam...I am sorry...but your parents have raised you to be a shallow, selfish young lady. I am sorry you were crying at the thought of giving up Ozzie. But apparently he wasn't important enough to you. Your relaxation time was much more important I am sure.

So I am sure that you have done the right thing for Ozzie. I hope he goes to the right people now and that you have learned a very valuable lesson from this. I hope that you don't even consider getting another pet until you realize how much Ozzie is hurt and confused by your actions and you mature to the point that a wonderful pet like Ozzie is more important than lying about on your rear end.

I am sorry if I am harsh but someone needs to be because it is MY belief that your values are not what they should be. And to your parents



06-11-2004, 03:24 PM
Thank God someone finally said it!!! I wasn't going to respond because I didn't want to be the first naysayer.
This young lady didn't learn anything about life from this experience other than being selfish. I don't understand how she was doing agility with Ozzy but that just didn't matter anymore- other activities were more important. My heart goes out to Ozzy, I just wanted to reach through the screen and bring him here with me.Heaven only knows what my husband and I have given up for our furbabies! As well as all of you have,I'm sure, I'm sorry I just don't get it :mad:

06-11-2004, 03:30 PM
Bless your beautiful, gentle soul, Ozzy. I wish for you many years of unconditional love and happiness with your new family

06-11-2004, 03:36 PM
Chocolatepuppy, none of us have given up anything because our animals have given us something very special. I know you know what I mean.
Corinna(pardon my error) Denyce, I know how you feel about your special Lassie. That's how I feel about Duke and I swear, I don't know how I'll function without him.
I, too, wish I could have given Ozzy his forever home. I've had cats and dogs all my life and it's been a much better one because of it. I just don't understand this at all. Very disappointed.
Edited to add that it sounds like it was her decision because she states at the very beginning "I've made up my mind". And, even at her young age, she knows the importance of this. I've said all I'm going to say on the subject.

06-11-2004, 03:38 PM
I agree with everyone else.. I'm so sorry you've decided to give Ozzy away.. It always looked like you two were so happy together.. :(
I used to do sports in my K-8 school (I played sports on teams from 4th grade to 8th grade), but once I got into high school I didn't do any sports.. You can live without them ;) Besides, if you had kept Ozzy, you could have done agility with him and agility is a sport!! ^_- Oh well.. I'm sorry you decided you couldn't keep him.. :( I hope he finds a new, good home that will give him the attention and love he deserves..

06-11-2004, 03:39 PM
I guess I'll be the 'odd-ball' in this.

While it's very saddening to hear that Ozzy won't be with her anymore, I think she made the right decision. If she was being selfish, she would continue to keep Ozzy, knowing that he wasn't getting the proper care he deserves. She had his BEST INTEREST in mind. Also, he is going back to the breeder-- not the animal shelter. I've talked to his breeder, Kristen, and I'm positive she will make sure he goes to the best home she can find for him.

She thought about this for a long time, and is hurting, but she made the right decision.

Chocolatepuppy- She never started doing agility with Ozzy. He was a prospect, and later in life they were going to take classes and hopefully compete.

Things happen, and I think it's just sad to see all these hurtful remarks. Remember, she's a child. I don't know about the rest of you, but I know, still being a child myself, I don't have control with what my parents say will happen. It's not her fault, and I'm sure she will take this as a lesson to learn in the future.

06-11-2004, 03:39 PM
I have to say I really admire Kay for the words she spoke! Kay, you go girl!!!!!

06-11-2004, 03:46 PM
dukedogsmom Yes I know what you mean. I was just making a point ,the money, the up all night , the times I stayed home becuase I didn't want my babies left home too much. Never mind the clean house I will never have, no more lamps,etc....
The months of agony we have endured worrying about Mandy's bad heart and will she still be alive when I get home each day?
And we do not regret it one bit, no one could give me a million dollars for any of my babies!
God what I would give for Mandy to have a healthy heart and here's someone giving up their dog because she's too busy?

06-11-2004, 03:51 PM
GoldenRetrLuver So sorry for the mistake. On the one picture it shows Ozzy doing agility and says 'doing agility' so I don't know where I would have got that from???

06-11-2004, 04:07 PM
Originally posted by tatsxxx11
Bless your beautiful, gentle soul, Ozzy. I wish for you many years of unconditional love and happiness with your new family

I think Sandra has taken the correct approach in this whole thing, while I have been pondering how to respond. Let's keep focused on Ozzy, and hope that a perfect, new home, will be found!!!!! God bless you, Ozzy. :)

06-11-2004, 04:16 PM
Yes Logan you're probably right, sometimes anger gets the best of us. I certainly wish the best for Ozzy.:)

06-11-2004, 04:32 PM
A few thoughts to share, having read more responses... and I do not know if further responding is a wise thing to do on my part but hopefully I'll convey what I am feeling without fumbling my words up and confusing everyone (not that I don't feel confused and torn on this whole thing).

First of all, I believe we on Pet Talk actually form attachments to each other and our fur/feathered friends. I think it is natural that this news will be more upsetting to people here than perhaps hearing a story from a friend about a friend's friend who is getting rid of their dog. Many of us consider our dogs to be our "kids" and it is just as unthinkable to rehome them, for most..

I believe, to put it bluntly, that getting Oz was a mistake, if other activities were going to be a priority. I also don't really think the action can be excused by age. I was 13 when I got my RB Cody, and I well understood the time and devotion involved. If it were sudden financial hardship, the loss of a family member, or something to that degree, I think people would feel more compassion with this choice. I do believe this was Cayter's choice, as it was never indicated or even implied that this was her parents' choice.

However, I think it is also hurtful and a bit harsh to say she is shallow/lazy. The reason I had such a hard time coming up with what to say the first time was because I truly don't want to pass judgement on someone else. There may be other things, personal issues, that she did not want to disclose to everyone. I don't know, and really.. it's just not for me to try to form a judgement. I do strongly agree with a lot of the sentiments of others as far as how important a pet should be, but in the end, the decision is made, and all we can do is pray and wish for Oz to get the wonderful forever home he deserves.

06-11-2004, 04:49 PM
Well said, K9soul.

06-11-2004, 04:51 PM
I hate hate hate the words "she's just a child". That means NOTHING.

From what i've read, it seem's to me it was "just the child's" decision to give Ozzy up... it was her decision to put other things before him.

I really do hope a family comes along his way, one that deserves him, and one that he truely deserves.

06-11-2004, 05:26 PM
Very well said, Jessica.

My thoughts and prayers are with Ozzy. We love you Ozzy and we care about you.

Robin :(

06-11-2004, 05:30 PM
Having now read the story of why ozzy is being given up, I do indeed feel very sad for this precious furbaby, but I still believe it is for the best, if he cannot be given the time of day, then he does need to be in a more loving, home with the care, play and attention he requires, so even though alot of you feel she is being selfish, I see it more like goldenretriever, it would be more selfish of her to keep him.

yes I Have to wonder where are the parents in all of this?

I understand everyones, anguish over this, and emotions, and hopefully Foam will have learn't a very valuable lesson in all this, its a shame its at ozz'ys expense, but I am sure he will be happier in his new home.

06-11-2004, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by tatsxxx11
Bless your beautiful, gentle soul, Ozzy. I wish for you many years of unconditional love and happiness with your new family

I wish this too, with all my heart..... Liz & Smokey.

06-11-2004, 06:10 PM
Okay, I'm sorry but I need to say something here. I've been trying to keep a 'low-profile,' but I can't handle reading this thread anymore unless I throw in a few words.

While yes, I feel terrible that Ozzy has to go through this, it is much better that he is given back to his breeder [rather than a shelter] and will go to a responsible, loving home where he will be a devoted family member until the day he dies. I'm not saying he couldn't do that in Cayter's family, but I can't imagine he would have been happy. If he's not going to be provided with the attention he needs and deserves, then good for Cayter for at least doing the right thing and giving him a chance to be placed into a home that will.

On the other side of things, I can't handle hearing all this bashing on Cayter and her decision. She did what she felt was right for her situation ... none of you are currently in her position, and therefore cannot assume you know the whole story or what is best. I know she loved Ozzy, which leads me to believe that she is doing this not only for herself ... but for her dear Ozzy boy as well. What good would it do to keep Ozzy and leave him to live his life unhappily or deprived of the proper attention??

Am I wrong to feel that it is better to find a new home for him now, when he is still somewhat young, rather than waiting it out only to find out that they still can't keep him months or even years later when his bond has grown even more????

I honestly feel disgusted with this thread. Everyone knows that Cayter feels awful, and for people to just continue to 'rub salt on open wounds' is really just depressing. :(

Now I'm sorry ... but I have sympathy for both Cayter and Ozzy here. It wasn't the right thing for either one of them, but at least Cayter is mature enough and unselfish enough to realize that Ozzy can't be truly happy with her and her family.

Cayter -- I'm so sorry to hear of all of this and I know you are doing what you feel is best for the both of you. If you ever need to talk, feel free to PM me ... I'll be here. :) And please, don't let anyone here break you down. You're a great girl, and if people can't see through their own deals with you ... forget them. Best wishes and deepest condolences.

06-11-2004, 06:10 PM
Goldretiver lover you arn't alone I feel she has done a very good thing for Oz.
Also I didn't tell the story of Lassie it was Denyce Please quote the proper sources.
I think that we all should be nice. She is feeling very bad now I thought we were to be a SUPPORTIVE family here. PM each other don't vent here at least she told us didn't just not ever mention him again. I think she did for some support for here decsion. Where are your hearts. Shame on you all.

06-11-2004, 06:14 PM
I echo everything that Brooke mentioned. Good post.

06-11-2004, 06:17 PM
I agree we were posting at the same time.

06-11-2004, 06:20 PM

Ok, here's how I see the situation.

Foam got Ozzy, to love, to care for, to raise as her pet..........same reasons anyone would have to get a pet. Unfortunately, I feel she and her family didn't think deeply enough about their decision when they got him. As it often happens, when you don't think deeply enough before making such big decisions, the outcome turns out for the worst.

I know Foam didn't want this to happen, but unfortunately, it did happen. It could definitely be the result of a decision that was not well thought out, ahead of time.

Now, in the current situation, Ozzy is a growing and active pup who needs LOTS of attention. His family should have known ahead of time that when pups grow, they need more attention and time. They now realize they DON'T have enough time for this puppy. They cannot give him the time and attention he needs and deserves. If they keep him, while acknowledging the fact that they're not going to give him enough time, I feel that is a MORE selfish thing to do, than to return him to his breeder. Considering he will now go to a new home where he will get enough attention, I feel they have made the best decision, in the best interest of Ozzy. No, they shouldn't have gotten Ozzy if they weren't going to have the time for him, but now that they did, I do feel the best decision they could make is to rehome him. Its a better decision to give him to someone else who will have time for him, than to keep him and let him suffer from boredom, or sadness.

Yes we all know that pets are a big responsibilty........a responsibility that isn't to be taken lightly. I know Foam knows that too, and I'm sure this will be a lesson for her to take along with her in life. What's happened has happened. It is sad, it is unfortunate, and I wish the best for Ozzy in his future life. Still, there is no reason to put someone who is already feeling so down, in an even worse situation by saying her parents raised her to be a very selfish girl, etc. Please don't get so personal. I do agree with you all, but it would be nice if a few of you could state certain things in a more appropriate, and less hurtful way. I hate to see people hurt others and unfortunately, some of you are getting very hurtful. :(

06-11-2004, 06:22 PM
Very well said, Pops ... and I completely agree, 110%. :)

06-11-2004, 06:22 PM
Amen Popcorn

06-11-2004, 06:25 PM
Just out of curiousity... What's happening with Darlin?

She maybe be older than Oz but she still need attention, exercise, love and so on.

06-11-2004, 06:29 PM
Originally posted by Corinna
Goldretiver lover you arn't alone I feel she has done a very good thing for Oz.
Also I didn't tell the story of Lassie it was Denyce Please quote the proper sources.
I think that we all should be nice. She is feeling very bad now I thought we were to be a SUPPORTIVE family here. PM each other don't vent here at least she told us didn't just not ever mention him again. I think she did for some support for here decsion. Where are your hearts. Shame on you all.

Sorry, my heart & focus is on the animal, not a youngster's
angst. If she's doing the right thing for her dog, she should
be happy & the original post was just a FYI.

I do believe Ozzy will find a loving family, whether in a Shelter
or with a breeder. I hope the breeder takes the dog's history
into consideration before selling him to anyone else.

06-11-2004, 06:51 PM
I'm not sure if it's a good idea to bring this up or not, but..

I've recentely read some posts where people had to rehome their birds, because they felt they couldn't do their best to take care of them, didn't get along with their other pets, or have enough time for them, etc. and yet they were supported by EVERYONE. Why than is Cayter treated 'differently' when she posts that she had to rehome Ozzy? Like I, and some others have said, it was in his best interest (just like the birds), and she was not being selfish.

This is not meant to target anyone, I just felt the need to bring it up.

Aspen and Misty
06-11-2004, 07:34 PM
Originally posted by ramanth
Before I would EVER give up a living breathing animal (correction), member of the family, I'd quit one of the other after school activities.

I agree 150% and couldn't of said it better.


06-11-2004, 07:39 PM
The way I see it, it's all about choices. The family CHOSE to get Ozzy, they also CHOSE to give him back to the breeder. We all know having pets is all about responsibility. Personally, I don't approve of anyone getting a pet, whether it's a dog, cat, bird or fish, and then getting rid of it because it's too much to handle, or they're too busy, etc. While I think everyone agrees that Cayter's returning Ozzy is the best decision for him, it still bothers most of us who would never consider getting rid of any of our furbabies unless it was a matter of life or death, and even then I'm sure things can be negotiated. :)

I don't think we mean to be so mean, but to so many of us it's just an unfathomable act. When any of us get puppies we know how much time they take. We know they go thru their terrible teens. We know how much time and money have to be invested. Within a month of getting Arthur we had to take him to the emergency room because Katie attacked him. Both myself and my gf work a lot of hours, but we still find time to take all the mutts to the park, and we'll be putting Arthur into school soon.

My point is, i don't think a lot of us understand why Ozzy wasn't important enough to give up some activities for, which may not be the case but it's what it seems. I feel bad for Cayter, but I feel worse for Ozzy who I'm sure doesn't understand why his furmom doesn't want him anymore. I guess I just wish Cayter and her family would have thought it out more before getting Ozzy in the first place. :(

This will all blow over eventually, but for now I think everyone needs to get everything off their chest. Best of luck to Cayter and especially to Ozzy!

06-11-2004, 07:52 PM
heinz57_79, I could not have said it better than you just did.

06-11-2004, 08:00 PM
This is so sad. I can't even begin to relate since I have never been in this situation. Each time I have adopted an animal he/she was mine until the day they left for the Rainbow Bridge. My hope is that Ozzy's next home will be his forever home so that he doesn't ever have to go through this again. My wish for Cayter is that she might be able to get past this. I know if I ever had to do such a thing I would wonder each day for the rest of my life how my dog was doing. I suspect there will be some gut-wrenching and soul searching days ahead for Cayter. :(

06-11-2004, 08:19 PM
I'd like to say a few other things...

*TO ME* it did not seem like she was doing this for Ozzy, she seemed as if she wanted to do "other things", because she told us a little while ago she was going to wait until after summer to see how it goes, and *to me* it seemed like she had more important things to do when school was out...

I also think that her age doesn't matter, I got my RB black lab when I was just 7 or so, and I still knew he was mine for life, and that when friends would ask me to come places, birthday parties..etc, if Shadow hadn't been played with much that day or anything like that, I would give up things, even at that age.

And Im still, what you all call, a child(17) and I would glady give up anything for my pups, people my age usually like new clothes and stuff, I haven't had new clothes since Christmas, and I also wanted my hair cut and highlighted for months, but Jasper comes first.

And IMO if Ozzy is not her first priority now, maybe he never was? How do we know that he ever came first?

Just my opinions, I dont think its fair to hold back on what we think just because of her age, shes probably not much younger than I am...

06-11-2004, 11:16 PM
Originally posted by GoldenRetrLuver
I'm not sure if it's a good idea to bring this up or not, but..

I've recentely read some posts where people had to rehome their birds, because they felt they couldn't do their best to take care of them, didn't get along with their other pets, or have enough time for them, etc. and yet they were supported by EVERYONE. Why than is Cayter treated 'differently' when she posts that she had to rehome Ozzy? Like I, and some others have said, it was in his best interest (just like the birds), and she was not being selfish.

This is not meant to target anyone, I just felt the need to bring it up.

Completely agreed.

If someone can give me a perfectly liable, understandable response to this, then I'll drop my issue with this ... but until then, I'm still pretty disheartened by the responses to this thread.

06-11-2004, 11:26 PM
I'm not sure which birds or animals you're speaking of, or if you're even talking about me, but the thing that got me most upset is the fact that she put her activities before her dog. One or two of those activities could have easily, in my opinion only, been dropped before getting rid of a beloved pet.

06-11-2004, 11:39 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
I'm not sure which birds or animals you're speaking of, or if you're even talking about me, but the thing that got me most upset is the fact that she put her activities before her dog. One or two of those activities could have easily, in my opinion only, been dropped before getting rid of a beloved pet.

and I have no clue what happened that their were birds rehomed, so I can't comment on that at all.

06-11-2004, 11:51 PM
*Edited out.*

06-11-2004, 11:55 PM
I really don't appreciate my situation with Dusk being brought into this thread. It was a VERY different situation, and it is something that continuously breaks my heart, even though I hear him when I talk to my grandmother and hear him singing to her.

You stated you didn't wish to single people out, then linked their threads, singling them out.

Edit: I think I reacted a bit strongly, it is just an extremely painful situation for me, and definitely not something I am "over" and I wonder at times if I ever will be.

06-12-2004, 12:01 AM
I think those bird situations were totally different and don't really need to be brought up into this thread.

06-12-2004, 12:11 AM
I missed her post, but if indeed Jessica's bird post was brought up it was completely different than this, again, IMHO.

06-12-2004, 12:18 AM
Excuse me, but how is it different? All of these situations involved rehoming a pet to provide a better life for it. Am I missing something? If so, please let me know ... but I think I'm being pretty complete here.

There is no difference between a dog, a cat, a bird, a horse, a mouse -- whatever the pet may be. So please, don't get all touchy about this simply because it involves a dog. It seems as if it is at that point, and it really does not need to be. It's not fair to start pointing fingers and deciding that you know the reason behind all of this. Why? Because you don't. Unless someone can stand up and tell me they can read Cayter's mind, then lay off it and offer some compassion and sympathy to her. This is a hard time for her ... she's given something up that she adores and considers a part of her family.

She made the decision she felt was right -- whether you agree with it or not is not the issue here. At this point, the issue is that feelings are being hurt and unneccessary words and comments are being posted. The last thing Cayter needs right now is to be made to feel three times smaller by rude, thoughtless comments that would be better left unsaid.

I know I've already said this ... but as this thread drags on and is made into something more than it needs to be, I just continued to get more and more appalled. :(

06-12-2004, 12:26 AM
It has nothing to do with what kind of animal it is. :rolleyes:

but the thing that got me most upset is the fact that she put her activities before her dog.

06-12-2004, 12:30 AM
Originally posted by Moose
Excuse me, but how is it different? All of these situations involved rehoming a pet to provide a better life for it. Am I missing something? If so, please let me know ... but I think I'm being pretty complete here.

You are missing plenty if you are referring to me. I should NOT have to explain my situation here. I stated earlier how I felt with regards to Oz. Every situation is different, and though it is hard for me to understand or relate to Cayter and Ozzy's situation, and I believe mistakes were made, I would not take it so far as to judge Cayter as a person.

That said, though I believe Dusk is in an overall better situation since his bonded mate died, the deciding factor was that my grandma had just lost her husband, and she needed my Dusk. I would rather this be dropped now, and am apalled and deeply upset that this has been brought here.

06-12-2004, 12:33 AM

06-12-2004, 12:35 AM

06-12-2004, 12:40 AM
Originally posted by Moose
it's hard to believe so many of you are adults here.

It's very ironic you say such a thing. Brooke, you're the one who's dragging it farther and farther... and changing it into a completey different topic.

I do believe that some were harsh here, I don't think Jessica or myself were... so please do not take it out on us, or bring something that is completely irrelavant (Jessica's situation), in my opinion, into it.

and Please save the crying about smilies for somewhere else.

06-12-2004, 12:45 AM

06-12-2004, 12:48 AM
No, I do believe you're the one whom has issues with me, although issues between us have nothing to do with this thread, just like Jessica's situation doesn't either.

Self-centered... no, not quite. If I was such I wouldn't be sticking up for Jessica or apologizing for what this turned into because of you.

Done? Good.

Now I think you owe an apology to Jessica, as well.

06-12-2004, 12:50 AM
Maybe the people we should be ill at is Cayters parents. They should have known whether she could deal with having a pet such as Ozzy. And once the decision was made and they gave their permission for her to have Ozzy, then they should have stepped in then.

I am a parent, and if I thought my children was not going to take care of their pets, then I would not let them have a pet at all to call their own. If they said, yes I am up to taking care of this pet, and keep it, then okay child of mine, you may have a pet. But if they decided that there was thing more important than that pet, then I stepped in, and said no, I am sorry but you made a commitment to this pet, and this pet come first, afterall he or she was here first! My oldest daughter was so good with her pets, she was taught to take responsibility for her pets, even when she got her first boyfriend, that boy did not want her to have her pets, didn't want her to touch the pet, well that boyfriend was out the door, and kicked to the curb where he belonged.

Her boyfriend that she married eventually, took her pets as his own, when she moved out, her pets went with her. This was taught to her at an early age.

I see Cayter is only what 13, then her parents should have known better than to let her have a pet if she could not uphold her promise to take care of it. Now Ozzy is going back to a cage, and that is what is such a hurtful thought to me.

No, I won't blame Cayter, I will place the blame on her parents for not putting in her the value of the friendship she had with Ozzy, and like Kay said, putting things before a life.

I hope, Ozzy gets a wonderful home, where he is loved and appreciated.


06-12-2004, 12:52 AM

06-12-2004, 12:55 AM
Originally posted by Moose
Um, excuse me ... as well?? No. I never apologized to you, and I have no reason to apologize to anyone. I've done nothing wrong. If anything, the only apologies anyone owes is to Cayter.

Wth? Where in the heck did I say you apologized to me?
You brought something about Jessica's bird into this, which made her upset and raged. Julie apologized. Is it hard to do so? NO

'As well' indicated that an apology needed to be said to Jessica, as well, not just Cayter.

06-12-2004, 01:20 AM
Please.. I've received PM's apologizing for bringing up my situation, and for the upset it caused me. I am sure I reacted strongly when I should have just never commented at all, and let it go, but it is a very tender subject for me I guess.

Brooke and Julie and Kay have all talked to me privately and I am just wishing and hoping that at least for my part it will be dropped now. I am sorry to have caused/contributed as well to any more conflict.

06-12-2004, 05:08 AM
We can all go back and forth giving our opinions, arguing, but the sad fact is Ozzy is gone and let us all hope he will end up with a great family and there is a happy ending to this sad story.

Like I mentioned before I think Cayter did the right thing, it would have been far more selfish to keep him, and even though it hurts a lot of people who have grown to love Ozzy as well, it is far better for him to be given the attention he deserves and needs.

Cayter will be going through hell right now, that I have no doubt in my mind, however she feels in her heart this is best for Ozzy, and we just have to respect that whether we like it or not.

06-12-2004, 08:10 AM
I am going to post one more time about this issue because I was thinking about it all night. Even in my dreams and it was the first thing I thought about when I woke up. I really dislike it when I allow something on the internet to intrude upon my life like this.

trayi52.....EXACTLY! It is Cayter's parents I am most upset with.

YES. Cayter did the absolute right thing at this time in giving Ozzie back to the breeder. Especially rather than turning him into a shelter. But then that was probably in the contract they signed when they purchased him in the first place. That was probably the first right decision she made in this situation.

Where I am disappointed with the situation was that her parents purchased him for her in the first place. That they didn't teach her how important Ozzie should have been to her. That the opportunity to have a lifetime relationship with this magnificent dog should have been one of the most important things in her life. It is so very sad that this was never taught to her.

I see this more and more with young people these days. They are just given whatever they want without having to work for it. My parents would never have just given me at the age of 13 a dog as expensive as Ozzie must have been. When I say I bought my first horse at the age of 14 I meant exactly that. I BOUGHT HIM. With money I had been saving since the age of FIVE!. I saved every penny of my birthday, holiday etc money. when I was old enough to babysit that went into the bank account also until I had enough. The whole time my father was telling me I couldn't have a horse because he was afraid of them. When I was 14 he realized I wasn't giving up and that I had the MATURITY AND RESPONSIBILTY to be able to take care of a horse properly.

I grew up in a upper middle class area of Northern San Diego Co. A beach community called Encinitas. My parents had the money to buy me the horse but they never wanted to spoil me in that way. They wanted to be sure I VALUED the things and companions I had.

My friends parents for the most part felt the same way. The one who didn't almost killed her horse because she didn't take care of him properly.

I am saddened by this whole situation. But what also saddens me about it is the people saying we are being too harsh on Cayter. That we should all support her and be one big happy PT family. Well family and friends that actually care about you don't sugar coat your mistakes and tell you it is ok and you are a good person anyway no matter who or what you hurt in the process. That is called enabling...not supporting.

I think we have all been supportive in Cayter giving Ozzie back to the breeder. Just many of us also care enough to say that we are disappointed and upset about the whole situation so that Cayter also realizes that one of the natural consequences of her actions is that people lose respect and are disappointed in her. Perhaps that will help her learn from this whole mess.

And it isn't just her activities that Cayter wanted to spend more time on. For me it was the line where

My parents were out of town last weekend, and we boarded Ozzy at the vet's. Darlin had time to relax, and we all had so much work off of our hands. It was nice. Of course I missed him, but I didn't miss having to spend my relaxation time dealing with him.

This is what really set me off.

And to her parents I still say....SHAME.


06-12-2004, 09:01 AM
Thats it, Denyce, Values!!

06-12-2004, 09:24 AM
I think we'll all feel a lot better about this situation if someone could post an update when Ozzy finds a new home and family. I believe you know the breeder, "GoldenRetrLuver"; could you ask about Oz and let us know how he's doing?

06-12-2004, 09:58 AM
Nice to see nothing has changed at PT.


Rio and Me
06-12-2004, 10:27 AM
Denyce you dont have to buy things yourself to value them, I had 2 of my pony/horse bought for me (at different times) 1 when i was 13, and the next when i was 15 both were no less speciel/value to the pony i brought myself (for £19 from meat market).
I dotn think i'm spolied for having these gifts as A: i didnt ask/begg/sulk whatever a spolied person does, i worked damn hard to keep them.
Weather you buy somthing or someone else does it should be equal value/speciel to you.
I think that Foam did the absolate best for ozzy, and yes i too would have done more to keep a dog, but MAYbe she even if she gave 1/2 things up there still wouldnt be time, her parents yes may have been wrong in getting him, could have devoted more time to him etc but things change, people change everybody is different.
I notice Fom hasnt posted in a while MAYBE its because all the bad things being said about her and her parents (which to me is the meanest thing to do, i hateit if/when anyone dis's my parents!!!)
Foam came here as a devoted pet owner/animal lover, and she still is, so try and be kind to her like when she had ozzy.
some of us have had to give up animals before and might have to again but we still care for them.
PS lighten up

06-12-2004, 11:32 AM
You are right. You don't have to purchase them yourself. My POINT was that I worked hard for what I had and therefore it had great value to me. The same for your ponies I am sure.

No. I am not going to lighten up about this situation. Just this morning I was browsing the websites of the local kill shelters to see if there are any animals that I can contact different breed rescues about. There at the Central Pennsylvania Humane Society is a five year old beautiful little dilute calico. Reason for being given up???? Let me quote..."Given up because her owner had no time for her". Her name is Buttons. I am sure at one time she was loved and cared for. But hey you know.......people change...life changes...what can you do right?????? There are thousands of such animals in kill shelters in the US right this very moment...all given up for the same reason.....Given up because her owner had no time for her/him. For those of us that deal with the multitudes of discarded and unwanted animals this touches very dear to heart.

The only difference from all the information we have between the owner of that cat and Cayter is that she purchased Ozzie at a breeder and therefore was able to return him to the breeder rather than a shelter. So hopefully his next home will be his forever home and he won't be sitting on death row with the tag...Given up because owner had no time for him.

I know people are going to think I am slamming Cayter again. And I am sorry for that. It is not my intention because I truely think in her situation this was the best she could do. She was lucky that she had this option for Ozzie. Ozzie is lucky she had this option.

I just despair and become very upset with someone who tells me to "lighten up" with this type of situation. This is a forum for people who love pets and for them to share stories, to learn about others, health issues, training issues etc. But it is also a place for rescuing. For people who have a common goal to saving as many animals as they can. For those of us to come to a place where people will understand how we can go to bed at night sobbing because of the sad eyes of a pet that is being euthanized because they were.....Given up because her owner had no time for her. To be told to "lighten up" hurts like you wouldn't believe. I am just trying to reach some people to say....this is sad....so extremely sad...it happens so often all over the place and we as pet guardians and lovers have a responsibilty to try to educate the next generations as to the importance of pet "ownership". Why adopting them into our homes is sooooo very HUGE and why it is such a terrible thing to discard them. Yes there are times this is the only alternative. Just like some mothers have to put their children up for adoption. It happens yes...but it is never something we should just "lighten up" about.

As the famous saying goes.......If you are not part of the solution you are a part of the problem.

Geez I am long winded today. I think i am going to weed my flower garden.


06-12-2004, 11:48 AM
Very well said. I do a bit of the rescue stuff as well and I've seen it, also.

Rio and Me
06-12-2004, 12:08 PM
Yes you are right but i this particular case she was able to give him back to the breeder.
If i ever had to give up my dog (i will not will not will not EVER) i wouldnt hand her over to a rescue as there is a chance of her getting PTS i would advertise and evaluate the potentional owner myself and find the perfct home (so many people could do this) but its easyier to dump them in a shelter.

I tottally understand the shelter situations.

When i say lighten up i ment Lighten up on Foam as her situation seemed to works out well and for the best.


06-12-2004, 01:06 PM
Originally posted by micki76
Nice to see nothing has changed at PT.


Ouch Micki That hurts. :(

I have to agree tho, that I have felt from the very beginning that the fault lays with her parents. And that quote that Denyce quoted 'got' me also. But I guess that is just the evilness of PT b/c it is such a hateful place right??!!!

06-12-2004, 01:39 PM
OK I have thought about it in the half hour since my last post.
Yes, we are hard on people that rehome their dogs. This isn't the first time emotions have taken over and members have left over the same situation. (not saying that anyone is leaving). Why they are different then other pets, I don't know. We should rejoice in the fact that the people know they are in a better home like the beautiful birds, tho I think it was extremely tacky and hurtful to bring that up. I know someone who is deeply hurt by it.
I do not think that Cayter has taken her decision litely and I do think that is the best thing for Ozzy. He is young and the breeder was great enough to take him back so he will be better then before. He has hope. I think what upsets me is the mentality in general. PT excluded of a 'throw away' society. Look around you on PT I can name people who have gotten their pets, myself included, b/c of that mentality. It angers me yes, to no end. But Still in my heart of hearts I feel that the responsiblity lies on Cayter's parents and what they are teaching her as she grows into adulthood. But I also know she is mourning him, she wouldn't have told us about him leaving if she wasn't.

Blast away, everyone, I won't be on here for another 24 hours.
;) :p

06-12-2004, 02:48 PM
Like I've said, to me it's just the fact that she and her family put activities before a life.

You don't know how sick I get reading on the info sheets of dogs at the shelter (Yes, I know he's going to his breeder) saying they were brought in because their owners didn't have time for them. Especially the young dogs..like Ozzy. Why didn't the family think it thouroughly BEFORE? The people that can so easily get rid of their dogs (no,i'm not saying it was easy for Cayter) are the people who can so easily put their child up for adoption, are the people who can so easily give up their child. How confusing it must be, to be a dog living in a wonderful home, being loved.. and then one day you left that place.

I just don't like the fact of animals or kids being thrown around... and I guess I just don't understand why it has to be done, since I couldn't even start to think about getting rid of my dogs before an activity.

We're such a hateful place, for caring about animals.
I don't know why some even bothered commenting.
and I also don't understand why posts were "--deleted--" instead of actually deleted? :confused:

06-12-2004, 03:25 PM
Originally posted by Denyce

I see this more and more with young people these days. They are just given whatever they want without having to work for it. My parents would never have just given me at the age of 13 a dog as expensive as Ozzie must have been. When I say I bought my first horse at the age of 14 I meant exactly that. I BOUGHT HIM. With money I had been saving since the age of FIVE!. I saved every penny of my birthday, holiday etc money. when I was old enough to babysit that went into the bank account also until I had enough. The whole time my father was telling me I couldn't have a horse because he was afraid of them. When I was 14 he realized I wasn't giving up and that I had the MATURITY AND RESPONSIBILTY to be able to take care of a horse properly.

I just wanted to comment...

We got my first dog, Simba, when I was 10 or 11 years old. He was 8 months old at the time, and is now 6 years old. We got him at the SPCA, which I believe at the time they were so full they were having some sort of deal $15 dollars for dogs. The first day we brought him home, I thought we were going to have to take him back. No, not because I wanted to relax. No, not because I had sports or other things to do. He bit my mom twice. Twice in the first day we had him. I cried and cried with him on our back deck, just thinking as I got the dream of my life, he was going to have to go away. He was extremely aggressive toward new people. He'd growl at my brother and sister if they tried touching him, and my mom would walk the other way because she was afraid of him. We worked with him for months, and for years now. He still isn't completely sure of new people or new dogs, but he's alot better than he used to be. He has his days where he just wants to be left alone, but then there's days when he's completely fine with tons of company.

Then, along came Nala, last year.The 8 week old pup. She pee'd, she tore up things (we had to replace the carpet in 2 rooms because of her), she was a handful and still is. She gets hyper out of nowhere, where she just wants to play play play and won't take no for an answer. She especially likes 1-2oclock in the morning. I think those are her favorite times to run around the house like an insane dog.

I had to work for the both of them. No, I didn't have to pay for them, but I had to prove myself to my parents. I had to show them I was able to take care of a dog. I watched the neighbors dogs, walked them, stopped after school everyday to feed one of them, bathe them. Then before we got Nala, I watched after BluStang24's dog, Honey, alot. she was a puppy, so I figured it'd prove to my father that yes, I could take care of Simba and a puppy... That and i just love honey to death as if she were my own dog.
Almost every cent of the money I do earn, from whatever it may be, goes to buying them toys, treats, or anything else I want to buy them.

I wouldn't trade either of them for a moment of relaxation. To me, relaxing is having them lying with me, playing with them, taking them places. They're like children to me.
Our lawn is a disaster because of them. They wake me up, when i'd rather sleep, because they have to go out. They get baths weekly. They're alot of work, and sometimes stress.. but in my opinion everything pays off when they're laying beside you at night. The laughs, the antics, everything about them makes me smile. My world revolves around them basically.

Just now, my mother asked me if I wanted to go watch a Ski Show. I was thinking " Yeah, sure, i'd love to go... take pictures or something." My first question was, "Are you allowed to bring dogs?" She said no, so I said no. I barely ever go anywhere without them.

06-12-2004, 03:46 PM
Kay, that is what I call devotion! A 16 year old that feels that way? That is indeed a compliment to any other teen!


06-12-2004, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by shais_mom
Ouch Micki That hurts. :(

I have to agree tho, that I have felt from the very beginning that the fault lays with her parents. And that quote that Denyce quoted 'got' me also. But I guess that is just the evilness of PT b/c it is such a hateful place right??!!!


I am not calling this a hateful place myself. I just have heard this around the grapevine... I think it is a wonderful place, I wouldn't have spent 4 years of my internet life on it. AND some of my closest and deepest friendships have come from this place, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

06-12-2004, 03:54 PM
Kay, that is what I had to do exactly for my dogs. I had to sho w them I was responsible.

As with this Ozzy thing, I think its really bothering everyone that cayter put her activitys before her own dog. and im curious too, what about Darlin?

06-12-2004, 04:08 PM
Everyone, Darlin' is an older dog, not a pup. Darlin' is an adult, stable and demands less time and attention than a young pup especially of a Collie - they are herding dogs, active, bright and energetic.

I am sure Cayter's heart is broken over this.

No one needs to post here about what they think of Cayter's parents - THEY do not read Pet Talk. And, frankly, I think Cayter is being as responsible in this situation as she can be. She tried for months to work it out. She contacted the breeder, and made arrangement there. She did not do any of the awful things that are often done to dogs. I won't go into the the "coulda beens" - because they aren't going to happen.

Do not yell at her, please. You wanna yell? PM me and yell!

But the strength of Pet Talk is that we care. We care about animals. This causes dissention sometimes, but only because we DO care.

And that's a good thing.

06-12-2004, 04:14 PM
Last I recall, I do believe Darlin is only a year. Maybe a few months older? However, no matter of age, still need love and attention (not saying she isn't recieving such, just wondering if it's possible)

06-12-2004, 04:17 PM
Last I recall, I do believe Darlin is only a year. Maybe a few months older? However, no matter of age, still need love and attention (not saying she isn't recieving such, just wondering if it's possible)

Yes but I think the attention needed is different. I think while maybe the attention Darling needs could easily be supplied by a short walk and sitting on her lap while watching tv or working on her school work. Where as Ozzy needed daily runs and more outdoor type of activies. I also think Darlin is more of a family dog and Ozzy was her dog.

06-12-2004, 04:18 PM
After another day of thinking about this to me it is simple- she thought she wanted a dog and she found out she didn't.It happens every day that's why all these dogs are killed off in shelters every day, because people thought they wanted a dog and they didn't.
As for her going back to the breeder- no matter how good of a breeder or person she is, that's not always a guarantee of a good home or forever home.
I too question the parents role in this???My thoughts and prayers are with Ozzy.

06-12-2004, 04:21 PM
Oy! I've avoided this thread until now because I knew it would turn into this. I am sorry that poor Ozzie has to be rehomed, but I do feel that Foam has his very best interrest at heart. For a while, I had to seriously reconsider having Nicki with me, since she and my husband's dog DID NOT get along. At the time, I was newly married... even though we had introduced them slowly over the months leading up to the wedding, their full-time living together was a disaster. She has scars up and down her face from where Sammie shredded her face not once but twice. After the second time, I was ready to send her to my mom because that was no life for her. At lest at my mom's I knew she would be loved and cared for. She was not in a good, safe place with me, even though she was a part of my soul. Long story short, a day after the second attack, Sammie started limpng then she was paralysed. She died less than a week later. We don't know what happened... cancer? a stroke?

As for me, I felt that I was the selfish one for keeping her after the first attack. I kicked myself for not sending her to my mom's right after the first attack happened. Of course the second attack was far more vicious. I was beside myself with grief over the hurt she was going through. She was bleeding and in pain because I was being a selfish person by insisting she remain in my life. I knew my mom was where she belonged. If Sammie hadn't gotten sick, that's where she would be today. There's no way I would have allowed her to live with a dog that attacked her. Sammie was not a vicious dog... they just were completely jealous of ANY affection I gave the other. I tried to give them both love and affection, but gosh, it was hard divying it out when the other wasn't around to witness it. and it the fights got more and more frequent.

I know Foam's sitation has a different set of circumstances, but I'm sure she feels the same way. I'm sure she knows that he needs something different than anything she can provide. She's being honest with herself and to Ozzie by rehoming him. Why is everyone blasting the poor girl? I know my kids are as busy - if not busier. My one daughter plays for three soccer teams (two are year round) My son runs year round on several teams and my other daughter swims AND plays soccer year round. We know that getting a second dog would be too much, but thats us. Sometimes people want something but forget the amount of work and time invlved. We cannot fault her for wanting to love another thing.

We don't know why Foam does these activites. As for my kids, they do them because they are GOOD. Its basically their ticket to college. My son is a senior in Septemeber and has already had his highschool coaches tell him that the college coaches are ready to offer scholarships. We'll see what they have to offer next week when they are officially allowed to talk to him :) My youngest will be a freshman and she's already seen college scouts at her games. Perhaps Foam is using her music in the same fashion. When you have a talent or gift like that, you need to foster and make it grow first. If she cannot handle the work load of school and other activities, then she is being mature in admitting it.

Anyway, I'm sorry for the long-winded post :o I have kept to myself for a while, mainly because I didn't know what to say, or how to say what I felt.

06-12-2004, 04:32 PM
Originally posted by micki76
Nice to see nothing has changed at PT.

I agree that that comment was uncalled for. Especially after "leaving" PT months ago and then coming back just to leave that comment. Sorry if we care for the welfare of animals. And, even in real family life, I might point out that things aren't always sunshine and roses. I, too, wonder why the posts weren't just deleted instead of typing "deleted" in them all. And Kay, you are indeed one of the teens here to be admired.

06-12-2004, 04:49 PM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
I, too, wonder why the posts weren't just deleted instead of typing "deleted" in them all.

Because people have still quoted my posts in their own, and many times I'll read through a thread, see a quote, and then try to find the post it was originally in not realizing it had been deleted. What harm is there in that? Good Lord, must we bicker about something as tiny as that? Why even bring it up? Big, freaking deal. Ay yi yi ...

06-12-2004, 04:49 PM
I'm really sorry that you need to do that.. but.. I really hope he'll get new, good homes...He'll be always in your heart! {{{hugs}}}}

06-12-2004, 05:18 PM

she just wondered about it....sheeesh!!:rolleyes:

06-12-2004, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by Amber

she just wondered about it....sheeesh!!:rolleyes:

She said nothing that caused for the 'rolly eye balls'.

People, please, just let the thread die. I'm sure when/if Cayter reads all these comments, she'll be very hurt. Let's just stop, please..

06-12-2004, 06:09 PM
Originally posted by Karen
Everyone, Darlin' is an older dog, not a pup. Darlin' is an adult, stable and demands less time and attention than a young pup especially of a Collie - they are herding dogs, active, bright and energetic.

I am sure Cayter's heart is broken over this.

No one needs to post here about what they think of Cayter's parents - THEY do not read Pet Talk. And, frankly, I think Cayter is being as responsible in this situation as she can be. She tried for months to work it out. She contacted the breeder, and made arrangement there. She did not do any of the awful things that are often done to dogs. I won't go into the the "coulda beens" - because they aren't going to happen.

Do not yell at her, please. You wanna yell? PM me and yell!

But the strength of Pet Talk is that we care. We care about animals. This causes dissention sometimes, but only because we DO care.

And that's a good thing.

Well said Karen. I feel the same way.

I understand everyone's point here, but seriously, some of you are going WAY overboard. What has happened has happened has happened. Its a thing of the past, and there's no way you can go back in time and make Ozzy's adoption something that never happened. It ALREADY happened. Cayter ALREADY got Ozzy, months ago. I agree that it wasn't well thought out enough, but sheesh, would you all just stop hurting her so personally? For heaven's sake, the girl is 12 or 13 years old. Girls at that age are so very sensitive. I know she is well aware of the wrong that happened in this whole issue, and I'm certain she regrets it, and has learned a valuable lesson from this. Her heart is already hurting so much. How sad that the same people who care SO much about a dog could care less about the feelings of their fellow human beings.

Ozzy will now hopefully go to a home where he will get all the love and attention he deserves. The end results will hopefully be good. Enough criticism. I'm sure Cayter got our point 3 pages ago. This was a huge lesson for her to learn, and I'm sure it will have a great impact on her life.

06-12-2004, 11:47 PM
I am sure when Foam posted both these threads, the one about not having time for him and that she was giving him up, she knew that she would receive unfavourable comments, she has been on PT long enough to know how our emotions get when this type of situation arises, but regardless she wanted to share this with us all, so let us try not to be too hurtful, I too am disappointed, but Ozzy is going to be ok, its not like he is going on the streets or anything, infact he may be way better off in his next home, which hopefully will be forever.

I feel for Ozzy just like the rest of you, I could never part with any of my animals, but if it is in the animals best interest, then we just have to respect that, what is done is done, no matter how we all feel.

I am sure Foam may well be hurt by some of the posts, but if she did not want to read it, then she would have been better not to post at all, as she is aware this post would stir things up, JMHO.

06-13-2004, 08:17 AM
When I was 20, I gave up a cat named Simon because I was going to college and working full-time and had no time for him. He used to be all over me when I was home because he was so lonely. I gave him up to a better home with a friend who had 6 or 7 cats and had more time. Although I still believe I did what was right, I was young, and mixed up on my priorities. I couldn't help the way I was so I did what was best for Simon.

Now, over 20 years later, I have 4 cats and a dog. I've had pets for over 13 years and had to put my Chelsea down due to cancer. I am a much different person now. All of my cats came to me as strays, and I've fixed and found homes for a few other strays I couldn't keep. My former dog, Chelsea, was a fear biter (previously abused) who I couldn't take around many other people but yet I kept her for 13 years and always had her feelings uppermost in my mind. I now have another rescue dog, Dillon, who was seen being dumped out of a car. After 5 months, he still chases the cats but we've been to obedience classes, and continue to work on his "chasing" the cats. I plan my vacations around where I can take the dog, and who can watch the cats. I've walked my dogs twice a day unless there is a blizzard and have given up many evening activities so that I can spend time with my companions. I've spend a ton on vet care, and contributed to all area shelters whenever possible.

None of us is without fault. I still don't like who I was when I was young and selfish, but I am grateful that I learned from my experiences and became a more mature and responsible person. I hope I continue to become a better person as I get older and I hope friends and family will support me even when I'm wrong.

I guess my point is that we are who we are, and the only thing we can change is who we become. At 13, Cayter has already learned a lot about responsibility and committment. When she gets older, hopefully, she will be able to take it more seriously because of her experience.-----------Penny


06-13-2004, 09:09 AM
I sure hope Ozzy will go to a loving *forever* home where he is loved every day of his precious life, for the wonderfull sweet fun loving guy he is.

Kimmy, Valerie, Kay, Staci DITTO, DITTO, DITTO.

06-13-2004, 09:26 AM
Originally posted by cloverfdx
Kimmy, Valerie, Kay, Staci DITTO, DITTO, DITTO.

Are you kidding me? After everything that has been said and the issues that come up, you still have the nerve to 'ditto' what was said? That's disappointing. :(

But hey ... do what you want, toss any sort of compassion out the window ... I've already lowered my expectations of plenty of people here. Why should I care anymore? :rolleyes:

06-13-2004, 10:20 AM

I am very impressed with your post. Well said!

Welcome to Pet Talk!


06-13-2004, 11:56 AM
If i was "kidding" Brooke i would not have said it. Each to their own though.

06-13-2004, 12:13 PM
As stated before, each is entitled to their own opinion. And once again, Brooke you are the one that keeps dragging it out.
Why don't you start another thread, if you want the attention?

06-13-2004, 12:15 PM
I also think that the world including PT would be a better place if we treated each other the way our dogs treat us. ;) :p

06-13-2004, 12:22 PM
Ah Staci can i Ditto you once again. :)

06-13-2004, 12:42 PM
I am closing this thread.