View Full Version : Fun Christmas Toys

12-27-2001, 05:07 PM
On Crhistmas morning, I "helped" Noah and Noel unwrap their new water fountain....they could care less, even more so about the huge stocking they have full of new toys and treats. The object of their affections? Shirt boxes with tissue paper and ribbon. Noah tried to eat all the bows...

4 feline house
12-27-2001, 06:23 PM
Big kept trying to unwrap the presents, too! He kept laying on the kitty stocking, apparently oblivious to the fact that it was loaded with toys! They got three balls, three little mousies, one big mousy, and one big stuffed "sock", and a can of Pounces. Peaches took a few toys to bed with her to make sure no one else could play with them! We got a picture of her in her cup with her "babies" but since it was pretty close up it remains to be seen how it will come out!

What did Santy bring your kitties?

12-27-2001, 06:25 PM
Hee, hee. So glad to know that little Noah and Noel are typical fur-kids AND much like skin-kids. Still vividly recall my nephew's first birthday party: With a WILD shriek he opened his present and pulled out his toy, every thing else in the box, then climbed in and tried to close the box upon himself. Seems like it's a kid/critter thing.

Glad you had a festive holiday with your fur-babies. Hope the bun-buns enjoyed it, too.

Cougie Wechsler
12-27-2001, 10:46 PM
All of my furbabies got stockings filled with toys; 1 big mousie, 2 multi colored smaller mousies, 4 balls with bells in them, a swat toy Garfield head with mouse sticking out of mouth, and little colored foil balls! They also got new food dishes! They were very interested in the stockings and couldn't decide which toys to play with. Needless to say, we have cat toys everywhere!!!

12-28-2001, 11:52 AM
The toys are everywhere! (ours too!)

Santa brought them: a new mouse bungee thing, a water fountain (Noah drank from it last night! Good boy!), lots of mousies, two treat balls, a swat pig toy, some dangley toys, a new scrathing post, new Wisker Lickin's, balls with some bells in them, two Christmas toy packs, and this fish that chirps if you touch it. After all that, they still liked the boxes and ribbon better!! :rolleyes:

Amberlee, LOVE that story! I can totally picture that! How cute!! Simple pleasures...
What did Cassy and Olivia get???

12-28-2001, 12:38 PM
Livvy and Cassy made out like bandits this year: treats (ooooh, seafood flavored Pouncies, yum!), fresh wheatgrass, feathered toys on sticks (one is a white mousie with a feathered tail -- don't ask, it doesn't make sense to me, but Livvy adores it), a glove with loooong fingers with pom-poms at the end of each, and TA-DA -- four foil crinkle balls which have already been batted from one end of the apartment to the other.

Still, the most enthusiasm from the cats has been for the wrapping paper and the boxes though.

P.S. from Livvy: Mommy gave our cousin Kimo (big doggie -- mostly Chow) a nylabone for Christmas and he acted scared of it. Kept moving away from it. Wish I was big enough to pick it up and CHASE him with it. [Reply from Mommy: Naughty little fur-angel!]

[ December 28, 2001: Message edited by: AmberLee ]

12-28-2001, 02:24 PM
Chuck, I am pretty sure it is a Petsmate. I loved the pictures/movies of Ernie!!! Too cute!! He is such a fun kitty!!

Amberlee, dogs are funny! I wonder why he was afraid of it!

Livvy, you would be so cute chasing a doggy!

12-28-2001, 05:45 PM
We have the Petmate...it is so cool!

12-28-2001, 06:35 PM
I bought my furkids a can of Pounce chicken -flavored treats. Snow Tiger eats anything, especially if he sees me eating it. All of the other cats like the treats but Snow Cat was not interested in them! The other day Snow Cat was sitting in a puddle of water! Just as though he was in a natural setting, (pun intended), watching the other cats play. I don't know if his rear-end and paws were hot or what, but I had to laugh at the sight.


01-08-2002, 02:55 PM

Thanks for the ice idea!! I put ice (Noah's FAVORITE!!!) in the drinking part and he now drinks from it...even if it is low in water and makes a low noise.

I am so glad he is finally using it, thank you!!