View Full Version : I need a activity with Elvis..

06-07-2004, 01:51 PM
I need to get a activity with me and Elvis. Something that will make him happy, and help make our bond more stronger. Elvis is really filled with energy, and with that he would be good at something.

I was first thinking agility/flyball, but there isn't anything like that around here. there is pretty much nothing around here. hmm, any ideas? :) I appreciate it.

06-07-2004, 01:57 PM
you could make your own agility course in the yard out of just stuff aroudn the house, thats always fun.

06-07-2004, 02:00 PM
There are lots of different things you could try:) Even if there's nothing around your area, you could do 'homemade' stuff. Like with agility; you wouldn't have to buy equiptment, you could use everyday things for him to jump over, etc. And you could do obediance training, which can really bring the dogs closer to the trainer:) Hmm..I don't know Elvis' personality very well, but you could possibly look into a long-term thing by training and working with him and maybe being able to take him into hospitals/homes to visit children and the elderly.
That's all the suggestions I can come up with right now;)

06-07-2004, 02:07 PM
Hmmm, thats a good ideas guys!

I really like the home agility stuff. But I wouldn't think what to use. Now that you brought up elderly people. Elvis is really friendly when he meets any person. My mom works at a retirement center place, and maybe we could get him into that. I know the elderly would love it! hmmm, what about Earth dog? a terriers natural ability. now that achnauzers are aloud in it. I got me some re-search to do! :)

06-07-2004, 03:19 PM
It's too bad there aren't any places close enough for you to take a few lessons. Just in case here are a couple links to agility clubs in Ohio. Maybe one of them is close enough that your parents wouldn't mind driving you to it once a week.



Here is a link to some homemade agility equipment plans. If you decide to do this just for fun then it would be worthwile to buy a book or two to see how to teach the equipment properly. Remember not to do too much high jumping or climbing as he is still just a pup and you don't want to stress his growing bones and joints.

Another fun thing to do is trick training. Teaching him tricks would also be helpful for if you do get him into therapy work. He could show off for the seniors :) You're only limitation with tricks is your imagination. But to start you off here is a link to many different tricks you can teach.

And of course there's my personal favorite, obedience which is a great way to bond with your dog. If you wanted to compete with him then it might be a little hard to do all on your own, but here's a link to see what it's all about.


Whatever you decide remember to have fun. :)

06-07-2004, 03:27 PM
What about a basic obedience Puppy class? Those are always fun!

06-07-2004, 03:31 PM
If all else fails just train him like a guide dog, have him do all sorts of chores around the house.

06-07-2004, 07:53 PM
I have to say obedience training was the best for us. It really gave Roxey a workout and really made us bond. I love Angus & Huney, but Roxey have this bond I've never quite had with any other dog.
I think about any of the ideas that have been given would be terrific. Just try one, if you don't like it...go on to something else. I'm sure you'll find just what's right for the two of you:)

06-07-2004, 07:56 PM
Thanks Guys! :D

06-07-2004, 08:07 PM
Another idea that may make obdience even more fun, it is try freestlye. I know there are a few websites if you do a google search,and I think some instructional videos. You basically teach obedeince commands to music. Sorta like a dance routine. You can throw in fun tricks like spins, or walking backward, or rolling over. Sadie and Cincy both love it!