View Full Version : The 3 Amigos... (pics)

06-07-2004, 11:14 AM
That Gully is such a character. He's just always got me laughing about something. I wish I was quicker with the camera, but I never seem to have it at the ready, at the right time. All of y'all that get such cute spontaneous pics, I give major kudos. Anyway, the other day I opened the door to let him inside and there he was sitting in my flowerpot. Guess he needed a higher advantage point to see over the Gardenia bushes into the rest of the yard.

He's still bouncing everywhere. He really needs sound effect accompaniment. Boing... Boing... Boing... Currently I've got his crate sitting up on top of Oz's and I have to be paying attention when I open the door to it, because as soon as it opens, he leaps from the crate into my arms. We've started working on "Wait", because I'm not so sure my back can handle catching a 70lb Collie launching himself at me. He was playing with Oz the other day and got under the computer desk. As Oz went by, Gully hurdled the PC tower to grab Oz's tail. I've been feeding him in Oz's crate and before I can put the bowl down, Gully comes flying past me and leaps my arm to land inside the crate. Apparently I need to work on my food bowl release speed.

I took him to Petsmart yesterday and one of the workers came up to pet him. He turned to me and sat, waiting for a treat. The Petsmart worker was lil' perplexed, but as soon as he got his treat, he turned and leaped into her lap and gave her some Collie kisses. I think he had her won over after that. Then a lady with a Lab puppy came walking by and again Gully came and sat in front of me waiting for a treat. The Petsmart worker was really impressed now. I think she thought he was figuring all of this out for himself. She didn't realize I was putting my hand in my pocket before each one of these situations and he was keying off of pocket=treat. Ah well, I just left her thinking he was a Genius Collie. :)

Oz and Gully playing. They're so entertaining to watch. Oz'll put Gully's whole head in his mouth. I feel like I'm watching a Lion act at the circus sometimes. Complete with sound effects. I really need to try and get that on video. Gully seems to like it though. Go figure...


More a coming...

06-07-2004, 11:16 AM
Playing outside. This usually entails Oz running around the yard like a wild banshee and Gully unable to get within 10 feet of him, as Oz blows by him. It's going to be interesting once he's fast enough to keep up with Oz... or Not... Goodbye cushy grass... Hello Dirt...

Murph watching the preceedings from a safe distance

Murph deciding to venture a lil' closer. He really won't play with Gully. He waits until Gully's resting
and then goes and plays with Oz. Ah that Mr. Oz, always the popular one.

Still more coming...

06-07-2004, 11:17 AM
Oz dropping the rope toy to entice Gully to play. This ploy works with me, not so much with Gully.

Gully of course didn't budge, so I told Oz he was going to have to bring it closer

A lil' closer

Got it!

Hah! Hah! All mine!!!

Just a few more...

06-07-2004, 11:18 AM
My cute lil' boy

That be it...


06-07-2004, 12:01 PM
Gully is adorable!!!:D Looks like he and Oz really get along, Oz is a great big brother:) Murph is a cutie too;)
I loved all of the pictures, they are wonderful! I can't get enough of your amigos:p :D

06-07-2004, 12:01 PM

06-07-2004, 04:58 PM

Great pics!!!! Boy, he sure has grown!!!

06-07-2004, 05:22 PM
Great photos!!! Your dogs are all soooooooo adorable!! I love the pics of Oz and Gully playing!! :D

06-07-2004, 05:25 PM
So cute and looks like they're having lots of fun!

06-07-2004, 06:30 PM
hola apcrs5122! Yeh the two are really getting along great. To the point, where I'm a little concerned about Gully bonding more to Oz than me. So I've been making sure Gully and I have one on one time each day. It hasn't seemed to have effected Oz. He always looks to me first and brings the toy to me vs. Gully.

hey captain! I know he's getting so big, so fast. In 4 weeks, he's already twice as big as Murph. I'm gonna miss that cute lil' Collie muzzle. Won't be long and he'll have a big ole cute Collie schnoze like Oz.

Thanks Logan, Wolfq and Chocolatepuppy. They do have a whole lot of fun together. You should see me racing around the yard and house, trying to keep up with'em. I'm gonna get in shape yet. :)

06-07-2004, 07:35 PM
Oh Par, they are just perfect together!!! It looks like they really have a blast when they are playing:D
Thanks so much for the new pictures. I can't believe how big he is already...growing like a weed:)

06-07-2004, 10:06 PM
These pictures are always a special treat to me. I think the fact that my first beloved dogs were collies will always make me have a particular soft spot for them, just the way I now have more a soft spot for goldens too now that I have loved one so dearly. They are so beautiful and so precious. My boys really seemed to have a sense of fun and humor. When I think of it, Tommy is similar in that way. I think goldens and collies share a lot of similar attributes personality wise. Both tend to be just the gentlest of breeds, one of the reasons I always trusted my birds around the collies and now around Tommy. I watch Tasha more closely because I think she has a higher prey drive.

Their eyes just shine with fun and laughter. Thanks for sharing Par :)

06-08-2004, 01:02 AM
I love seeing pictures of your 3 amigos. :D So cute. heehee... More???

06-08-2004, 05:31 AM
Just awesome, Par. What can I say....I am in love with your crew. Oz and Gully are so much fun to watch. It looks like they are having a blast. The are so beautiful. Little Murph is just cute as can be.

Robin :)

06-08-2004, 02:36 PM
thanks anna, jenfer and robilee! terrier tail wags and collie nose nudges to all y'all!!!

hey there k9soul! I know there does seem to be quite a few similarities. Everytime I see Tommy with that Log, I want a Golden. :) The week I was getting Gully, I stopped at Petsmart and they were having adoption day. I walked past this one crate that had a Chocolate Lab/Golden mix puppy. Absolutely gorgeous dog. Golden type hair, ears and tail, but colored more like a chocolate lab, with kind of greyish eyes. As I approached, he walked up towards me and sat and looked straight into my eyes. I tell ya, if Gully wasn't on his way into my life, I would have snatched him right up. Such intelligence in those eyes. Ah well, maybe a Golden someday in my life. That is if I don't get swept away by another cute scruffy terrier. :)


06-11-2004, 09:12 PM
Gully and Oz...you both are just GORGEOUS! :eek:

Par, whenever you need a dog-sitter...I'm free anytime to look after your boys. ;) Seriously, Oz is the most beautiful Collie I've ever seen, and little Gully is well on his way. Don't deprive us of them! ;)

Thanks for sharing!