View Full Version : Update On "Connor"!!

Aspen and Misty
06-07-2004, 07:08 AM
Connor has had this weird linp for the past 4 or so days. I'm calling the vet tonight to see if we can get it looked at. The poor boy will be trying to chase the girls and is limping the whole time!! I'm not sure what he did??? I can't think of anything, but he might of just been playing to rough?

Anyways! He is doing wonderful! He is becoming MUCH more out going and acting ALOT morel ike a puppy. Some of his energy has died down and he is some what clamer now. He used to be really really hyper and I think that was because he was locked up in a bathroom almost 24/7 for a month before he came ot me. So he just wanted to get out some energy. We are all very happy with him and my dad loves him. Yesterday I took him on a walk in the park and then we went to Pops in The Park where the Williamsport Orchastra plays music in the park. He did WONDERFULLY and didn't even move when they used cannons during one of there songs! I was so proud of him!

Thats all for now, I'll try to get some more photos up!


PS: Please note for those who do not know Connor may not be "Connors" permante name.

06-07-2004, 07:56 PM
I'm glad to hear that "Connor" is doing so well! I never did get to tell you congrats either, so....