View Full Version : Amazing Dog Stories

06-06-2004, 11:08 PM
Hey, first of all, I want to say, I had this all typed out and it deleted it on me, so I lost everything I typed. So if I reply later with some other dog stories, I probably forgot about them. Don't you hate when that happens? You type something out, hit enter, it doesn't work, go back, its blank and then you forgot what you wrote???? I hate it!!!

Anwho. I'll make a long story short because I don't want to type it all out again. I met Darlene/John/Hucky last fall. Hucky is John and Darlenes dog. they are 50 ish. Darlenes mother lives with them. John has cancer, has only about 3 months to live (give or take)

This makes me extremely mad but I KNOW I am going to forget some of the stories:rolleyes: I hate that!

Ok first of all there was this dog named Ripper. It would chase Hucky and they always quickly let Hucky in the house when Ripper was lose. One time it was late outside, dark, and John saw Ripper chasing Hucky. He opened the door, and Ripper had Hucky pinned down on the ground. John picked Hucky up and he was all wet. John thought it was blood. He took him inside only to find that Hucky was ok, he just peed himself because he was so scared!

They had a dog one time that killed a 40 pound beaver. They said that barely anybody believe them though. They said the great native chiefs and stuff would never believe it. It was a miracle I guess. Anyways, this beaver had huge teeth for wood chopping and stuff, and it just started attacking one of their dogs. Another one of their dogs heard the fight, went over and got really mad. He chewed off the beavers head and tail. :eek:

They had a dog, who was a year old named Midas. He was a Belgian something...started with "M". Anyway they sent him to this place for 2 weeks, cost $200 an when he came back, he was a different dog. He was extrememly obedient. John never had to tell him to do something twice.

One time John said "Midas, Sit, Stay" and walked off about a block. Then one of the other guys was calling Midas, over and over. Midas looked but never moved. Then John said "Okay" and Midas ran over to the guy that was calling him.

Another time, when Midas got really mad at the postman, he started chasing him down the street (:D lol) He was running full speed and John said he probably would've attacked him. But John said "Midas, COME!" Midas skidded to a stop and ran straight back to John!

But then he started growling at their teenage daughters, obvisouly trying to move himself up in the pack perspective. People told them to put him down, but they wouldn't. He was a purebred, astounding bloodlines, so they gave him to a guy to train him to be a RCMP dog I believe (police dog)

And one dog they had, he sniffed John in the crotch area (lol) and became VERY protective of him. He would follow him everywhere and stay right with him at night. He would growl at Darlene if she got to close to him in bed. Turns out he had colon cancer. When the cancer was removed however, the dog sniffed there but left him alone. They continued to be good buddies, but he wasn't near as protective anymore.

I'm not sure if I wrote this story or not yet...but they had one dog who was not afraid of anything. He would attack a 230 pound guy and all. But when thunder came along, he woudl run right into their bed and act like a baby lol.

That's all for now, and they are all true lol! I was flabbergasted, amazed!:eek:

06-07-2004, 08:49 PM

06-07-2004, 09:34 PM
Wow, Maria, that is an amazing story! Thanks for sharing it!


06-07-2004, 09:35 PM
Thanks for replying!

06-08-2004, 12:00 AM

06-08-2004, 12:17 AM
WOW!!! :eek:

Thanks for sharing!