View Full Version : Just adopted a new kitty!!!

06-06-2004, 12:43 AM
I mostly hang out in Dog General, but I do have a kitty too! lol For those of you who dont know me/my kiki, this is the love of my life, Felix:








anyhoo :) believe it or not, he is not the point of this thread.. lol As some of you may know, I recently moved away from home, and the cat Felix has lived with for all but the first year & a half of his 7 year life (Felicity, my mom's cat) stayed with my parents, so Felix has been alone. He basically stays in my room all the time (he's a scardey cat so he doesnt care to explore the rest of the apartment) and for at least a month now Ive been wanting to get him a friend. Originally I was planning on adopting a kitten, but today I went into Petsmart for bunny food, and well, came out with THIS (http://www.petfinder.org/pet.cgi?action=2&pet=2964458&adTarget=468petsgeneral&SessionID=40c2ad66140b8c3b-app4&display=&preview=1&row=0&tmpl=&stat=) beauty!


I will be sure to take/post more photos in a few days (I loaned my digital cam to a friend for the day assuming Id have nothing important to photograph tonight- go figure! lol) His previous owners named him Mr. Wiggles, which doesnt suit him AT ALL. (he isnt wiggly in the least! lol He is super mellow, outgoing, calm, SWEET and cuddly). Nothing has been decided for sure yet, but I think Im going to call him Linus.

Felix is fairly.. unhappy (to say the least) with this new addition to his territory though. Anyone have any suggestions on easing the adjustment?? Thank you in advance for any suggestions/stories!

06-06-2004, 12:48 AM
Felix is such a beautiful kitty!!!! and your new kitty, Linus/Mr. Wiggles has beautiful blue eyes. :D

I'm not sure how to introduce cats to each other.. I've always been more around dogs, and my two kitties are brother and sister so they grew up with each other... Sorry I'm not much help!

06-06-2004, 12:57 AM
Congratulations!!!! I love those blue eyes, what a handsome boy!! (Felix is handsome too of course!)

06-06-2004, 12:58 AM
Congrats on your new addition!!!:D Linus aka Mr. Wiggles is gorgeous and it sounds like he has a great personality too. I've always wanted a flamepoint and may adopt one some day.:)

The key to introducing two cats is to take it very slowly. You can rub both cats with a towel so that they can get used to each others scents. You can also let them sniff each other through a closed door and see how they react. Hissing and growling is normal. I don't know how large your place is but if you can give Linus his own room or space for about 1-2 weeks this would be ideal. When they are out together, you should supervise them until you're confident that they're okay to be alone together. You should also let them work things out unless there is bloodshed. Good luck and please keep us updated. :)

06-06-2004, 05:51 AM
Felix and Mr, Wiggles(glad you're changing the name) are both gorgeous kitties. KAK had excellent advice on introducing the two kitties. I'm happy that you adopted an older cat that needed a furever home!

06-06-2004, 06:33 AM
I am glad we finally got to meet Felix. What a sweetie! And Linus looks like he will be a great addition. He is very beautiful.

Congratulations!!!!!! :):)

06-06-2004, 07:31 AM
Wow, look at those baby blue eyes :D I am in love :D

This is how I introduce my cats...

06-06-2004, 07:53 AM
Congratulations on the new kitty!
Felix and Mr. Wiggles are both gorgeous.
Good luck with the introduction. I can’t give you any advice, because my cats still barely tolerate each other after living together for over 10 years.
Your Aussie is so beautiful!

06-06-2004, 07:53 AM
What a gorgeous young man you just adopted! Mr. Wiggles is a silly name! Linus suits him nicely.

Do you know what this means? It means you need to spend more time over here on the cat side now! :D AND that you'll need to fulfill your PT duty of posting lots and lots of pictures of the two. :)

06-06-2004, 07:59 AM
What an adorable kitty. Thank you for using PetSmart adoption area. We have a warm spot in our hearts for that area. We got Thumper there 3 yrs ago Nov. and just this Friday for Eleanor.

06-06-2004, 08:44 AM
Too cute :). Felix sure has a kissy spot on is nose (freckle) and Mr. Wiggles is gorgeous! In the long run, I'm sure they will become best buddies. From what I've read the key is getting each other familiar with their scents, without having them have direct contact all the time. As mentioned, keeping them in separate rooms, and in their respective rooms place an article of clothing or toy that has been rubbed on the other. this way they become familiar with each other's scents and can get associated under the door. Then for a day or two switch them. All the while you should let them together when you are home and can supervise. I'm definitely not an expert, so I recommend doing more reseach. Here's a couple of links I found with a quick Google.



Good Luck and keep us updated on these gorgeous guys!

06-06-2004, 08:49 AM
"Linus" is a beautiful cat.

Apparently the rubbing with each others scents seems to work. I'm sure eventually Felix will be happy to have a little companion.

06-06-2004, 09:53 AM
awww BOTH kitties are just beautiful. I like the name Linus. Felix looks like a playful and fun kitty so I hope he gets back to being a happy kitty!!!
We never had any guideline to introducing cats over the years so just went with *gut* feelings and never a problem. Normally we kept the newcomer in a carrier and let the others sniff while we ignored the newcomer and lavished attention on the residents. If there was no or minimal hissing, etc we opened the door and let them out a bit at a time. There are always hiding spots. We only gave attention to newcomer when residents were busy. Guess we were lucky because no blood was ever shed. One pair took about a year to become friends. Our newest, Dylan, took over the house the 2nd day here, while the resident twins followed him around like little niece and nephew!! We were on hand like hawks with squirt bottle in the beginning and would have isolated them if fights broke out but they never did!! I always just played it by feeling. But, guidelines are good to follow, too. I just did not have them - but still figure break the rules if things are going well.:D

06-06-2004, 11:17 AM
Well Veegan, welcome to the Cat side. I hope we see and hear more from you now that we have seen your absolute gorgeous Felix and beautiful Linus with those fabulous yellow markings and mesmerizing blue eyes.

Ally Cat's Mommy
06-06-2004, 12:56 PM
They are both so gorgeous!! In my (very limited) exoerience the best thing is to take things SLOWLY. Jen (PayItForward) has posted the link to her great website, and has some great advice on handling the intros!

06-06-2004, 01:36 PM
What precious babies! Congrats to Mr. Wiggles for finding a good home!

I've been wondering if your bunny made the move with you. How fun to have all your pets and a PTer friend for a roomie! :)

06-06-2004, 01:50 PM
Two very pretty kitties you have ... you really must spend more time on the Cat side!!! Congrats to your new baby!:)

06-07-2004, 03:28 AM
Thank you to everyone for the wonderful suggestions! They will be very helpful! Ill let you know how everything goes.

As it turns out, poor Linus (it is Linus for sure now, I bought his name tag today :) ) has URI so I have to keep the kitties seperate for a couple weeks anyway. Poor baby. He coughs a lot, and his nose is majorly runny. He keeps wiping the snot on his arms. lol Started him on antibiotics today though so I hope he feels better soon.

zippy-kat: yes, the buns are here too! :D they are doing great, have free run of my room during the day, and Brock is wonderful with them too. (PHEW!) He is never alone with them though of course. lol

Do you know what this means? It means you need to spend more time over here on the cat side now! AND that you'll need to fulfill your PT duty of posting lots and lots of pictures of the two.

hehe youre right! I got some photos of Linus today, they are either washed out/red eyed from the flash, or quite blurry though, so Ill have to get some better ones tomorrow. But these are better than the other one I posted (fyi, the pink stuff on his fur is the antibiotic.. lol Im not good at getting it IN the mouth yet......):




06-07-2004, 03:48 AM
I have no advice for you about having the 2 kitties get along.

I just wanted to tell that they are both so pretty and that I'm happy for you. I love the new kitty's beautiful eyes and I really like the name Linus!

Robin :)

06-07-2004, 08:13 AM
Originally posted by veegan
He keeps wiping the snot on his arms. lol

kits!!! Will they never learn??:D
Get well soon Linus!!!

06-07-2004, 11:23 PM
I'm sorry to hear that Linus has a URI.:( Please get well soon Linus. Thanks for posting some more pictures of him. He's so handsome.:)
Since he's blue eyed you'll have a lot of red eye pictures with a flash. If you have a red eye reduction program on your computer this will help a lot. I have to use this with almost every picture of my blue eyed Sky.;)

06-07-2004, 11:40 PM
I'm sorry to hear that Linus has a URI. Please get well soon Linus. Thanks for posting some more pictures of him. He's so handsome.
Since he's blue eyed you'll have a lot of red eye pictures with a flash. If you have a red eye reduction program on your computer this will help a lot. I have to use this with almost every picture of my blue eyed Sky.

thanks for the good wishes, I hope he feels better soon. :( he sounds/looks miserable.

yeah that red eye is intense! lol his eyes are even tinted red just normally. Brock gets red eye too (he has those light amber eyes since hes red merle, theyd be blue if he were blue merle). Felix just gets the normal (but equally irritating) greeny/yellow glow. I usually try to avoid using the flash not only for that reason, but also cause it washes everything out. But it was dark out when I took those photos so I just had the lamp light. Anyhoo.. I will try to get some good photos with the sun light soon! :)

Thanks again for the suggestions and compliments everyone! :)

06-08-2004, 12:07 AM
How are all 4 getting along?
More pics soooooonnnnn of all of them!!