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06-05-2004, 04:16 PM
I was just flipping through the t.v. channels and there was a news alert that President Ronald Reagan died at the age of 93


06-05-2004, 04:18 PM
I just found out too. He did live to be 93 years old. He certainly had a full and meaningful life.

06-05-2004, 04:31 PM
Alzheimer's is a terrible disease, and now his battle with it is over. Rest in peace, Mr. President.

06-05-2004, 04:38 PM
:( RIP Ronald. In case the younger folks don't know, he was an acclaimed actor before going into Politics.

06-05-2004, 04:54 PM
R.I.P. :(
I've heard very much about him....

06-05-2004, 05:01 PM
R.I.P. Mr. Reagan you will be missed. :( :( :(

06-05-2004, 05:08 PM
R.I.P. Mr. President.

Yes, he was quite the actor in his day, he had a couple of movies I really liked, "Bedtime for Bonzo" and a few others with Bonzo.


guster girl
06-05-2004, 05:46 PM
My heart goes out to Nancy. What an amazing couple. Rest in Peace, Mr. President.

06-05-2004, 05:47 PM
One thing I admired was the way the former first lady, Nancy Reagan, took such care of him with dignity. Until the end, she still invited small groups of friends to have dinner with him, even though he did not recognize them, he surely knew he had friends with him, instead of always dining alone. She was such a good wife to him.:)

06-05-2004, 06:23 PM
Once again I learn a news event from Pet Talk. I have not had the radio or TV on all day. My heart goes out to the family. Now he is whole again in heaven with his beloved daughter Maureen.

06-05-2004, 06:42 PM
I took a vacation from the media and comps for the last few days myself.....

I did hear he wasn't well last night.....


06-05-2004, 06:51 PM
I just found out too! R.I.P :(

06-05-2004, 08:06 PM
OMG. I hadn't heard this.

:( :eek: :(

06-05-2004, 10:49 PM
I always had a soft spot for President Reagan ... and it was so sad to hear that he was suffering with Alzheimer's. Nancy is definitely to be commended for being a loving and supportive wife to him. Rest in Peace, Mr. President! :(

06-05-2004, 11:50 PM
He really is in a better place. His body and mind is at ease. Alzheimers is a horrible disease!!! My grandmother passed away almost a year ago from it. She wanted nothing, but to pass away for so long. It's a very fustrating disease too! :rolleyes: :( :( God Bless President Ronald Reagan for all he has done!

smokey the elder
06-06-2004, 07:38 AM
Rest in peace, Mr. President. Because Ronald Reagan had Alzheimer's awareness and research to understand, treat and maybe prevent or cure it has advanced tremendously.

My favorite Reagan quote: "Mr. Gorbachev, TEAR DOWN THIS WALL!" at a summit at the tail end of the cold war.

06-06-2004, 09:31 AM
I watched a tribute to former President Reagan this morning. It was very touching. I remember it somewhat when I was younger how people loved to watch him on TV, and how they always said the "camera loved him." He sure knew how to be witty in debates as well.

Rest in peace Mr. Reagan.

06-06-2004, 09:45 AM
I heard, actually on here first, last night when I was browsing (I'm really bad about keeping with the news). So sad, but he really is in a much better place now where he no longer has to fight that horrible disease. He lived a long, full life. RIP Mr. President.

06-06-2004, 11:52 AM
I have to say that he's been my favorite president. He was well respected and was very classy when he was president. Sad to know that he'd been fighting Alsheimers for so long. There's not too many men that have been both president and dignified.

06-07-2004, 12:02 PM
I always think of Reagan as the Jelly Bean president because he loved them so much. There were always jars of Jelly Beans on the tables at all his meetings. He was a good president.

Yes, Alzheimer's is an awful disease. I lost my Dad to it in 1999. When a person has it, the family really loses them twice. The first time, when their mind leaves and you are smacked with the knowledge the person you knew and loved has all ready left mentally. The second goodbye is when their body gives out. For me, the first good bye was the hardest.

Nancy took care of him for ten long years. It couldn't have been easy, even with others helping her. I so admire her for that!

Rest in peace Ron! I'm sure there are lots of your favorite flavors of Jelly Beans waiting for you in heaven.

06-08-2004, 01:57 PM
I am so proud of the people here in California...

I was watching reports from the RR library and the surrounding areas...

People have been waiting on the freeway leading to the area for FOUR hours.....No fighting or hassling because of the lines or traffic..

A reporter mentioned that people were taking off their hats and sun glasses when they entered the rotunda where the casket is.......Having been to
dozens of events where the National Anthem is played and seeing people not even bother to get off the cell phone, this is amazing.

People were driving from the neighboring counties to visit the library, some from as far away as San Diego-100 miles, and San Francisco....350 miles...

Sometimes I wonder about the people in the 'Land of the Easily Amused' then something like this happens and my faith is once again restored.

06-08-2004, 05:23 PM
a very difficult ending for a wonderful man.....he was so fortunate in having the wonderful wife/family he had.....he was truly blessed!

06-10-2004, 04:41 PM
Another moment to remember-

Mikhail Gorbachev paying his respects to Reagan.

We lived in crazy times before the Berlin Wall came down..

It was nice to see an old warrior taking the time to say goodbye to another.

06-11-2004, 03:13 AM
This week has been a week of tears and smiles for me.

I lost my dad to Alzhemier's disease almost three years ago.

Hearing of Reagan's death due to the disease opened up some wounds-watching the ceremonies enabled me to lose a little bit of the pain that I held in my heart for the last three years.

When I heard that RR was to leave for Washington from the Point
Mugu Naval Air Station it reminded me of the day we spent at the airshow the military puts on every year.
My dad was beginning his trip home around then.

As I watched the hearse pull on to the tarmac where Air Force One waited for RR to be taken on board it made me think of a Sunday a few years ago.

I took my dad to an airshow at that same airfield years ago.

It was wonderful to see the coverage on the TV. I looked for the area where we both sat and watched the planes.

During the show I would sneak a look at him to see the
reaction on his face.....For some reason I began to think and realized that my time with him was short.

It was a great day.

If you happen to get on the road that heads south from the airbase you will run into some camp ground close to the beach.

Big Sycamore Canyon Campground is a place where I have another wonderful memory of my dad..

We had gone camping for a few days with him and my girlfriend.
Before lunch we decided to go for a walk and asked my dad to go with us. He declined-he wanted to relax and rest...

Before we left I fixed him some lunch and off we went...

On the way back to the campsite I looked and saw my dad, asleep in a chair and surrounded by squirrels.

One was in his lap, eating his potato chips and sandwich, two were between his feet feasting on the spilled spoils- the rest were making squirrel noises waiting for their turn to feast.

As we approached, I called out his name and he awoke, He realized that he was the center of a squirrel feeding frenzyand his face broke into a smile, a smile that was of surprise and realization that he was the the victim of a joke.

A joke straight from mother nature.

As I watched the men of our armed forces carry Reagan's remains
I remember carrying my dad's coffin on the day we buried him.

I thought that my heart would make his body too heavy to carry to his grave.

I was wrong.

The coffin was as light as a feather.

I do remember how heavy he was on the days we had to get him ready for his dialysis treatments.

On that day it was as if he wanted us not to remember his weight-

In our hearts, minds and muscles.....


People have posted messages about having loved ones that are afflicted with this disease.

I hope that when things get tough you remember to be brave, strong and realize that you are not alone at that moment. I hope you think about the people who have gone before you, and the people who will follow in your footsteps.

Be kind, gentle and understanding to your loved ones.

There will be days when you can't go on.

Those are the days when you will get off your knees and move forward.

I know you can do it.

As scary as it sounds, one day we could follow them down that road, and we will want to be treated with compassion and love when we begin our own journey.

I can't tell you about the heartaches you will face.

I can only tell you about the smiles and fond memories when all is said and done.

Thanks and God bless you all.