View Full Version : The poop and run

06-05-2001, 09:34 PM
I can always tell when my cat has gone poop. He will start frantically running around the apartment as if to say, "I'm free!!!"

06-06-2001, 11:06 AM
LOL! That's so cute!

Charlie poops and runs too, but it's because most of the time he's too lazy to bury it and he knows I'm going to reprimand him.

Ben E Gas
06-06-2001, 12:16 PM
LOL! I laughed immediatley when I read this title. I knew exactly what you meant before reading the whole post.

06-28-2001, 06:57 PM
Kitling is guilty of the occasional P&R. He just runs so the other cats don't attack him for producing such a smell!

07-07-2001, 01:24 AM
:D LOL!!!!!!!! My frinds cat does that all the time. One time we came back from a movie and Kelly steped on something and when she looked down she saw poop. she screemed so hard and went to fin d her can't that was hiding. I laughed so hard!

07-12-2001, 09:02 PM
I can certainly relate, as my senior cat Lily does this all the time! She is not very interested in playing anymore so I'm happy when she does exhibit these bursts of energy. I can always tell what to expect in the litter box by her exiting gait!

07-13-2001, 09:42 AM
Um... dogs are even worse! They just lift a leg and.. yeuch! Anyway, @ least they have kitty litter... now if someone would invent doggy litter! :D

07-13-2001, 02:47 PM
Actually I saw a litter system for (small) dogs at Wal-mart. I just wish my peeka-poo would stop going potty on the hall carpet. I'm afraid she's more poo than peek! :p

07-16-2001, 08:49 AM
yeah, that's good. Anyway..... now they have to invent one for big doggies. :D i'm never satisfied. ;)

07-16-2001, 12:09 PM
OMG I had to share this, because it falls in the poop and run category. My friend was telling me about her cat and how sometimes she realizes at the last minute that she has to go potty, so she'll tear off down the hall to the litterbox. Only sometimes she's really cutting it close cuz a little turd will come flying out as she's making a beeline for the litterbox!! We both thought that was just too histerical! She told me that her cat has done that a couple of times. Most of the time she makes it to the litterbox in time though...LOL LOL LOL :D

07-16-2001, 09:37 PM
Wolflady ~
My cat does just the opposite; sometimes she lacks sufficient patience while in the box, so she exits prematurely and I'll find a little turdling out on the carpet, AFTER the act! My carpet is shades of brown, so if I haven't been home to monitor the litter box activities, I must tread carefully when approaching to scoop. :eek:

4 feline house
07-16-2001, 10:19 PM
"Turdling" :D ROTFL :D

07-17-2001, 04:54 PM
Avajoy...LOL LOL LOL! :D I love it!! :D Cats can be so funny sometimes, without meaning to be, ya know?? :) After all, they are here for our amusement....??!! :rolleyes: