View Full Version : Max's Law

Toby's Mommy
06-05-2004, 11:23 AM
I got this email from them and I don't know the whole story, but if you want I think it would be nice to send a letter to these people. Max is a cutie!
If anyone knows the story I would like to here it!

This was the email:

Puppy Max Lives
http://www.savepuppymax.com/images/Family1_03.jpg PUPPY MAX LIVES!!!< Today the Pyon's are relieved! Their beloved family member Max will live! Attorney General Richard Blumenthal facilitated a settlement prior to the hearing today and Max should be ready to go home with his family within the next few days. The agreement is not final but the state and the Pyon's, with the aid of Attorney General Blumenthal, are expected to sign an agreement. The agreement will have rules such as; Max will have to have obedience training, a microchip inserted under his skin for tracking purposes and he will be prescribed medication. Also, the State Senate finally passed the revision of the statute that held Max in custody for so long. This statute will be known as "Max's Law" and will go into effect immediately! From here on out, the state has only 60 days to go forward on a disposal hearing rather than an indefinite amount of time. By the time Max is released from death row, he will have spent seven and a half months behind bars away from his family. What You Can Do: Please write letters to Attorney General Blumenthal, thanking him for stepping up to the plate and once and for all, reuniting Max with his loving family. Attorney General Richard Blumenthal P.O. Box 120 Hartford, CT 06141-0120 Telephone: 860-808-5318 Fax: 860-808-5387 E-mail: [email protected]

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06-05-2004, 12:16 PM
:eek: Max was on death row??? What could that adorable, innocent-looking puppy have done?? O_O
Well I'm glad he got to go home! Phew

06-05-2004, 01:10 PM
Awwww... he's so sweet. what possibly could he have done?

06-05-2004, 02:33 PM
Wow! Whatever could this precious pup have done to have been on death row for over 7 months??? It's hard to understand fully the ramifications without knowing the details, but it sounds like a lot of "dog friendly" legislation was borne out of Max's plight:) Thank goodness he's home:)

06-05-2004, 02:53 PM
My only guess is that he nipped somebody, but I have no clue what Max's story is. I'd love to find out though. Either way, I'm VERY glad to see he's not on death row any longer.

06-05-2004, 02:56 PM
I also wonder what he did. But I think Max's law is a wonderful idea.

06-05-2004, 03:49 PM
I got this PAW update today too. I believe he has some type of mental disorder, hence the reason he needs to be on medication. :( He is such a cutie. I don't know the whole story, but I am glad they spared his life!

06-06-2004, 10:07 AM
This is Max's story: seven months ago he was sleeping when his 12 year-old boy, rushing to go to school, went down to give him a hug. As any dog would, Max was startled and bit the boy in the face. The Animal Control Officer, without much knowledge of the circumstances or dog behavior, immediately took the dog away and condemned him to die. The family, totaly devoted to Max, faught this decision. They took him, at their own expense, to be evaluated at Tufts Veterinary School where is was determined that there wasn't anything wrong with the pup, he was not aggresive by nature.
In spite of this, the town kept Max behind bars. The latest decision was left to the Agriculture Department. In the meantime, the family was paying for boarding Max at a pound nearer to their home so they could go visit him. Not only Attorney General Blumenthal but Governor Rowland too interceded in the case. This made news all over the State, with people being very very mad at the ACO and the town.
However, according to the Hartford Courant in today's edition (June 6), at the hearing yesterday, when it seemed Max could go home, there was a snag in the negotiations. Although the family agreed to the obedience training and medication required, they were not willing to promise not to sue the town. There is another hearing in two weeks.
Now, if Max was not aggresive or neurotic before, how is he going to get over seven months of being in a cage? I do hope that the love of this very devoted family will help him overcome the experience.
I've been following this story from the beginning and it has made me as mad as most of the population of Connecticut.
There's another lesson to be learned from this: teach the children that dogs can react out of fear when they feel threatened by unexpected moves.
It's a good thing that the legislature established the 60 days deadline for a decision regarding dogs held by the state so other dogs and their families will not have to suffer from a similar traumatic experience, but nothing is going to replace the time, in his formative period of life, that poor Max spent alone in a pound.

06-06-2004, 01:10 PM
Haha!! Now that story reminds me of me.. :D :p When I was little, I would always hug my dogs, so when we went to visit a family friend, I went to say 'hi' to their Border Collie and he bit me through the cheek. >.< I bled all over the place and was rushed to the closest hospital, 30 mins away. I got stitches and everything, but unlike most people, I wasn't scared of big dogs or Border Collies after... now I have a Border Collie of my own and he loooves hugs :D hehe The Border Collie that bit me was never impounded.. just checked to make sure he didn't have rabies.. the owner tied the dog up for the rest of the time we were there and that was it. (But I do admit that the whole incident was my fault..)

I'm glad Max got to go home :) Poor pup didn't deserve to stay at the pound for so long.. :(

Toby's Mommy
06-15-2004, 07:00 PM
Thanks for finishing off the story! I am glad that they spared his life!