View Full Version : Laser Light Tag

06-26-2000, 03:47 PM
Our Cats Oscar and Cashmere love to play chase with the laser pointer. You do have to be careful of the eyes, but with that said, they love to run up the walls and jump over the little dot. It is great exercise for them and they really get running.
We go the pointer at a tool store and it was only $6 something. A great investment to motivate our lazy boys.

06-30-2000, 12:50 PM
I use a flashlight with my tabby, Ginger, and she absolutely adores it! She will pounce on it only to be dissapointed at the fact that it is on her back. It drives her insane,but it is good exercise like you said. I'll have to get that laser pointer!

07-22-2001, 08:28 AM
There's something like this under Pet Games... go see~

07-23-2001, 03:48 PM
My kitty looks at your hand with a disgusted look. He is not hi-tech.

4 feline house
07-23-2001, 09:33 PM
My two tuxes love the laser - we make them run in circles and jump up on the wall. Sometimes we even run the pointer across the floor and up one of the cats, so the chaser jumps up on them! Ha ha! They learn really quick, though, that ones it goes onto fur it's no longer fun to chase it!

07-24-2001, 04:07 PM
Livvy loves to chase the laser light. About half the time Cassy does, too. They particularly love to 'chase' it up the sisal post of their cat tree.

I'm not sure what it means, but sometimes Cassy figures out that the metal thing in my hand is the source of the light -- okay, outstanding intelligence :rolleyes: :D and sometimes he seems totally oblivious even though he knew it just hours ago :( :p -- okay, cat paws were not designed to calibrate rockets anyway. (i.e. my furry yum yum might not be cut out to be a rocket scientist, after all. ;) )

I've read somewhere that it was best to end laser light games by playing the light over a soft 'munchy-able' toy so the fur-kids could release their frustrations of the chase there. My two don't seem to need this/want to take advantage of this. Do your fur-kids like this as the end of your laser games?

4 feline house
07-24-2001, 09:03 PM
That's a good idea! They are never done playing when I am, so I'll try that.

07-25-2001, 10:50 AM
I wish my girls enjoyed this game. I haven't tried the laser, but they couldn't care less about the flashlight. :(