View Full Version : I'm so angry & upset!!!

06-04-2004, 05:31 PM
Remember when I posted the picture of the stray that I was feeding that looked just like Stubby? I didn't tell the whole story then because I was blown away by how much they looked alike. Here is the part that I left out...
My cat loving neighbor moved away about two weeks ago. She came and told me that she was feeding this stray mama cat and she pointed her out to me. She called her Blondie and it is Stubby's twin. My former neighbor told me that she was taking her and the babies with her when she moved. She said the babies were going the day she moved and if I still saw the mamma cat not to worry because she was coming back to get her if they couldn't catch her that day. She also told me that her husband was able to pet the mamma but no one else could get close to her. Well, since I've been feeding Blondie/mamma kitty for several weeks now I knew she wasn't coming back to get her. Like I said before I knew I was going to have to trap her and get her to the shelter along with the other male feral I'm feeding. Things got worse last night! Look what showed up for supper with Blondie




Everybody living under our tree

I'm so worried about these babies and I can't get anywhere near them. The little gray one is the bravest and I got the closest to it because it was hungry.
I'm so MAD because my neighbor lied to me! I'm mad because I know these babies will probably get sick if I manage to trap them and take them to the shelter. God only knows if Blondie will ever get out of the shelter because she is not real friendly. I'm furious with the choices I have been left with! It makes me sick but there is no way I can take on any more.

This is the male feral that I'm feeding too. I call him Splotch and I think he is fairly young. He is really cute but very nervous and scared.

Dinner time

Will it ever end?

06-04-2004, 05:49 PM
OMG! They are just too precious! What are you going to do? that is such a stupid person that did that! I hope that you'll be able to catch them and that they can be socialized - I hope momma cat hasn't taught them to be too fearful of humans.

06-04-2004, 07:32 PM
Oh dear, Lisa! :( Those poor babies! If they aren't socialized and pretty soon, they will have a really hard time of it. GOOD LUCK, wish I could help somehow!!!:(

06-04-2004, 07:47 PM
The sooner you can trap the babies, the better. They'll adapt to humans very quickly at this age, but the longer they are taught feral ways by their momma, the harder it will become. You probably know that, huh?

TNR for the adults if they aren't adoptable/adaptable ...

You are right to be angry, but boy those kittens are cute!

06-04-2004, 07:53 PM
They are cute aren't they? I know I have to do something soon or it will be too late for the little ones. I hate to do TNR here because we live in a neighborhood and I'm always so worried about traffic and what to do with them in the winter. It may still be better than the shelter for the two adults. It is going to be a job catching those little ones but I know I have no choice. I just feel so sorry for them. Although, they are having a ball playing in the tree!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

06-04-2004, 09:26 PM

I'm sitting here in CT on my best friend's bed typing on her laptop. I just douldn't stay away from this site even while I'm on vacation.

I cannot believe your neighbor lied to you! They are adorable. I know how frustrated you are, especially now that it's kitten season. I would worry about the TNR. They are so young. Is there ANY way you can get someone to foster them while socializing them? I know it's alot to ask, but those kits DO have a chance. All they need is a little human contact. If that isn't possible, how about taking them to the shelter you volunteer at and offering to help socialize them?at the shelter? That way you don't have to bring them into your house and cause even more chaos with your own furbabies, and they'll have a chance at finding good homes.

I'm sorry you have to go through this, especially with all you've been through with Magoo. Please keep us posted. And hang in there! :)

06-04-2004, 09:38 PM
Funny Donna! On vacation hideaway and checking PT! (I would do the same;) )
CCL- just what you need I know!! But who else can do it better? I sure understand you being angry with that lying neighbor though:mad: I think you had a hunch that this Stubby twin was either preggie or a mamma didn't you? awww..such cute orangie babies too and the braver grey one! Do you you think you'll be able to trap everyone and get homes for the babies at least???

Maybe you should take down that sign on your house - you know the one like Meg has up "Nice Lady and Man Here Who Will Feed and Care For Any Critter in Need" :rolleyes:


PS Enjoy the getaway MooMom!

06-04-2004, 09:40 PM
Thanks Deb!! ;)

06-04-2004, 11:02 PM
Oh no!!! Why would she lie like that? :( That's horrible!!! Plans could have been made when mama cat first had those babies!! :mad:

How old do you think they are? They look at least six weeks old...it might be hard to get them socialized if its not done quickly.

Is the shelter your talking about the one where you got Magoo from? Do they have room?

They sure look happy in that tree...what a precious family. :) I'm glad they have you to feed and worry for them. :)

06-05-2004, 01:04 AM
What a beautiful family of kitties. Hmm, in my area we have several cat rescues and they help set up traps and find foster families for stray kittens and cats or at least get them fixed and up to date on shots for free...

06-05-2004, 07:01 AM
I can get a trap from the shelter and see who all I can catch. I'm going to try to spend some time outside today with a toy on a string. You know babies have a hard time resisting that! Maybe I can get them calmer around me and I will be able to take them in easier than trying to trap them. Mamma and Splotch will be a different story. I really think the best thing for Splotch will be TNR but I'm not sure about Blondie/momma kitty. She will allow me to pet her if I'm sitting over the food that she wants so bad. I have to stretch as far as I can but I can touch her. She doesn't like it but she lets me. I think in a short amount of time I will be able to calm her enough to stick her in a carrier. I might need stitches when we are done but I think eventually I will be able to do it.
I don't know hwo old the babies are. They do look to five or six weeks and they are eating some but obviously nursing enough that they aren't extremly interested in the food just yet. They eat it but not like they are hungry. I would like to give them another week or two with her but only if I can get them used to me. They won't fix them at the shleter until they weigh two pounds so I don't want them staying there any longer than they have to. I'll have to find out if there is a foster available.
I jsut wish I didn't have to work and I had more time to take care of this kind of stuff!!! GEESH! I'll work it out somehow.http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/rolleyes.gif

06-05-2004, 08:31 AM
GEESH! I'll work it out somehow.

Yes you will...we do what we must. It is infuriating though that the neighbor flat out lied to you.
They are all beautiful kitties and they are fortunate for having large hearted people like you who look out for their well being.
Sending lots of good thoughts to you.:)

Ally Cat's Mommy
06-05-2004, 03:35 PM
OMG they are so cute!!! I can understand how upset you must be with your neightbor - I would be livid. How callous of her to (1) leave those gorgeous kittens behind and (2) lie to you and dump the problem on you!!! Some people...grrrr...

I hope you manage to catch them soon - as you and everyone else has said, the earlier they are caught the better chance they have of being socialised.

I usually feed my strays dry food only, and when I am trapping I use a wet food (I think it's Whiskas - comes in individual sachets) - that one seems particularly stinky!! It worked well with Ginger and his sisters, and they were only around 7 to 8 weeks.

Good luck, and thanks for caring for them!

06-05-2004, 10:33 PM
They look at least 8 weeks old if not older. But they have a curious trusting look too which is great. I just caught a mama cat and her 3 12-14 week old kittens tonight by using a large trap and holding the door open with a long piece of rope. They had a light breakfast, so were very hungry by 8 this evening. I had a sneaking suspicion when you posted her picture before that she may have had kittens. They're coming out of the woodwork now arghh! :rolleyes: :eek: :rolleyes:

06-06-2004, 01:44 AM
They sure are adorable.:) I hope you're able to trap them and that the kittens will be able to be socialized. Please keep us updated. Good luck.:)

leslie flenner
06-06-2004, 06:26 PM
so it's good to get them as fast as possible (don't wait for them to trust you so you can grab them- it will take too long and they need human interaction/forced touch soon to turn them around). Trapping them would be a snap if you skip a meal and use stinky food, a rope with a big trap (wait for the whole litter to go in, then let loose of the rope) that way noone sees a litter mate get trapped and it doesn't get dragged out for days on end. They may get a virus at the shelter but I suppose it's better than continuing in their feral state- becoming more and more feral and less adoptable! Have you named them and do they come to your call? Gosh, next time a stray comes around, you're best bet is to throw down some nip so you can see if there is any nursing going on! Poor you, hang in there and ask shelter volunteers if they can help trap and foster! You've done enough already with magoo!!!
Wish I could come help you!