View Full Version : So quiet at my house today...

06-04-2004, 12:57 PM
It is so quiet at my house today. Alden is sick and was up all night running back and forth to the bathroom. He had it coming from both ends (sorry). I feel so bad for him. He swears it was the pizza from Pizza Hut that we had last night. It didn't bother me though, so I don't really think that is it. It was so good too. He says his body aches and hurts so bad. Especially his back, knees and joints. No temp last time I took it though. He is sleeping peacefully now though. I'm glad.

Brandon has been in his room all day. He's probably on his computer also.

The girls have slept ALL day. We did take a pretty good walk last night but didn't think it would wear them out like this. They seem to wake up and just go to another spot to sleep. Tori just came and got me and went out to pee and then curled up on the patio and Katie is sleeping in the middle of the dining room floor.

It is sooooo quiet. It's also a beautiful day in my part of Ohio. My back door is open and all I hear right now is a couple of birds chirping away. I have tons of housework to do, but my excuse is I don't want to make any noise and wake anyone up..lol. Is that a good enough excuse?...hehehe

Pointless thread, I know...just felt like talking..

Robin :)

P.S...Brandon's girlfriend just came in and Katie didn't even go running to greet her :eek: She just gave a little wag of her tail and a sigh. Geesh, I hope they aren't sick also. They seem fine just tired.

06-04-2004, 01:02 PM
Hehe, I like days like that! (minus the sickness.... hope Alden feels better soon!!)

You're lucky to be able to have the house open!! Step one inch outside and you're sweating! House closed up and AC for us.

I just let the pups in.. normally Simba would stay out there for a while in the sun, but he's been asking to come in minutes after I let them out. Simba is now laying in the entry way, on the tile.. and Nala is plopped in the middle of the living room. :p

Oh, and that's a perfect excuse!! ;) :D :cool:

06-04-2004, 02:11 PM
Hi Kay,

Well there is a little more noise now. Alden is up, still feels yucky but better. He still thinks its food poisoning. Does your body get all achey when it is food poisoning? I know that he did eat an apple last night and he didn't wash it off. I hate it when he does that. Could that be it? Katie and Tori are finally waking up. They have eaten and are playing around now.

The weather is really nice here today, Kay. It is 79 degrees with a nice little breeze going so to me it doesn't even feel that warm. I know that Florida can be so muggy and hot. Thats why I don't think I would want to live there all the time. Alden would in a heartbeat though. He loves that weather. Even here in Ohio our A/C is usually on non stop in the summer. I hate to be HOT!!!...lol

Robin :D