View Full Version : Opinions Needed

06-03-2004, 02:42 PM
I am trying out a different way of structuring my website. I would like comments positive or negative :D


The above link nearly complete i'm trying to place an animation of the cat herd in the top right panel. I know it is excessively purple but I love purple :)


The below links are barely started but any comments on the colours are welcome :)




PS. You can move between sites using the Home button on the menu.

06-03-2004, 03:12 PM
I love purple too. :) The worst sites are the ones where you can't read the text because of the colours, but this is certainly readable. What a lovely picture of George and Tigs!

Placing the animation in the top right panel is a great idea! Do you intend to make it the same width as in the left side?

I love that you're doing the "Declawing page"! :D

I'd let the title bar align with the rest. ;)

Copyright is spelled wrong.

The last link under "Read more" in white is difficult to see.

That's all for now. Hope you can use my inputs. :)

Which programme are you using?

06-03-2004, 03:13 PM
I really like the navigation menus, what language/tools did you use to develop them? *my hobby is web design, although my homepage at the moment stinks lol* The purple is awesome, rather easy on the eyes to me anyhow. The way you laid out the frame colors and such is a good idea (making the frames a brighter shade of the background color), it really makes the page distinctive and the frames dont get "lost" *that really annoys me* I like how the frames resize with the browser window, so things don't get cut off.

All in all, really awesome site

And the kitties are cute too :)

06-03-2004, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by Randi
I'd let the title bar align with the rest. ;)

I'm being dim which bit needs aligning ?

I have made the other changes.

On my screen the three columns are 25% 50% 25% so the left and right are equal width...Are you on a 14" screen ?

I am using dreamweaver, poorly ;)

The menu system is adapted free ware from brothercake his site is http://www.udm4.com/

06-03-2004, 05:05 PM
PIF, I've just had a look at your site on John's machine with a 22 inch screen, the width is perfect there. :) So it must be my browser. :( I have a 17 inch screen.

I have never used Dreamweaver, but it's supposed to be one of the best programmes. You're doing quite well so far. :) Just take your time. ;) We have GoLive and Frontpage on our machines.

06-03-2004, 05:32 PM
Looks great! :) I love the colors.

Those pictures of George and Tigs are amazing! I didn't know he got so big all the sudden.

06-03-2004, 06:04 PM
I also have a 17 inch screen and the header on the HOME page appears narrower than the body and the right margin appears narrower - so it must be the screen size. The alternate pages, however - are in perfect balance on my screen:rolleyes: I don't like the color on the declaw site - so drab! Could it perhaps be shades of rose, teal or aqua? (picky picky!!):D
All in all, the site is easy to navigate and very nice!! Loads of information and I have already used it several times as a reference to people for the lost cat poster.

06-03-2004, 06:34 PM
Originally posted by sirrahbed
I also have a 17 inch screen and the header on the HOME page appears narrower than the body and the right margin appears narrower - so it must be the screen size. The alternate pages, however - are in perfect balance on my screen:rolleyes: I don't like the color on the declaw site - so drab! Could it perhaps be shades of rose, teal or aqua? (picky picky!!):D
All in all, the site is easy to navigate and very nice!! Loads of information and I have already used it several times as a reference to people for the lost cat poster.
I wasn't keen on the declawing colours either.

What I did was choose three shades of purple I liked for the main page and them I used the photoshop colour wheel to get the same hues in difference colours.

But the red option (declawing) is dull and I was thing the Green one (Neuter) is a bit bright.

Mmm I'll look into the size problem :)

06-03-2004, 08:01 PM
PIF, I've linked to your site and I think it's very nice. I personally like the softer look and the less cluttered look. It's so much more usable. I hate accessing sites that are jammed packed or have very dark backgrounds or (the worse) both.

By the way, I really wish I had known about your "how to deal with a lost/stray cat" last winter. Luckily, the little stray was adopted in a furever home, but your advice would have helped at the time.

Some notes:

On your home page under Forum:

"Any person can poster in this section without registering or logging in"

Do you mean "post in this section"?

On your home page under Eighth Cat Herd Member:

Sweet Annie, an grey America stray will be...

Do you mean "a grey American stray"?

That's it...I'm not much on web site design, mostly proofreading. I have a coworker who is a champ at graphics, so tomorrow or next week I'll ask her to give a professional opinion!

06-03-2004, 08:16 PM
Thanks AbbyMom, I have corrected those mistakes.

I would love a professional opinion but it is only a basic site :)

06-03-2004, 08:27 PM
I love the color scheme, it is really looks great!

George and Tigs looks so sweet, amazing how much Tigs has grown!


06-04-2004, 05:46 AM
Originally posted by trayi52
I love the color scheme, it is really looks great!

George and Tigs looks so sweet, amazing how much Tigs has grown!


I know what you mean...Here for those who missed the picture here is George with a baby Tigs

06-04-2004, 08:50 AM
I think it looks really good! I like all the color choices because they are very easy on the eye and all the info is to get to. I really like it! Great job and I love the kitty pictures!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

06-04-2004, 10:56 AM
I *think* I have cracked the sizing problem. :D

Could someone check the main screen www.piftails.com with a 17" screen or smaller and tell me if it looks alright.

I have limited the width to 800 pixels so people with big sceen will get white border and smaller screens won't :)

06-04-2004, 08:10 PM
Everything is now all lined up and even - but I have to scroll back and forth to see it all. My monitor is 17 inch and my display properties are set at 800x600. I viewed the code source and see that the table is indeed set at 800 pixels width.
Here is what I think is going on: the jpgs in the center are 457 pixels wide (slightly more than the allotted 50% ratio) - thus pushing the limits of the center table.

06-04-2004, 08:48 PM
Thanks, so I need to reduce the middle photos width and I will have cracked it :D

06-04-2004, 09:18 PM
Originally posted by PayItForward
Thanks, so I need to reduce the middle photos width and I will have cracked it :D
Just my theory Jenny - but it does not explain why ALL the pages now require scrolling back and forth for me- unless the home page serves as a template and is thrown off by the large jpg files? Worth a try I suppose...afterall, the center table should only be 400 pixels width...hmmm....

Anyone else have to scroll???

06-05-2004, 06:21 AM
I've just had a look at my 17" screen, and I have to scroll a little bit to get it all. So ..... a little narrower still. ;)

It's possible to make a page so it will adjust to the width of all screen sizes, I just don't know how.

Edit. I found this: To make sure your new page is very compatible with all browsers and screen resolutions, make your Website 590 pixels wide. This guarantees that everyone will be able to view your Web page the same way.

Great initiative, PIF! :)