View Full Version : adopted a dog

06-02-2004, 07:31 PM

I am new to the board. I have just recently adopted a dog Aussie/pit mix (10 months old). She is full of spunk and very loving it didn’t take long for the family to get attached to her. She seems to be very smart but we are having a few problems with her. We feel she knows what potty means but she insist on going even in front of us in to places in the house. She wants to get up on the counters and trash, we know she knows it’s a no no. Any suggestions?
I have never had an older dog to train.

06-02-2004, 07:44 PM
How long have you had her? Do you know any of her previous history? I would treat her like a pup. Don't let her be alone unsupervised. If she starts to go in the house interupt her and rush her outside then lots of praise.
Why do you feel she knows not to go on the counters or in the garbage? These are very tempting things, especially if the dog has received a payoff from it. It will always remember the good things it got. The best thing to do is keep your counters clear of food items and the garbage out of reach.

Good luck and congrats on your new additon.

06-02-2004, 07:55 PM
Congratulations and Welcome to Pettalk! Can't wait to hear more about your new pupper!

The only suggestion I have is to constantly supervise and be 100% consistant. If she starts to go in the house, pick her up and throw her outside. Once or twice with that, and she will think twice about doing it next time. Also training classes are *very* helpful. Good luck with her!

What is her name by the way??

06-02-2004, 08:15 PM
thanks for the reply, her name is Ally Alice Miser her adopted name was alice and they didn't care for it so we added a first and last name...hahah i know it's weard but we have given all of our pet our last name. she only understood spanish and i know very little but as i said she is quick that's why i know she is just stubborn or spoiled already.

PS we have had her about 1 month... she was raised part by owners and the shelter. And boy does she have problem...poor girl keeps loosing her hair...they say it is a type of maing she was born with...well i'm not sure how to spell it.

06-02-2004, 08:27 PM
As others said, treat her like a puppy - because for all intents and purposes, she is, no matter how large she is.

Consistency, consistency, consistency! Take her out to "do her business" at set times, and just after eating, etc.

I recommend a good basic obedience class - it's as much training for you as for her, and a good place to bond and establish who is in charge (that would be YOU!).

From her breed mix she's probably very, very smart - and so got herself in trouble at her old home when she was bored, most likely! Make sure she has plenty of toys to keep her occupied ... Work every day on training her, just simple commands, but do it every day. It'll give her something to do!

Yup - keeping all food off of countertops, and not letting her in the kitchen unsupervised or uncrated will be the only was to reinforce no "counter surfing" - and remaining ever vigilant!

I bet Alice is a beauty, and once you work on establishing rules and boundaries, she'll be a great dog for years to come.

06-02-2004, 08:37 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk! Post a picture of Ally when you can! I think you already got some good advice here. Keep an eye on her cause it will take a while before she really learns what behavior is acceptable and what isn't. Consistency is very important or before you know it she will have you very well trained!

Good luck!

06-02-2004, 09:04 PM
thanks everybody. I will get a photo, i think she is a cutie.
night night all

06-03-2004, 07:41 AM
Hi Tammy and welcome to Pet Talk! Your Ally Alice sounds just like a spunky puppy. She's just starting her training a little later in life than many. It's NEVER too late, though. I think limiting access to certain areas of your home until she is completely housebroken will help. And remember to always use positive reinforcement with her. Dogs seem to do much better when the good things are praised, either with pats and loving words, or even the occasional treat!

I hope she will "get it" soon. Just make sure she goes outside on a regular schedule and praise her like all get out when she "goes" outdoors. I have also always been told to get them to do their business first, then play, not the other way around.

Is your vet treating the mange? I think it can be controlled, but it takes a while. I've never had to deal with that before, but I can imagine it would make her quite uncomfortable. Makes me itch to think about it!!!

Can't wait to see pictures.


06-03-2004, 04:08 PM
Hi everyone I do appreciate the responses. We have decided that the two places that she chooses to go at one time had a litter box. This seems to be the only place she goes and it is never # 2. So maybe she is trying to mark it but she is a female and fixed so go figure.
The vet did tell me that she would grow out of the hair thing and it really doesn’t seem to bother her. Poor girl had an eye infection and some weird type of bug when we got her. We only had her 3 days when we took her to the vet and was already attached to her. My first thoughts were…another baby what was I thinking…hahaha. I had originally decided on getting a dog when we found out my son was allergic to our cat. He was heart broken when we had to find her another home. He has some allergies to the dog but not like he did with the cat. They are buds and fight just like a brother and sister, they fight for the attention, toys, who gets what side of the sleeping bag….he sure does love her though.
Well I took up enough of your time
Talk to you soon

06-03-2004, 07:23 PM
and welcome to the world of shelter dogs. Two things come to mind:

1. She is so happy to be in a home that she is trying to mark her "territory". It is up to you to let her know what is acceptable and what is not acceptable.
2. Sometimes shelter dogs (because they have been in kennels) don't understand that parts of the house are not the other end of the kennel. When dogs are housed in a kennel - they take one end of it and think of it as "outside the living environment" so they can poop and pee. When they get into a home, they tend to see a part of the house as that area (especially if there are other urine smells).

Both issues are solved by the same techique. If she goes outside - praise her to high heaven "GOOD DOG - GREAT DOG - WHAT A TERRIFIC DOG - HAVE A BISCUIT". If she goes in the house just say "Oh - no" take her outside and when she goes "GOOD DOG - GREAT DOG - WHAT A TERRIFIC DOG - HAVE A BISCUIT"

You might try leash bonding her for a couple of days. Have a leash on her and attached to your wrist 24/7 for a few days. That way she is always in your sight and you can correct her and praise her as necessary.

Good Luck

06-03-2004, 10:16 PM
You might try leash bonding her for a couple of days. Have a leash on her and attached to your wrist 24/7 for a few days. That way she is always in your sight and you can correct her and praise her as necessary.

Great tips on your site! We have trained her to sit and shake a paw. You know I thought of the leash training, but she cries me out. She thinks we are going bye. She loves the car and when we don't go she doesn't get it. HAHA i guess i just need to get a back bone.
and you all have cute pets.