View Full Version : Separation Anxiety

06-02-2004, 11:16 AM
Hi all,

After six long months of being laid off I am finally going back to work on Monday. I'm really looking forward to working again.

During the time I was off, our cat developed a cancerous tumor on her paw and had to be put down. Needless to say, we were devastated. Since then, we've adopted two boys who we have come to love and cherish. Being home all day, I especially have bonded with The Boys.

Having said that, how am I going to cope with going back to work and not seeing them all day long? It's going to be heartbreaking having to leave them in the morning and not see their happy little faces for upwards of nine hours!

How could I possibly tear myself away from these two creatures?

Although I'm very much looking forward to working again, I will miss them so much.


06-02-2004, 11:25 AM
Aww, what cuties. I'd have a hard time leaving them too.

This past year I've been gone a lot taking care of my parents (10-12 hour days sometimes). I noticed that both I and the cats were having a hard time of it. They must spend most of that time I'm a way sleeping because they would be waiting for me at the door wired and ready to play. I could really tell they missed me, especially little Scout.

Congrats on going back to work and you all will adjust with time. Just be ready to give those adorable boys lots of extra attention when you get home.